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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/19 in all areas
9 points
G’day well it that time of the day, time to think about smoking.... NOPE thats it, all done, till tomorrow morning C8 points
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!yad sdrawkcab no neve ton EPON !ekoms t'nod, od ay avetow dna souires eb ot souires to s'efil rebmemer tsuj setisoppo ni kaeps ,tuo edisni sehtolc ruoy raew ,yllis eb oS .taht ni nuf eht s'erehw haN-haeY tub gnirob dna souires dna edats gnieb etalpmetnoc did I lamron fo etisoppo eht od ot degaruocne si eno dna ngier ytilovirf nda ssenillis erehw yad a no oS .yaD sdrawkcaB si naJ ts13 yreve ,thgir s'tahT .thgin dab a evah ,srEPON lleweraF6 points
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I have officially resumed my quit as of 01/29/2019 3:06 p.m. So that means I will not be smoking tomorrow. NOPE!6 points
Seems I am in good company for my quit: We are all traveling down the same road, Just behind, Just in front, most of us have been on this road before and know a bit about its twists and turns, Highs' lows and near or farther. So here this is to us !5 points
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Reci, congrats on achieving the 2 yr milestone! I am following in your little piggy footsteps...!5 points
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It gets easier, Opah. Just know that addiction doesn't go away. It needs to be kept dormant FOREVER. This is just the nature of addiction, it changed our DNA. The initial 'fight' in the first months of quitting is replaced by a calm but sturdy vigilance and the knowledge that 'I don't smoke anymore' becomes like a comfortable old sweater. Of course, the addiction can be ignited into full force again with one puff but, the temptations fade fade fade as the benefits continue to shine shine shine.4 points
4 points
Morning NOPErs.... 30th January is Croissant Day... those buttery, flakey, cresent shape pastry delights... I mean I prefer mine of the almond variety....yummo.... but today is the day we celebrate the Austrian delicacies... yes boys and girls you read that correctly, the croissant was introduced to the French by Marie Antoinette .... it originated in her native Austria, well to be really specific it originated in Vienna... see the story goes the Turks of the Ottoman Empire were trying to take over the world and had Vienna under seige... after many months and no success the invaders decided to tunnel under the city to win.... but the bakers of Vienna who worked in the basements of buildings heard them and warned the authorities.... in celebration of their victory over the Turks croissants were invented to have with coffee while celebrating... when she went to France to marry the king, Marie Anttoinette took her favourite morning tea snack with her... the french saw that it was good and claimed it as their own. NOPE ... never, ever, forever!4 points
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I am now officially a "Retiree"! After all the health-related issues I have experienced in the last 2 years.....I got to go out on my terms....and as an ex-smoker! Whew...now what to do with all the boxes I dragged home from work and piled in my garage. ?3 points
Whoop whoop Reci.. Congrats on being 2 years smoke free... Thank you for always being there for me in my quit and lighting the path ahead of me and for be being a totally awesome mentor too ?3 points
This is what I'm having Nancy http://forum.sausagemaking.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=134193 points
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Here is the UK a course of NRT is free....to anyone who wants to quit ...now they are also giving them out in hospitals ,to encourage patients to Quit ... This has got to be better than nothing ...if it saves one life ...it's been worth it .... Many roads lead to Rome ....just get your backside there....3 points
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Fabulous insights, MLMR.....this especially resonated with me "Amidst all this, I have a little glint about keeping my quit. Because really, nobody is taking this away from me. I will fight for it, no matter what." You are a warrior woman, that is for sure.....so proud of you!3 points
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A lovely honest post M... It's been a pleasure to have been on your journey with us.... Watching you get stronger ,is great to witness...you are a strong lady...I'm so proud of you ...2 points
OK... I used NRT to help my quit in the early days... once I decided that I was gunna have a ridgy didge go at making this quit the last one I made plans to get off the NRT as quick as I could... NRT was a crutch I needed...while I would have loved to quit cold turkey I knew for me I needed to beat my addiction not only from the point of view of the physical addiction to nicotine but also the emotional and psychological addiction/habit/ritual... I knew myself well enough that I had to break that emotional/psychological part of the quit as a priority over the physical addiction to nicotine.... that said if I am 100% truthful I never felt fully quit until I stopped the NRT... and even though when I finally gave up the gum I was only have 1x 2mg chewy every couple of days it isn't until I had that last chewy that I truly considered myself quit and equal to the cold turkey quitters. That said, I understand your anger at the vaper you know who claims to be quit. My daughter's father considers himself quit for 5 years... but when he goes overseas (once or twice a year) he smokes... he doesn't think that counts as not being quit. I just don't get it.2 points
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