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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/19 in all areas

  1. Happy Smoke Free Day! NOPE!! To all who observe, Happy Easter!!!
    9 points
  2. G’day thats a NOPE for me C
    9 points
  3. NOPE! for today. (NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! for last week :D)
    9 points
  4. Thank you Garry, good to see you too!
    9 points
  5. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good to see you here Hope2Nope. We were about the same time on the QSMB and good to see your hanging in there.
    9 points
  6. ^^^^^ Yipper can agree with that Octain!!!!!
    8 points
  7. Nope No “cigarette” smoking on 4-20.
    8 points
  8. NOPE - I don't smoke anymore. Happy Easter!
    7 points
  9. Congratulations @Tammy for being 10 months smoke free. Well done on reaching double figures. You should be so proud of how far you have come from when you first quit ten whole months ago. The support you give to others, both coming behind and in front of you is inspirational. So work has been full on giving you less time here, but you still pop in when you can and we all rejoice. Make sure you do something extra special to celebrate this anniversary, double figures is such an achievement.
    6 points
  10. 6 points
  11. 6 points
  12. 6 points
  13. 6 points
  14. It is medicinal legal in Ohio. My neighbor got some and says it works great on the joint pain. It is also suppose to work on anxiety. Being a nervous ninny, I might try some. I am not a drinker and quite boring these days. Maybe it will be a way to spice up our elderly years. My husband was just reminiscing about our younger camping days and me wanting to skinny dip. Maybe this should be in the confessions area!
    5 points
  15. When I leave my "piss in the cup before we stop the bleeding job" later in this year, I`m going to get my legal in Arizona medical card for pot. I won`t smoke it because when I did and I never was a heavy pot smoker I always smoked cigs. I will stay with the chocolate with Martian5. Don`t trust myself enough. No smoke means no smoke. In my case, it doesn`t matter if I`m smoking pot or cow shit. No smoke is no smoke.
    5 points
  16. 5 points
  17. Here's my level of stupidity. I actually started smoking regularly (not daily, that came 4 yrs later) while on chemotherapy when 18 yrs old. My thinking at the time was I had contracted this disease, came within inches of dying, might still die (doctor didn't make any guarantees) and had never smoked at all beyond 2 or 3 experimental cigarettes previously, so what did I have to lose? I still can't answer that question and I can't honestly say I would've done anything different in that time and place in my then state of mind. That was 3 and half decades ago. Obviously I'm still around, and am closing in on 3 yrs quit. I finally realized that it was possible I might get cancer again and wouldn't be so lucky as I was the first time. Knowing what I know now, if I had a time machine (which I am working on) I would definitely go back to that time and place to tell myself I would survive and don't start smoking.... and also invest whatever money you have in Microsoft and Apple.....
    4 points
  18. If you try it Linda, stock up on munchies first lol!
    4 points
  19. 3 points
  20. I've never tried it ...so I carnt comment ...but ...whatever rocks ya boat ...as long as it's not Nicotine and a thousand poisons..... It's still illegal in the UK ....but if someone wants to post me a brownie ...Shhhh.....lol.....
    3 points
  21. G’day NOPE makes my day C
    3 points
  22. Smoke it, vape it or eat it. It’s a wonderful life. Do whatever you did before you quit smoking (nicotine). Just don’t smoke cigarettes. Period. Simple. Luckily for me, cannabis is not a trigger(anymore). At least smoking weed does something for you LOL. Cigarettes do nothing for us. They take away our money, our health and our time. HAPPY 420!!
    3 points
  23. @Linda Thomas but at the time, when you were fighting a battle for your life you weren't in the position emotionally to stage a war on two fronts....at the time the battle of the pink ribbon was the one that counted....but you are a different person now than then....now the time is right for this battle.
    3 points
  24. Happy 420....why not get baked without smoking....make some special brownies or cookies..
    3 points
  25. Since we are on the road camping, I just made a huge realization. I swear my husband has to drain the lizard every 60 miles. I never used to mind that because that was my time to have a smoke. This trip, I am finding myself quite irritated with every stop. Let us just get on the road and go. Okay, that is off my chest. I don't think I could have shared that nonsmoking experience with him!!!!!
    2 points
  26. Since we share a quit date will you share your time machine? I'd love to get in on all that too!
    2 points
  27. So I despise big tobacco, but not because I was stupid enough to buy their lies...that's all on me...I'm angry with them because they think it's acceptable to profit from making people sick, they know the product they sell addicts the users, they know the product hurts and kills them and yet they see no issue continuing to profit from others misery, even innocent bystanders...that's what pissed me off. They know and they don't care...they want people addicted...just don't know how they look at themselves in the mirror and say "I'm good people". I share this 100/%.... How can you justify ,knowing millions have died because of your product....and you are targeting children .....beggars belief ..... Dirty money ...
    2 points
  28. @notsmokinjo I can't quote on my cell phone but what you said about getting sick and not giving in to going back to smoking says a lot. I always was so ashamed that I smoked through breast cancer. I would run in for my 15 min. radiation and then leave and light up. Looking back it was kind of defeating the purpose. That was not enough to scare me off cigarettes. I am not looking back. I am only going forward with the hopes of gaining as much life as I can.
    2 points
  29. Happy 420. Smoking is rough but sometimes I get a hankering for some "special" chocolate !!!!!
    2 points
  30. ^... Don't waste your energy on regret...what's done is done, why can't go back on time and change what we did but we can control what we do .... We have quit, we do not smoke, we have made the right choice....celebrate this decision don't waste time and energy regretting your past decisions it is negative energy and a waste of all your free time you have taken back Have pride in you choice to quit and tenacity to stay quit, don't waste a moment feeling shame or regret it will achieve nothing. Sadly for some of us we may have left it too late, but for many of us we have avoided that one ciggie that was the cincher....but for me when I got sick early in my quit and I faced treatment and I thought about smoking, (I mean what was the point in staying quit I was already sick), but you know what...I want to leave this life free of an addiction that controls me....I want to go out the master of myself. @Rozuki I'm sorry for you and your friend. So I despise big tobacco, but not because I was stupid enough to buy their lies...that's all on me...I'm angry with them because they think it's acceptable to profit from making people sick, they know the product they sell addicts the users, they know the product hurts and kills them and yet they see no issue continuing to profit from others misery, even innocent bystanders...that's what pissed me off. They know and they don't care...they want people addicted...just don't know how they look at themselves in the mirror and say "I'm good people".
    2 points
  31. Nope Easter Blessing to you and your families!
    1 point
  32. Congratulations Dizzy, One month done is awesome
    1 point
This leaderboard is set to New York/GMT-05:00

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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