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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/19 in all areas

  1. For me personally and what I have seen, I reflect on the word "Struggle" . . . To watch a loved one die from cancer while all you can see is the whites of their eyes. The pain and frustration only shows in the wrinkles of their face, because they cannot talk . .. that's a struggle. That cannot be undone To hear about a roadside bomb hitting a convoy of peace keepers in Afghanistan . . . and your child may be in that convoy . . . communications are automatically cut for several days . .. that's a struggle. You have no control To give up on planning yearly fishing trips with your best buddy, because cancer just stole him away from you. . . that's a struggle. That cannot be forgotten To hear the last words of your sister in moans and groans because the pain before dying of cancer is so much. . . that's a struggle. That cannot be erased To see a family member taken off life support. . . that's a struggle. That cannot be erased To learn about others who have no food to eat tomorrow, and likely will die . . . that's a struggle. That cannot be ignored To have a strong crave to smoke a cigarette . . . that's not a struggle . . . That's an inconvenience. That can be undone That can be controlled That can be forgotten That can be erased That can be ignored You can do it! Peter
    6 points
  2. It's Saturday here but NOPE!!
    6 points
  3. Quitting Smoking is Easy . . . Easier than hearing your doctor say, `I am sorry . . .` Easier than fighting cancer. Easier than laying in the hospital having radiation treatment. Easier than breathing through tubes up your nose. Easier than having a Tracheostomy. Easier than losing your vision (AMD-Age-related Macular Degeneration). Easier than COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). Easier than laying in the hospital wishing you could feel the sun. Easier than looking out the window knowing you can`t go there anymore. Easier than listening to your loved ones crying outside your hospital room. Easier than researching for hospice care. Easier than preparing for your funeral because the cancer has gone so far. Easier than picking out your favorite songs for your funeral. Easier than trying to say the right words because they will be your last. Easier than your child seeing you die from cancer. Easier than imagining your child without a Mom. Easier than imagining your child without a Dad. Easier than realizing your child may need a new Mom in the future. Easier than realizing your child may need a new Dad in the future. Easier than not seeing your child`s face because of blindness. Easier than telling your child you are dying because you smoked. Easier than losing a friend . . . or a friend losing you. Easier than imagining your spouse being alone. Easier than asking your friends to look after your spouse. Easier than training your job replacement and knowing why. Easier than changing your retirement plans or canceling them. Easier than going through your photo album with tears. Easier than realizing your pet may out live you. Easier than friends talking about you in past tense. Easier than realizing smoking was more important to you than your life. Easier than thinking, `So this is it . . .?` Easier than dying . . . Quit smoking now . . . start living life smoke free . . . addiction free . . . Peter
    5 points
  4. G’day Not One Puff Ever.... NOPE Had enough quits now to know in my heart this is so true. It’s the line drawn in the sand. Cross it? . Never again.! C
    5 points
  5. Puff away from a pack a day is a good quote i read... #NOPE
    5 points
  6. 5 points
  7. Life changes are so difficult to navigate after quitting smoking. We spend so much of our lives using the source of our addiction as a means to cope. It didn't help us cope, but we thought it did and that thought stays in our heads for long time. After almost 7 years quit when a stressful situation comes up I still sometimes have a brief flash of smoking. It's not a crave, at least not like they are in the early days. More like a memory that pops in my head and then is gone just as quickly. As time goes on you will create new coping strategies. You already have really since you quit smoking 5 months ago. Keep your eye on the road ahead and don't look back.
    5 points
  8. NOPE....smoking stinks....
    5 points
  9. Hi everyone, Quite some time ago I signed up with QSMB. Searched for it this evening and could not find it, and instead, found this site. Looks like QSMB no longer exists and this is the place to be. I also belong to Quitnet. Became a member there the first day I quit smoking, May 15, 2003. Being a part of that support group helped me through my quit. Along the way it helped me to help others. And that is where I am right now, helping if I can, and when time permits. Looking forward to reading through the forums here. Peter
    4 points
  10. This is a great post, Peter. Thank you. and now for you, Missy ! More tattoos for you ? I CONTROL MY LIFE
    4 points
  11. NOPE - I don't smoke anymore.
    4 points
  12. Congratulations @Raidermom23 for being 2 months smoke free. Well done RM23. It was great to see you pop in for the new year and we would love if you could let us know how you are traveling and that your quit is still going strong. Make sure you do something special today to reward yourself.
    3 points
  13. Congratulations @mrsguest on being 1 month smoke free. Well done MrsG. 1 month is a great achievement. It is the hardest quit month you will face, sure the journey to freedom isn't over but the first month of smoke freedom is done and dusted. Make sure you you take some time to do something special today to reward yourself and celebrate your achievements. Its important to reward yourself. So enjoy the anniversary of your quit and hold your head high and be proud.
    3 points
  14. I don't know what to say or what not. My relationship is over, after way too long of arguing and trying and more trying. This is most definitely challenging quit-wise. Im not even sure if Im sad or mad or relieved, or maybe a weird mixture. Every 'reason' to smoke pops up, ofcourse. This relates to my biggest trigger : not caring anymore, because of feeling disconnected. Ive got to pull it from far. A smoke won't fix our problems and it won't heal us. I have to focus on the one thing that will help me, regardless of anything else: don't put anything in my mouth that's on fire.
    3 points
  15. G’day NOPE starts today C
    3 points
  16. Any season that does not include snow or cold. Our springs and falls can sometimes include both so I guess mine is summer. You know I was still working on the toilet paper one. I had been practicing both techniques all week. So intent on working it out, I missed the vote!
    3 points
  17. Your the Boss Linda.....That seat on the Lido has your name on it ....xx...nothing or no- one can take it away ....only you ...... But we are all kinda waiting for your party ...xxxxx
    3 points
  18. You have a come along way M...I'm sorry your relationship has come to a end ...it's does no good to stay in a relationship for all the wrong reasons ... Your right in saying smoking won't make it different .... We are here for you.... To support you ,along this journey too....xx
    3 points
  19. Of course you can cope.... you didn't think you could quit 5 months ago... look how well you are doing with that.. you will get through this too... and just like with your quit this new life challenge will make you stronger and will be something you grow from.
    3 points
  20. I am sorry your relationship is over.... but I am proud of you for knowing that having a smoke wont help anything, it wont make you feel better, or whole, or connected.... it want take away the pain, or the disappointment, or the loss..... it wont heal the rifts and re-unite you and your ex... and you know this. At a time when everything hurts and you can't control many things happening around you what you an control is if you smoke or not... that is one thing I guarantee you that you have full power over. Feeling, or more so not knowing how you feel is normal in the first stages of break up. You tried to save the relationship, you worked at it and gave it your best shot and while right now it might not feel like it... in time it will be better.
    3 points
  21. Well that was unexpected... thought we were all a bit classy on the QT but nope.... you all like to scrunch.... pfft.... how common...
    3 points
  22. 2 points
  23. Congratulations @Jack9211 for being 1 month smoke free. Well done Jack. That is the hardest month under your belt now. So rewards are super important during your quit its all part of the reprogramming. So despite the snow, and your bar tending duties make sure you do something special today to treat yourself because you do deserve it. So here's Homer with a little message... Your Number ONE!!
    2 points
  24. Hi catlover . . . hope your day gets better! Ignore the whiny voice ? . It does get quieter over time, and then finally, gone forever!
    2 points
  25. Yes, your heart is breaking right now. It will take time to heal. Sometimes those difficult paths lead to wonderful new destinations. I think you are strong and should trust your instincts. We are here to listen or lift you up. Please reach out to us because we care.
    2 points
  26. Hi Linda, So sorry to hear about your Dad. And I totally understand the struggles during such a time. Not long ago, I have experienced a life changing event in a hospital environment. Two loved ones (a young couple), being good samaritans, pulled over to help someone in need. But instead, they were both struck by a vehicle. During their time in the hospital, I often had to step outside to get fresh air, to clear my mind, to grieve (one loved one passed away) . . . And at those times I saw patients, and staff, standing in the freezing cold, having a smoke. I could not wrap my head around the fact that watching them, sucking on a cancer stick, they were endangering their own lives . . . while at the same time our loved ones struggled to survive. And I will never forget the irony of seeing the staff taking a smoke break, since after they were done, they were the same people who desperately worked at saving our loved ones. A horrible journey for us, and a lesson of how precious life is and yet, how fragile. You did well not giving in Linda . . . stay strong, for yourself, and for your Dad.
    2 points
  27. Give me some winding trails, rivers that can be run in a canoe Thank you for the reminder Boo....yes squeezing into a canoe with me sitting in the front ... Between your legs ...what fun .. Making sure the pack lunches stay dry...I agree...Paradise !!!
    2 points
  28. We have four seasons here in NOLA. Oyster, Crawfish, Shrimp and Crab season.
    2 points
  29. Peter, this is great and couldn't have come at a better time for me. I have copied this and slipped it in my wallet to pull out and read when I get those unwanted craves. If I wasn't such a wimp, I might have had it tattooed somewhere! I have been thinking it has been a difficult struggle lately. My dad is in the hospital now and I do not think he will be able to pull out of it. The stress has been constant. Last night, as I lay in bed, I was so angry that those craves kept coming at me. I could not sleep. I was so irritated at, my husband snoring, the clock downstairs chiming, replaying the days events over and over in my brain. I actually thought, if there wasn't this freezing polar vortex outside, I might have been tempted to go to the corner store. My quit, so far has been the thing that has made me most proud. It has made me feel strong. Having that cigarette would be having a big temper tantrum because I can not control my life. You definitely have great wisdom to share. I am so glad you have found us.
    2 points
  30. HI Peter and welcome. 15 Years quit is awesome, sorry you weren't here a few months ago to share you story. But in your 16th year of freedom I am glad you have joined us to continue paying to forward to those who are coming behind. Its having the long term quitters still happy to share the journey that makes the QT the haven it is. Glad to have you with us.
    2 points
  31. Thanks, Peter....sometimes you need to be reminded to keep things in perspective!
    2 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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