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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/19 in all areas
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Nope, for tomorrow as well. Btw, what if we had a feature on the Train called the "NOPE Pledge Calendar"? Members of the Train could get a daily notification to go and mark a checkbox on the calendar (visible only to members of the Train) and the notification will go away once the pledge is made. Supposing a member forgets to make their daily pledge or can't for some reason, the notification for that day will go away the following day...no one would want an accumulation of notifications of pledges not taken, that would be annoying. Also, some may want to enable the NOPE pledge calendar while some may not. So members can be asked if they want to sign up to the calendar for the daily NOPE Pledge as well. This calendar will be individually customized to the time zone each member lives in. It will remove the confusion of mixed up dates and will be a more organized way of having the Nope Pledge feature on the Train. Just a thought. As such, I am OK with the NOPE pledge feature as it is now.5 points
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Good morning NOPErs....I see our resident Seafarer hit the terps yesterday for Global Seafarers' Day or did he??? We keep telling you peeps us Aussies live in the future.......but do you believe us nope, it's real heard remembering to trim a year when we talk dates....soooo 26th of June is Helen Keller Day a day for celebrating the achievements of this great woman but also a day for recognising and celebrating our own triumphs over adversities...so we may not all have surmounted being deaf and blind from birth but by Noping for the rest of our lives there is something to celebrate, so our adversity (nicotine addiction) was self induced...doesn't mean that quitting and keeping our quit is not an achievement we should not be rejoicing. NOPE.... Today, tomorrow, forever.5 points
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Ok...when I quit, I had a plan....date and time and supplies. My husband quit spontaneously. I am trying to help a friend quit....she has tried several times spontaneously "this is the last one"...... Everyone is different of course but how did you do it ? plan.....no plan. ?3 points
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lol, i saw dave missed i set one up A double NOPE a day keeps the Nicotine away!!!3 points
2 points
Hey @Ankush those are some great ideas...but the NOPE threads serve a purpose for non movers too...there are many who read these and it can be the final straw they need to decide to quit...when I first quit I think I read the nope threads every day for a month then for a few weeks I'd like everyone's NOPEs but I just couldn't make the post myself because E=ever...and it took reading someone explain how the E for them meant ever again, or just for today, for me to get past that psychological hurdle. The Nope threads are one of my faves. And while I know I am defo in the odd category there must be others out there like me.2 points
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Buy stock in the Co? http://www.ladbible.com/community/weird-a-french-inventor-is-selling-pills-that-make-farts-smell-nice-201906262 points
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Sorry to be late here .... Hello and welcome aboard this fabulous Train .... Congrats on your decision to take your life back .... Stay close ....and the magic will happen ... You can do it !!!!!2 points
Thanks for all the replies , That was very close , because i don't usually buy cigarettes even when i have cravings . This time i bought cigarettes , but i was able to throw it away just in time before i lighted it up .2 points
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They want it they'll find a way but its a start.1 point
According to the US Centers for Disease Control, more than one in five middle and high school teenagers vape. San Francisco's e-cigarette ban is a message to the FDA to fix that problem https://www.wired.com/story/san-franciscos-e-cigarette-ban-aims-fda1 point
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Good job sticking to your quit. I am glad you had the power to throw them out. Cigarettes do nothing to serve you!1 point
1 point
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