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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/19 in all areas

  1. Gday NOPE I don’t smoke no more C
    8 points
  2. 6 points
  3. Nope on this 6th of march
    6 points
  4. Hi all! Back from vacation!! Nope!
    6 points
  5. Congratulations @Jayhawk for being 8 months smoke free. Well done Jay. 2/3rds of the way to your first year of freedom. Its great to have you back from holidays. So even though you are just back from the hols, you still deserve to do something special to celebrate this anniversary.
    5 points
    5 points
  7. 5 points
  8. Congratulations @Lin-quitting for being 2 years smoke free! Well done Lin on being smoke free for 2 whole years. I hope you are doing so etching some special to celebrate. We miss you safe advise and would love if you could pop in with an update.
    4 points
  9. This too shall pass. Never make a permanent decision based on temporary feelings. Ride it out and it'll be over before you know it.
    4 points
  10. There we go, I may be able to get these last 15.
    4 points
  11. Watch some of your videos you've been posting. That'll help you kill the time
    4 points
  12. deep breath, go for a walk... Move a muscle, change a thought Mindset shift
    4 points
  13. Wot...you don't put the chips the burger??? You missing out @Opah. Me?...I'm going to work with green stained fingers....why? .... Cos the kids going to school like this for athletics carnival....
    4 points
  14. You guys made my day!!! Hubby and I still laughing...thanks for a stellar birthday!!!
    4 points
  15. Happy Birthday to you ICH, and really celebrate today since you are also smoke free!!!!!
    4 points
  16. NOPE (got 6 inches of heavy wet snow on Sunday night here!)
    4 points
  17. So random thought....wouldn't it be awesome if there was a bug spray but for people...not the kill you bug spray but the don't land on me and bite me bug spray....so you could spray this stuff on ya and then all the annoying people would just have you alone....cept I'd want an immunity spray too so others couldn't use it on me and it didn't keep people I liked away.
    3 points
  18. Happy Birthday @Icanhike and congratulations on your 23 days of freedom ! We are so happy to have you here.
    3 points
  19. Protect your quit, Opah. These are early days and you are just starting to heal. Everyday, you switch up more of your brain receptors so that soon, your brain will be re-booted. Please do not listen to the junkie voice because the junkie is all lies. and DO reward yourself, especially during tough times. You have a life to life and you don't smoke anymore.
    3 points
  20. Everybody else is watching documentaries and critically acclaimed dramas. Meanwhile, I spent last night binge-watching a Japanese show whose title roughly translates to "Smart Monkey, Cute Bulldog". Straightforward concept: A monkey and a bulldog run around Japan together. They try to complete missions, do chores, and have little adventures. Here's a clip of the two of them going to a sporting goods store...
    3 points
  21. Good for you for posting Opah ! Congratulations for not smoking. You are winning. Every day with every crave you beat.
    3 points
  22. You have a great quit going, Opah. Fight through this. Nothing is worth lighting up over.
    3 points
  23. OK Better now heart rate is down, I can handle 15 minutes, Time to go, Tomorrow my friends
    3 points
  24. Add to this hundreds of more compounds created by lighting the cigarette. We were freebasing an astronomical amount of poison.
    3 points
  25. So sorry for your loses Opah. These last 3 out of four months have been a bit trying here as well. But the strange thing is every time I thought about a smoke for a second it vanished as quick as it came. I didn't even consider lighting up. It has been 4 months and I feel totally different than I have in 40 years. I don't feel like I have to have the damn things every time something bad happens and it sounds like you are almost there yourself. Don't give in now because you're there! I saw first hand what it looks like to go through the pain of needing the Nicobitch and I didn't realize I was once that way. It saddened me see her go through the desperation of needing that first smoke of the day and not able to have it, it had been14 hours, being around our grandkids. I actually hurt for her so bad that I told her to please consider and try to think about putting them down. Done rambling but Great job Opah, and keep on keepin on!
    3 points
  26. Opah, we all hate those times in life that we have lost all control. As difficult as those periods were hard to go through, they always make you grow and were changes that were meant to be. I think you have a wonderful attitude and it will carry you through this. You have a hug from me too. Hang in there.
    3 points
  27. Hang in there Opah. Things have a way of working out regardless of how much we worry or fret. Protect your quit and be kind to yourself. Reward yourself, you still need to be diligent in re-wiring your brain receptors. So, take a nice walk. Do something that you really, really will enjoy.
    3 points
  28. Thank you so much!! Feeling better today than I've felt in a while. I feel so lucky to be free of nicotine!!!
    3 points
    3 points
  30. ^^ I agree, i enjoy his music and we always knew even after acquittal something happened with the boys. The system in the states has holes and it has to be beyond a reasonable doubt just like OJ. This needs to be watched to understand, these men now only realized what had happened to them after they both had children. They weren't shredding jackson, it was about them and this is a step for them trying to heal/recover. They make no money from the documentary, oprah questioned them. . Wade said if he didnt have a child he would have probably kept his secret but he doesnt want it to happen to his child. I was disturbed watching this to where i didnt want to believe it.
    2 points
  31. Happy Birthday ....your 1st smoke free....Celebrate in style ...
    2 points
  32. Happy Birthday ICH! Celebration will be so much better as a non smoker
    2 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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