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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/19 in all areas
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Greetings NOPErs... today is Shrove Tuesday, or as most Aussies call it Pancake Tuesday.... then there are those who call it Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras.... basically it is one of the best days of the year because you can eat pancakes all day and get a pass because its for religious reasons. You can even have a two course meal that is just pancakes... like we did...our day went, corn pancakes for breaky (with bacon on the side), then normal lunch.... well cept the kid who goes to catholic school so they had pancakes put on by the senior home ec kids.... then for dinner we had Boxty (irish potato pancakes) with sausages and greens and then Crepe Suzette for afters.... its has been a flippin' awesome day. So eat up boys and girls, gorge on all that yummy food before lent begins tomorrow. NOPE... no flippin' way!9 points
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Morning NOPErs...to day is Ash Wednesday... The day of atonement and the beginning of Lent. So here is a suggestion for all the Christians out there, it's Lent boys and girls, why not give up the smokes for Lent?....it's 40 days which will see you through your first month anniversary.. and you will have all of us here to support you on your way...use you faith to help you give yourself the greatest gift you ever will. So for those of you not in the know today is supposed to be fast day, now speaking from the Catholic perspective, that means a fish day... So considering most of you lot are in the middle of winter maybe a nice Mornay will be the ticket. Have you ever wondered where the ashes come from they are made by burning the palm fronds that were blessed and used in the previous years Palm Sunday service. NOPE.... Never, ever, forever7 points
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G’day Well I think I got the answers that I was expecting..... varied. Seems we are all a bit diferent on what NOPE means to us. As long as we all get the thing we all want.... freedom from the smokes... C6 points
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Congratulations @Andy75 for being 2 years smoke free. Well done on having two full years quit. We would love to hear how you are going and how wonderful it is to be 2 years free.4 points
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Congratulations @RhinoDragon for being one month smoke free. Well done Rhino, good to see you popping back in and glad that the first month is behind you. Don't forget we are here and don't forget to reward yourself, the first month is special and the hardest to concur so make sure you celebrate.4 points
I also like your Nopes. I think you are a walking encyclopedia! You really get that brain stimulated and come up with things I would have never thought of. As far as my Nope, it is very important to me. It is the last thing I do at night and the first thing I check in the morning so I can "like" all the other nopes. It kind of feels like my group hug. All those successful quitters standing by me and letting me know they are right there with me.4 points
Fabulous job Rhino! Glad you are back with us and attacking this addiction with all you have. 1 Month in the bag represents a great start to your smoke free life. You should be really proud and happy about the effort you've made here. Keep it up.4 points
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I love your NOPE's, @notsmokinjo It is amazing to me how much work you put into them and I appreciate the content and the time spent. NOPE-ly yours, S2 points
My NOPE was very important to me .....early in my quit ...I knew if I pledged a promise to myself and the board ,I wouldn't smoke that day ... As time went on ...I was so proud I rid myself of this terrible addiction after smoking over 5 decades.. I was proud to say NOPE..... Being part of a group...a team....meant alot to me .... I still pledge now and again ... I love watching the fun folks get out of it ....ya ...NOPING is powerful....a great tool to have ....2 points
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