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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/19 in all areas

  1. Risking to come across as a raging Newborn Quitter... but heck, what an amazing load of bs goes around about quitting! 'It takes multiple tries to quit and that's ok!, 'Nicotine calms you down!' (Yes!! When you inhale that shit, AFTER you once started! It's like... an addiction duhhh!! Otherwise it does nothing for you!). You were born without it, ffs. This sentence, quote website NiQuitin -> 'Als je een regelmatige roker bent, is de kans groot dat het missen van je regelmatige shot nicotine leidt tot een sterk verlangen naar een sigaret.' Translates to, 'if you are regular smoker, there's a good chance that missing out on your regular shot of nicotine leads to a strong desire for a cigaret'. Wait, what..? Isn't that the whole fckn point? Seriously, who do they think they are adressing, toddlers? This is what makes it an addiction! Besides, 'a good chance..' implicates there's room for doubt, for dreaming about being able to control the yearning. I did that for years and it made me totally hopeless. It's crazy how much of this so called information gives a consistent message of how hard it is to quit, how understandable it is to fail, how it's basically ok to be a helpless victim, or even in the case of many vaping websites, to be proud to belong to this new generation of 'aware vapers'.... more enslaved than ever. I remember earlier in my quit people said, be mad. Understand what's happening, how they do it, educate yourself and be angry! I think this is that. What you were talking about. It's crazy. I can't unsee it anymore. I don't need that shit in my body, I don't need it to poison my mind. The nicotine business, whether it's cigarettes, vaping, chewing, gum or you name it, that business is sick to it's core. There's people making zillions out of it and I walked straight in line... Never, never ever again.
    9 points
  2. 8 points
  3. 7 points
  4. NOPE - I don't smoke anymore.
    7 points
  5. NOPE it's smoke free Saturday.
    6 points
  6. Congratulations @Opah for being smoke free for one whole month! Well done Opah. So its been a bumpy month and despite challenges life has thrown your way you have persevered and kept your quit. So rewards are important, you need to make sure your do something special to celebrate your new beginning for the rest of your life smoke free.
    5 points
  7. Congratulations @JimHannoonen for being smoke free for two whole years. Well done on taking back your life and keeping the quit for 2 whole years. It would be great if you could pop in and give us an update. What better way to celebrate the self confessed crocs king than the dance of his people...
    5 points
  8. Greetings NOPErs.. Saturday 9th of February is "Read a Book in the Bath Day"..... hmmmm yeah, nah, that's a NOPE.... many a book has been sacrificed on the alter of reading in the bath.... it always seems like such a fun idea and then without fail there are the wet pages and the warping and well NOPE I've learnt my lesson... so listen to Aunty Jo boys and girls... reading a book in the bath day can be skipped with total impunity. NOPE ... there's no way never, no way never no more!
    5 points
  9. 5 points
  10. 5 points
  11. 5 points
  12. Congratulations @Rosewothorne for being 10 months smoke free. Well done on being into the double figures Rose. It was great to see you pop in over the new year. Would love to hear how you are going with your quit, so happy you are still with us even if you can't pop in all the time. Make sure you do something special to celebrate your 10 month quitaversary.
    4 points
  13. Baked! I think friends across the pond call them jacket potatoes? Baked in the oven whole; crispy skin and fluffy delicious insides. I add butter, salt & pepper. Maybe sour cream and chives if available.
    4 points
  14. Found some footage of our favourite breakfast food...
    4 points
  15. Nope. Smoking not an option.
    4 points
  16. NOPE....it’s a smoke free weekend.....?
    4 points
  17. Sneaky pictures of other members #1 Boo
    3 points
  18. Gday Not One Puff E...... Remember insert Ever, Day, hour or min as required C
    3 points
  19. 3 points
  20. Gotta love a potato in any style but since I once ate mashed potatoes for two weeks after getting my wisdom teeth out my vote is definitely mashed! Oh and fun fact @reciprocity I don't know if she still does it but my sister used to eat butter by itself! ?
    3 points
  21. I'll have some potatoes with my butter please!
    3 points
  22. Baked potatoes....yes lovely with cheese ....or baked beans ...
    3 points
  23. I think you have missed the point, @Lilly. There is a lot of misinformation out there with regards to quitting. One that incensed me was that cold turkey is too hard. Here is an excerpt from my POST, June 13, 2016 "I quit almost three years ago and have become an advocate of Cold Turkey but, believe me, I support and encourage everybody in their precious quits. Any Quit Is A Good Quit I thought to gather some new information (in a galaxy of Misinformation) and was dismayed after googling around finding numerous instances of 'responsible experts' recommending to NOT quit cold turkey. What kind of idiotic advise is that ? Is this more Big Tobacco poisoning minds ? Big Drug companies pushing product ? Ignorance ? Today, I found a great rap about this from our Friend, Joel Spitzer
    3 points
  24. here ya go, copper. and here's little saz, before she grew up into a Beatnik/Peacenik
    3 points
  25. Love this M....Great Post !!!
    3 points
  26. I would almost love to know what your analogy of the news today is. Over the past couple of years, it has played into the fears of the people and perpetually stirred up the hopes of the disheartened. I am saddened for the ones trying to raise children in this atmosphere. I wish you could give me a different way to read it. Is it just me or is it what the intent is?
    2 points
  27. The thing I read throughout your post MLMR is that mentally you have turned the corner on smoking. I have been reading that in your posts for the past little while and that's a great thing that you finally "get it"! Getting mad at the whole process that enslaved you for so long and everything to do with it is just fine and dandy in my books. Once you have that mindset, it will be almost impossible for you to relapse. That's the great news for you. How you got there matters not. Getting there is key. It's hard to get to this point without some very serious determination and a lot of self examination along the way. You've put in the work, now it's time to reap the rewards
    2 points
  28. I'm going for the good ole Roasties...... Carnt,t beat a good Sunday roast ..with Yorkshire Pudding ...lamb...sprouts ...gravy....Oh Yes !!!!
    2 points
  29. We had this in the 70,s....pretend mash !!!
    2 points
  30. I don't eat potatoes anymore but when I did, my fav was mashed potatoes, real home-made mashed potatoes, not that fake stuff you get in a box.
    2 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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