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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/19 in all areas

  1. Happy birthday @catlover!!
    11 points
  2. Greetings fellow NOPErs... and welcome to Labour Day (well if you live down under, and live in Victoria or Tassie). Did you know depending on where you live in Australia there are 4 possible dates that you can be celebrating labour or eight hour day? Well its true, but here's the hot ticket, the Vics are on the money.... did you hear that?, that was the sound of all the hairs standing up on the back of Cbdave's neck.... the rest of Australia just refuses to except the fact that the Vics are the best but its true.... take Labour Day... why do we celebrate it (anywhere in the world).... we celebrate it to recognise the achievements of the labour and union movements of the world. The celebration of Labour Day has its origins in the eight-hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest. On 21 April 1856 Stonemasons and building workers on building sites around Melbourne, Australia, stopped work and marched from the University of Melbourne to Parliament House to achieve an eight-hour day. Their direct action protest was a success, and they are noted as the first organised workers in the world to achieve an eight-hour day with no loss of pay, which subsequently inspired the celebration of Labour Day. But why if the march that won the battle took place on 21 April do we celebrate on 2nd Monday in March.... because it was on this day, a year later that legislation was passed in parliament that all works, not just trades men, would receive the benefits of an 8 hour day. Smoko doesn't have to mean having a smoke. NOPE!
    9 points
  3. Hi everyone, sorry for not being able to login. Have been in weird weather Dallas for the last few days, annual break to celebrate my niece's birthday (the elder one turned 5) and to spend time with the second one who's gonna turn four months in a couple of days. Haven't fallen off the train for sure. Hope all of you lovely people are doing good.
    8 points
  4. Nope. Smoking is not an option.
    8 points
  5. Congratulations @Icanhike for being 1 month smoke free! Well done Icanhike on making your way through the entire first month of your first year smoke free. This is the hardest month and you have made it with flying colours. It is our honour to have you here sharing your journey, already you are paying forward with the support you offer to others. Here is to the first of many celebrations. Woohoo.
    7 points
  6. 1. Get 20 popsicle sticks 2. Write a reason to quit on each stick 3.Take an empty cigarette pack ~ and fill it with the popsicle sticks. Every time you feel like lighting up, pull out a reason to quit instead
    7 points
  7. 7 points
  8. 7 points
  9. 7 points
  10. 6 points
  11. I am sorry but, not surprised to hear you relapsed, Lilly. You dropped red flags all over the place. That is one of the reasons why I asked you about your quit , earlier in this thread. I thought if you were encouraged to stay current with yourself, you might avert another relapse. The responses from this community have been spectacular. Please take them all to heart. Addiction is a serious business and it takes being brutally honest with yourself, which turns out to be one of the best rewards. I am sorry you are waiting until Wednesday. I bet those last few smokes are going to be scrumptious (not). Wednesday is not a magical day that ensures a successful quit, you know. If you don't commit to yourself and your quit you might as well forget it. Will you educate yourself about your addiction ? I know you think you are educated 'enough' but, it obviously isn't sinking in. Education will help you separate from addiction. You can begin to understand your actions and feelings through the withdrawal process instead of acting out. Education gives you Power. So does quitting. Freedom from nicotine opens up a whole new world of self-respect and confidence and the ability to honestly Trust yourself. All of which will benevolently change you. Please give your quit and yourself a chance.
    6 points
  12. Thank you everyone for your replies. I did hit the self destruct button like I always do and after being up for an hour I smoked. I didn't SOS because I knew nobody was going to stop me and I didn't want to go through the motions and waste everyone's time. Do you know what breaks my heart right now? It's not smoking, it's not that I'm a complete failure - it's you people. I'm throwing away quit after quit and you all care more about me than I do about myself. I'll be honest and say I thought Jo, Doreen and Reci had completely washed their hands of me and my quits. When I saw all your names I couldn't help but cry. Reci I have already received some news about my lungs. Nothing is confirmed at this stage it is just what my Doctor thinks could be wrong. They want to wait six weeks before they do the tests so my chest is recovered from this illness. So this morning after reading all your messages I went to see a Quit Smoking Counsellor. She wants me to use patches for the full 12 week course as she thinks this will appeal to my OCD. Following programmes is something I usually flourish with and I like to see them through. So I will be back when I start this on Wednesday which is No Smoking Day in the UK. Again picking a special day also appeals to my OCD Thank you again. You have no idea how much you all make a difference to other peoples lives x
    6 points
  13. 5 points
  14. Thanks for the sun! An amazing thing happened, after 25 days off nicotine, I didn't mind the cloudy weather anymore. I also started taking a lot of vitamin D, so that may have helped, but I have a more cheerful viewpoint on life without nicotine. I'm really glad the Colorado River is getting some water, and I think California's out of the "drought" category. So I won't be whining anymore about bad weather!
    5 points
  15. I can see why you have picked Wednesday ....it's a statement ..NO SMOKING DAY...but .... It sounds as if your lungs need help from today !!!!....so why wait ....????? We have had quite a few people quit with help with patches ..you can do this .... We can support you 100%....but Lilly you have to do the work ....
    5 points
  16. Oh WOW! Congrats on reaching the 1 month smoke free mark! That one is huge because it's always hardest at the beginning. Now that's behind you Celebrate and carry on to greater heights. Don't forget to treat yourself
    5 points
  17. I sincerely hope the direct one on one counselling helps keep you focused and on track Lilly. Another thing that quitting will do for you is show you just how strong you can be. The feeling of pride in accomplishing this amaze you. We're always standing by here to support you and anyone else making a serious attempt at quitting this ugly addiction.
    5 points
    5 points
  19. NOPE.........not on my birthday
    5 points
  20. Lilly, I want to address your comment because I know you are struggling. I honestly don't handle stress all that well! I break down. I have panic attacks. I sometimes lash out at those around me. I even lash out at myself. I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder on top of my bipolar disorder, so every little thing feels like a MAJOR crisis. But what I FINALLY figured out is this: Smoking doesn't help. Not even a little bit. Smoking ADDS to my stress by compounding my current health issues and putting me in danger of new (and worse) ones. Smoking adds stress by costing me money I don't have, so I can't afford the basic necessities. Smoking adds stress by making me cough every time I laugh. Smoking adds stress by putting me into a constant state of nicotine withdrawal. Smoking adds stress by causing me to have to hide my disgusting habit from others. Smoking adds stress by forcing me to face my mortality with each and every puff. You see, I finally figured out that I am more afraid of dying than I am of living. I don't possess any secret knowkedge. I don't have superpowers. I just want to live the best life I can, one day at a time. And smoking just doesn't fit into that equation.
    4 points
  21. G’day NOPE starts me day C
    4 points
  22. Oh Lilly. I think you will never be able to finally quit until you care about yourself. I wish you could grasp the power of your quit and start to feel how important your life is. It really is like running a marathon. You get part way through the race and give up. If you would just push yourself to the end, you feel the awesome sense of accomplishment. Stay in touch and know that we are here for you.
    4 points
  23. Wow, congrats on your first month ICH! I brought you a nice sunset. Its a promiss for better, less snowy days! Im sorry about your rib. When will you contact a doctor? Please take care of yourself. To me, the healthcare system you describe seems unimaginable.. I sincerely hope your lung is fine. You are DONE with your first month, yihaa!!
    4 points
  24. @Opah, I already beat you to it lol
    4 points
  25. I'm sorry that you had to go to a quit smoking Councillor but I am happy that you did. You now have a plan and I used my OCD and competitive streak to get me through the first few months. So I was mainly competing against myself but it worked for me. You have to deal with the OCD anyway, why not embrace it and make it work for you. So create a routine for yourself... at x time each day you watch a video or read an article... only needs to be 5mins worth... but its a pattern and a commitment.... build your knowledge because knowledge is power. Weegie used a quit councellor and look how successful that was for her. So maybe even a daily mantra.... I don't want to smoke, I will not smoke.... and then as you pop off to bed at night.... "I don't want to smoke, and today I didn't".
    4 points
  26. What !!!....Lol...was that doggie not cute enough ......
    4 points
  27. NOPE - smoking sucks. Life is much better without nasty nicotine.
    4 points
  28. 4 points
  29. Well, I had a dream that a coworker and I were hanging out in a bar in a casino smoking. I woke up with that familiar guilty feeling only to realize it was a dream and all is well. It's so strange that -after being quit for over two years and having no desire to smoke- I still have the occasional smoking dream. What a crazy addiction.
    3 points
  30. Thank you, Sazerac! I'm lucky to be here. And I'm grateful to have finally found the determination to get on the Quit Train--and STAY ON!
    3 points
  31. The day before I quit, I took a bunch of old butts and put them in a clean mayonnaise jar and set it on my desk. Whenever I got a craving, I'd unscrew the lid and take a big whiff. I only needed to do that a few times.
    3 points
  32. Congrats, @Icanhike! You have the hardest month under your belt now! Celebrate and KTQ!
    3 points
  33. Happy Birthday @catlover.....
    3 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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