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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/19 in all areas

  1. G’day NOPE for this day
    7 points
  2. 7 points
  3. NOPE !!!! Not Today ...
    6 points
    6 points
  5. 6 points
  6. So came across this today when I fell into a Google hole. There are some very interesting points raised here... And saddly I believed many of these before educating myself ....used quite a few to justify my smoking. https://blogs.bmj.com/tc/2016/03/23/20-myths-about-smoking-that-will-not-die/
    5 points
  7. a bottomless cup of NOPE
    5 points
  8. 5 points
  9. 5 points
  10. I, along with many, believed that smoking chilled me out and would reach for a smoke to calm me down. It was a colossal revelation when I learned that I was only relieving the anxiety caused by low nicotine levels !
    5 points
  11. New dish alert. Steak and haggis pie. Oh my god it was AMAZING!!! Really delicious.
    5 points
  12. Welcome hesteralumni, you can't quit cigs because you're telling yourself you can't. We are all proof that you can quit, you just have to know it too. Smoking is a gnarly addiction no doubt about it but so is meth and you gave that up right? I kept telling myself that all (good?) things must come to an end and it was time for cigs to end too. It wasn't always easy, I smoked for 35 years, but with the help of a support group like you have here it is totally doable. Good on you for taking the first step and signing up. Stick close, read our threads about addiction and maybe even check out the celebrations forum to see all the successful quitters we have here, how's that for motivation?
    5 points
  13. 2,152.days smoke free !!!!....and still counting ....
    5 points
  14. Eating dinner ... So the guess who cooked dinner in my house.... It's a huge upgrade from cheese toasties, 2 minute noodles (ramen) and tinned tomato soup.... Verbal critique: Omg this is grouse, tastes so good. You must be really learning stuff in food tech (home ec) non-verbal critique: mash spuds, watery, and yet lumpy with an odd taste...snags bloody perfect, beans pretty good but cold, kumera chips too salty and soggy...gravy different.... So the mash...got confused, and used whole egg mayo instead of sour cream.."they are both white". Kumera chips (I give mine a quick spray and then cook in the oven....she boiled them in water full of stock cubes, then shallow fried them in drippins)...and the Gravy....she added Vegemite and tomato paste for flavour, then couldn't get it to thinken up so added an egg yolk. The tomato sauce (ketchup) smiley face was because "plating is important mum, you eat with your eyes first"....
    5 points
  15. Evening fellow NOPErs, so it's a pretty uneventful day but all the number crunchers and tax accountants down here are getting ready for their new year tomorrow. There's lots on tomorrow...but diddly today...so that means fun facts.. Koalas...did you know that they sleep a minimum of 18 hours a day and that their fingerprints are virtually indistinguishable from humans fingerprints....and that over 50% of them have clamydia and research suggests that they originally contracted it from sheep.....and no it's not what you imagining....the sheep poop n wiz contaminated there food source, what you need to ask yourselves is how the sheep got it...and wonder why we stopped importing them from the east islands. Nope...not today, tomorrow or yesterday.
    5 points
  16. 5 points
  17. Same here. I rolled out those two old tropes "we're all gonna die of something" and "nobody gets out alive" to justify my addiction on a regular basis. As an addict, you have to learn to turn a blind eye to your own bullshit. Fortunately, I eventually got tired of that guy in the mirror lying to me every day. That was when I was able to start making some positive changes in my life.
    4 points
  18. Addiction and conditioning. It's the same trap we all fell in. If I read your post correctly, you smoked your first cigarette immediately after having sex for the first time. That is doubling down on the dopamine right there. Lighting up the pleasure center of the brain like that during the formative years of your life is bound to create a mental link between the two activities that leaves you wanting more of both. With a bit of reinforcement of the behavior, smoking after sex, you have conditioned your brain in such a way that it will naturally link the two activities. The good news is: you can rewire your brain and create new neural pathways. Neuroplasticity is your friend here. As for the haze and glorified memories of past smoking experiences that end up with you buying a pack of smokes, that's just addiction. Plain and simple...addiction. If you continue to buy cigarettes when these thoughts occur, you will keep the cycle going. If you resist the temptation and don't buy cigarettes, the roar of addiction will fade to a whimper and eventually go silent. You can. It is simply a matter of making a choice and committing to it. Addiction and self-doubt kept me smoking well past the age you are at now. Don't make the same mistake I did.
    4 points
  19. Welcome aboard. Read all you can here about this addiction ,what keeps you hooked ... It may answer a few of your questions ....knowledge is power ..
    4 points
  20. Reading this was an eye opener on a couple of the points and I actually bought into a couple of them when I was a smoker. I am kind of ashamed to admit that when I was younger I kind of fell into the "we all have to die of something" myth so why not smoking -- some of the stupid things that I did. Anyway I have quit and my eyes are opened to what smoking really does -- help keeps me grounded!!!
    4 points
  21. Yep...I 'needed' to smoke to control my anxiety....can honestly say my anxiety is better as a non smoker. Smoking just amplified my anxiety. I had given up everything else, so it was the only thing I had left....oh and biggest myth I told myself, it was better for the kid if I kept smoking because I would be too agro trying to quit to be a good mum.
    4 points
  22. Welcome aboard @hesteralumni23. Looking at the positive side of things, you want to quit at a very young age and that's good. The other thing is that you are successfully able to overcome initial withdrawal and stay away from cigarettes (if at all for a few months, but you have been able to stay away from them). Also, you have successfully fended off drug addiction. The nicotine in cigarettes is also a drug (its a legal drug). Talk to as many people as you can here on the board. You already have a good list of reasons for quitting smoking permanently, so write them down (remember to quit for yourself though). I would also recommend that you watch Joel's videos on relapsing. Take the Nope pledge and take things a day at a time. While different people have different reasons to take up a drug (legal or illegal), taking them to look cool is definitely not the right one. Also, feel free to post an S.O.S when you need to. All the best!!!
    4 points
  23. There is more than one road to Rome .....just get yourself there....
    4 points
  24. To each his/her own
    4 points
  25. Don't you worry about a thing, Parsley ! It is a great topic and the cream will rise to the top in the thread. Some people are planners and successful with their plans. I am not a planner and have a successful quit running. I think making the choice to quit, committing to your quit and educating yourself about addiction are essential. To plan or to quit spontaneously makes no matter, just a personal choice.
    4 points
  26. NOPE - I do not smoke anymore. Life is so much better without the addiction.
    3 points
  27. Welcome hesteralumni23. I am very impressed that you realize the need to quit at your age. You sound like a girl who is confident in who you are and what is best for you. I think quitting should be easier for you. Know that we are here to support you along the way. Stay close to the forum and read as much as you can about the addiction. Read what other quitters have posted about their quitting journeys. You can do this sweetie.
    3 points
  28. G’day NOPE starts my day
    3 points
  29. Welcome aboard, hesteralumni23. The cycle of quitting and relapsing is a really tough one. You are so much better off by quitting for good, especially at your age. A lot of great advice has already been given. Read up as much as you can on this site about nicotine addiction. The more you understand it, the more equipped you are in beating the addiction for good. Also, keep reaching out to us when you are struggling. You can quit for good and education and support really help. Both can be found here.
    3 points
  30. This might help hesteralumni….. https://www.quittrain.com/topic/10000-no-mans-land/
    3 points
  31. ^^^^^^ This is a step you will have to focus on as it comes up and really fight the crave. The good thing is that you are aware of that major crave, what needs to be done now is how to educate yourself and there is a lot of information on this site that can help. When that crave comes on take a few minutes to really think about it, take a walk, or better yet come to this site and post a "SOS" like what you done today then wait and read the replies. Sometimes just letting people know you are having a hard time can help you focus more and the feedback you get will try and help you get thru the crave. It is a hard one but if you commit and seek advice you can get thru this!!!!
    3 points
  32. friggin' Zappa, man...and live !
    3 points
  33. Welcome ! You can quit, @hesteralumni23. When you make the choice and commit to that choice you will quit. All the good associations and memories you have will still be there without smoking. You will be able to separate them from the addiction. Educate yourself. Commit to yourself. You will succeed. This thread may be helpful to you, 10 Ways To Effectively Use This Forum To Quit Smoking
    3 points
  34. Hi hesteralumni, After reading i recognize the cycle. Its self destruction, after a long quit i have blown a good 10 quits this same way. I'd go 2-3 weeks boom have a couple of ciggs get to the point of a few months do it again. I also ventured into alcohol, my mindset was way off and i was in a bad place mentally. Each time i relapsed it was F-IT with the same physical and mental feeling after . There's is a lot of people like this so dont feel alone but when we as humans get self destructive its how we deal with fear. You moved over to coke and meth and i have never used them so i have 0 experience with those drugs. I would recommend you look into a meeting in your area, i know these forums are the easy way as some are shy and or embarrassed to go in person but you'll find support and understand why you have jumped into coke and meth. As far as the smoking, come here and when you hit that low self destructive point stop by and someone will be here for you to talk to and help you through that hurdle . The coke and meth ive seen people beg for help and they truly couldn't stop why i mention a meeting, you're very young with a lot of life ahead and we all make mistakes.
    3 points
  35. You're asking for vacation pictures of Bakon in Florida? Careful what you wish for.
    3 points
  36. NOPE - I don't smoke anymore.
    3 points
  37. Congratulations @Moonglyn on your second month smoke free! I hope you do something special to celebrate this awesome achievement
    2 points
  38. well i know why i jumped into coke and meth. its why i started smoking too. it felt like being part of a secret club of smokers and potheads and cokeheads and tweakers and gay girls. i know htats so stupid, being gay and getting into deadly and addictive drugs arent the same thing, but at 14, i thought they were. at 15, though, i saw drugs make me lose my first gf and stoped associating getting high with being gay also, its easy to stay away from coke and meth when i dont know where to get them anymore. and its easy to stay away from weed b/c i can't go to school or work high if i want to get anything done. and it was easy to throw away my fake id to stay away from cigarettes, but now im legal and can buy them. shit. i just dont understand The Haze i go into every few months where its like im in a dream as i go to the smoke shop and buy my belmonts. i dont understand how i can go 90 days without wanting to smoke, without thinking of smoking, with walking away whenever someone starts smoking, and then suddenly I NEED A PACK. and i dont undersstand why i keep doing it when I know that by thefifth cig, i'm going to feel sick enough to throw up. ugh.
    2 points
  39. Welcome aboard, glad to have you along. A lot has already been said. You can do this, just come here often to educate yourself on how to get over the crave (small and big) and commit yourself. Also doing the NOPE pledge each day can help keep your mind focused for that day. You have a good grasp on why you smoked just turn that around and look at all the positives for quitting. You can do this and if you get to that 3/4 month mark come on here and give a shout!!!!
    2 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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