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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/19 in all areas
7 points
Woohoo it's Friday...nothing beats a NOPE on Friday...well some things do, but ya know, mixed company and all . So not only is today smoke free but it is also Bourban Day ... Ye it's a thing, so even in the drinking days was not really a fan but millions of peeps around the world love this stuff so thank you America....see technically, if you are an alcohol snob, to be considered a Bourban it must be made in the USA and have at least 50% corn, which is what gives it that distinct taste.... So happy Bourban day. NOPE....cause I deserve to breath easy.6 points
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Thursday 13th June is Sewing Machine Day... Did you know that the sewing machine is a French invention from the 1830s? Well it is. It wasn't that long ago that every house had a sewing machine, now not so much. But if you do have one, pull it out and have a go, busy work on the machine is a great way to kill a crave. NOPE.... Not today, tomorrow or ever again.5 points
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Congrats Pearlie on your 3rd full year being smoke free! Drop by and let us know how you're enjoying that smoke free life3 points
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Day 24 ugh feel up and down achy and foggy , going into docs tomorrow to get checked for lyme since i had it last year and live in the catskills. LOL my road is called deer lane tell you anything lol. But hell no to the ciggies again. Cant believe i would even want to smoke ever again after all this lol2 points
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