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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/19 in all areas

  1. 9 points
  2. Name: El Bandito AKA: Stuart Quit Date: 27/01/2014 About Me: Skirt wearing islander, specialising in Rocket Surgery Why I quit: Smoking's crap. Biggest bit of advice: Quitting can be tough. It's almost like they made those things addictive....
    7 points
  3. 7 points
  4. Yaay, thank you guys, totally forgot about this, and just logged in to register my Nope for the day (even though technically the day is over :P) Can never thank you guys enough for being such amazing friends through thick and thin...I wish I could personally meet and party with each one of you...but do know that I always wish well and think fondly about all my amazing friends on here at the train. Party tonight at home...a couple of small pegs of whisky should cut it, what do you guys reckon?
    6 points
  5. Welcome to Quit Train Second Chance I have not experienced this nor have I ever heard of anyone else that has either. Are you sure this anxiety is as a result of your previous quit? I't might be something unrelated. I know my own sleep patterns change from time to time yet I'm not sure why specifically. They did even before I quit so I;m pretty sure it not related to that. My best suggestion would be to seek a medical opinion on this. You'll find pretty much anything you look for on the internet but it's not always the truth in terms of your own life situation. A medical professional may be able to help you sort through this issue and point out some possible causes. You don't necessarily have to follow any medication suggestions. That's your call. Best wished that you find the source and are able to deal with it effectively.
    6 points
  6. 'If you're a smoker, quit now,' Albany lung cancer victim writes in his obituary Associated Press | Feb 20, 2019 | 11:55 AM Geoff Turner died from lung cancer due to smoking — but he didn't want others to suffer the same fight. (Sue Ogrocki / Associated Press) ALBANY — An upstate man who recently died of lung cancer has a simple message in his obituary: “If you're a smoker — quit now.” The Times Union of Albany reports 66-year-old Geoff Turner wanted to warn others not to make his mistake in a self-written obituary published Saturday. The suburban Albany resident died Feb. 13, about three months after he was diagnosed with stage-four lung cancer. Turner's daughter Sarah Huiest says he smoked most of his life. She says her father knew it was a bad habit, but he couldn't give it up. Turner said in the obituary that he was “an idiot who made the same stupid decision, day after day.” The obituary says to remember “life is good — don't let it go up in smoke.” https://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny-metro-lung-cancer-victim-20190220-story.html RIP, Geoff Turner
    5 points
  7. Non-smokers have anxiety attacks, too. They deal with them without smoking. You should, too. Sarge is just sayin' - you are a non-smoker now. EZPZ
    5 points
  8. Second chance. Sounds to me like you are experiencing anxiety or a panic attack. This may have nothing to do with quitting smoking but tends to because of the way you think. People with anxiety tend to be over thinkers. We constantly "what if" and replay events in our lives over and over. A panic attack can seem very real - your heart beating faster, difficulty breathing, sudden fear that you are going to die. I had my first panic attack twenty years ago and was a smoker at the time. It took a couple of trips to the emergency room before I was diagnosed with panic disorder. There is medication that helps. It also helps to think yourself out of it. I take deep breaths, sing to myself and try to direct my thoughts towards something pleasant. Panic attacks can be very debilitating. Why suffer when there is medication. I am at 7 months quit and I have been experiencing depression but as I look over my life, I have a lot of stressful things going on. Therefore, I do not believe it is just the quit that is affecting me. Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for your life. Talk to your physician about the things you are feeling. Never feel you need to go back to smoking.
    5 points
  9. Whassup? I miss much? So - I moved to Cyprus. Well, somebody had to. We had a rough start, when my beloved Schnauzer was mauled by a mistreated village dog and died. We soldiered on, and are getting ourselves back on an even keel. Smoking? It's 5 years now. I still get the odd urge, nothing that would compel me to smoke, more a passing thought. Cyprus is a bit hot for kilt-wearing, so I have a nice line in sarongs (Bakon, still your pounding heart). Not smoking related - I have varicose veins, so have to wear compression stockings. Perfect for a hot climate. ? Me being me, I have found a nice line in shocking pink, stripes, polka dots etc...It's quite a look.
    5 points
  10. Second Chance. Congrats on quitting! Tip? Get a hobby. No offence.? You seem to obsessing on obsessing on anxiously being anxious. You quit. You did it. Celebrate! Reward yourself. Focus on all the positive benefits of your quit. You are naturally anxious about the risk that you might one day put something in your mouth and set fire to it - smile and nod at the power of the addiction and get on with you smoke-free life.
    5 points
  11. NOPE - I don't smoke anymore.
    5 points
  12. Congratulations @Tammy for being smoke free for 8 months. Well done Tammy for being smoke free for 2/3rds of a year. What a wonderful quit you have built for yourself you should feel so proud. Its great to have you sharing your journey with us and always being there to cheer everyone on with their milestones. So rewards are always important, so make sure you do something special today to celebrate your wonderful achievement.
    4 points
  13. I suffer from anxiety too. I think it has lessened since I quit. But anyway. Alcohol makes my anxiety worse. Helps it short term but much worse following day. So avoid alcohol. Exercise helps my anxiety, it's like it busts all that horrible energy out my body. Well not all of it, but some of it. So I really recommend that. Any toxic people in your life that stress you out? Get rid of them! My anxiety is ongoing and not quit related though so might be different to yours. I also try to be open about it, if I'm comfortable enough. As feeling extremely anxious AND trying to hide it makes it 100 times worse for me! If you find a solution please share it with me ?
    4 points
  14. Welcome second chance and congratulations on eight months smoke free. Your anxiety could be totally unrelated to quitting and actually something that was masked BY smoking. My advice to you would be to schedule yourself a Dr visit and tell them your concerns. Hopefully once you get a clean bill of health you'll be less anxious. Or your Dr may want to put you on an anxiety med to help you.
    4 points
  15. Welcome Second Chance here are Ten Ways To Effectively Use This Forum. Check with a med professional if you have concerns, otherwise take one day at a time and Protect Your Quit. Junkie thoughts will tell you ANYTHING just to keep you enslaved to nicotine. Free Your Head. Push smokey thoughts away with vigor and replace them immediately with something of beauty. Stop giving nicotine power. YOU have the power now. Reward yourself ! The Significance of Rewards Here is another thread that may help, Quitting Smoking Blues
    4 points
  16. Tough day Del. Good advice above. Pick yourself up, and dust yourself off. This quitting thing is a process. You can do it and you will do it. Keep on keeping on.
    4 points
  17. Do you see the problem here Del? Your expectations of smoking are in direct contradiction to the realities of smoking. You're holding on to some vague idea of smoking leading to "finding happiness." Yet you smoked and all it led to was a sore throat and some negative thoughts. It's time to stop treating cigarettes like they are some kind of magic elixir and start seeing them for what they really are. This is a vital part of the process, breaking down the myths and lies of addiction and recognizing smoking for what it really is. We all lied to ourselves when we smoked. Cognitive dissonance is as much a part of addiction as is the drug of choice. As you educate yourself about nicotine addiction, you quickly begin to see the absurdity of continuing to smoke. As you begin to recognize the absurdity of smoking, not smoking becomes much easier.
    4 points
  18. Suggestion: write down when, how often and how long you feel like that. The shitty thing about anxiety is that its so overwhelming and energy consuming, that it often seems to last longer than it actually does. Besides, quitting smoking can cause time distortion though im not sure if thats still the case with you after 8 months.. I think you should pay attention to what you are anxious about, instead of focussing on whether or not quitting smoking is the cause. Take care and let us know how you are doing ok?
    3 points
  19. G’day NOPE to start this day C
    3 points
  20. Hello and welcome .!!!!! You have been given really good sound advice ... Its always wise to check with your GP ,if your concerned about your health ...we are not qualified to help with your health problem,s.... We can certainly help with your quit ...and support you a 100 per cent .... What we do know is smoking won't change or help in anyway.....
    3 points
  21. It's your choice. I relapsed a couple times before getting it. Smoking is not an option. To stop just do one thing. Do not set fire to the toxic stick.
    3 points
  22. 3 points
  23. Just do it !!!.....what have you got to lose ....nothing ..... You have everything to gain.... You might surprise yourself .!!!!!.......so why not try .... We are so proud of MLMR.....
    3 points
  24. So you threw away your quit... what now? Start again, don't wait, get back on the train and go again. Your biggest hurdle to giving up is yourself. You have to believe you can, and you have to accept it gets better... see I remember early on thinking yeah this will never end, this will never get better... but it does, a little bit each day until one day you say to yourself, haven't felt like a smoke since... um... shit, I dunno when.... i have only been smoke free for a little over a year and mate I promise you that's me. This isn't my first go at being smoke free, but this is the final time I will ever quit.. and I do it one day at a time.... my daily promise that I will not smoke today... that's all I worry about just one day... Don't care what happened yesterday, just worry about today. I know I can go a whole day without smoking I have done it for a whole lot all in a row.... you know you can go a whole day without smoking.... so just do that... don't smoke for the next 24 hours... just worry about those, then tomorrow repeat.
    3 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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