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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/19 in all areas
6 points
6 points
G’day Not One Puff Ever ( replace ‘ever’ with min, hour, day as apropriate....string them back to back and you have an “Ever”)5 points
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In my addiction, the morning was the time of day when I would bang out 4 or 5 cigs. with a cup of coffee and watch the news before work. This morning I realized that my routine is still the same minus the cigs and my flesh is not screaming/crawling for one!! I was so happy because my first few days of my quit that was the most difficult for me. You all said it would get easier and it is. I just wanted to share that with you. Thank you4 points
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3 points
G’day Not One Puff Ever ( replace ‘ever’ with min, hour, day as apropriate....)3 points
3 points
So....besides believing that Die Hard is the best Christmas movie ever made....I have a stack of movies I have willingly watched way more than 2 times...enough that I quote them a lot... Amistaad Bad Boy Bubby Breaker Morant The Breakfast Club Bridge Over The River Kwai Calamity Jane Cosi Escape to Victory Gallipoli Invictus Labyrinth Little Voice The Man From Snowy River Miracle Pans Labyrinth Paradise Road Phar Lap The Princess & The Cobbler Remember the Titans The Replacements Two Hands The Year of Living Dangerously3 points
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And we will be right her holding you up. Just keep posting and we will be here. Lilly you can do this.2 points
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I probably would check with your doctor. I'm no expert but isn't champix supposed to do something to the nicotine receptors. If the idea is to make you dislike smoking adding loads more nicotine would surely be almost fighting against what it does. As I say I'm no expert. Give the champix a chance to do its thing. It's clearly working so see where you are in a few days more. I know in my quit smoking clinic they advise eating half yiur breakfast, then take the champix, then finish your breakfast. It apparently helps to stop the nausea feeling IF you get that.1 point
1 point
Thank you Jillar. I don't want to sound like I'm over-the-top with this, but no one could have told me that this was possible FOR ME!! I was a tough little mama about my cigarettes! Not anymore, I am a non-smoker and I'm LOVING IT Hey Ethan, we can chalk it up to the foggy brain. LOL1 point
Hi, my quit date is March 12, 2019. I quit smoking before I joined the group and then I was having problems setting the darn thing!! But thank you Ethan I am looking onward and upward No I didn't relapse Do you know how I can correct that1 point
1 point
Happy 9 months to you @Linda Thomas! Great job- you are so supportive here and this is a great celebration!1 point
It's that time.....check in you bunch of window lickers and glue eaters...all short bus riders, islanders, cannucks, Mexican amigos and train riders....anyone from Ohio and cattle states...plus eggs and boxshitter owners. People who have not been associated with any of the above names/placed, your cousin called and said it's ok to be late for dinner (check in here first cause you probably just don't know your a label licker too) Bakon1 point
Avatar Lord of the Rings Batman -- any The last three Star Wars Harry Potter movies and the list goes on!!!1 point
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Did he watch The Blues Brothers and Airplane too? Those are a couple I forgot to put on my list.1 point
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