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G’day NOPE. Note One Puff Ever. Cause that One Puff will put me that place. That place was wishing I was where I am right now.... C10 points
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Good morning NOPErs. To day is a couple of things but they are all boring and not interesting... so Fun Fact... well kinda Fun Fact... maybe deeply disturbing fact.... did you know Aussie animals are sex fiends .... the majority of Koalas in the country are infected with Clamidia except for a small group who live on an island...yes, all those eucalyptus fueled orgies have lead to mass blindness from clamydia... well let me tell you the wombats and the kangroos shouldn't be laughing too hard... they are all riddled with herpes... yep herpes... almost half the wild wombats and 92% of the Eastern Grey Kangaroos are infected.... between then scientists in melbourne have discovered 6 new strains of herpes... so next time you see a safe sex add just think... not being careful will make you just like an Aussie animal... a root rat and diseased. NOPE ... cos nothing controls me but me.8 points
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Had to catch up on all my "NOPE" posts! 2 weeks smoke/nicotine free today! Have an awesome day everyone!7 points
Greetings fellow NOPErs. Today we are doing a serious shout out... today is International Human Rights Day... so we have fun days and silly days and serious days but this one is universal. Today is the 70th celebration of Human Rights Day, and while it may not be the case the every human around the world has their human rights protect we are getting closer and we have spent 70 years trying to achieve it. From the most basic human needs such as food, shelter, and water, all the way up to access to free and uncensored information, such has been the goals and ambitions laid out that day. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was a shout across the world by the leading countries in the world, stating loud and clear that no matter where we live, what we believe, or how we love, we are each individually deserving of the most basic of human needs.7 points
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G’day NOPE. Note One Puff Ever. Cause that One Puff will put me that place. That place was wishing I was where I am right now.... C4 points
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?? Take on a black stump?? Have a run in with a loaded dog?? Ask it to do Long Division?3 points
Think this needs a bump.... also... this time of year is hard in the early days of a quit, there are functions and parties all the time for the festive season... often someone who has quit will slip up during this time while out celebrating with friends and have a smoke and throw away their quit.... Its right to feel bad about it, all that hard work lost, all that effort up in smoke... it is right to be disappointing in yourself BUT don't beat yourself up too much... it is a very rare bread of smoker who is able to quit successfully on their very first go.... most of us have failed quits under our belts, some only a few hours old, some days, weeks, months or even years... but you know what you do... you get back on the quit train as soon as you.... you learn from your failed quit... what triggered you to smoke, how or what you could have done to avoid it and you don't make that mistake again... doesn't mean you wont make more mistakes, just learn from the ones you do... take those lessons, remember how wonderful your success felt and remember how low failing felt... pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on the Quit Train.... we have a seat here with your name on it.... we want you to come back... we want you to try again... so please do, please come back... take if from someone who wait well more than a decade to quit again after throwing away a really long quit.... the sooner you quit again the easier and better for you. NEVER GIVE UP GIVING UP!3 points
Quitting smoking is a journey .....some gain weight some don't ..... Once you have a good solid quit going ...you will find its then you worry about the few pounds you have gained ,and then start to watch your diet.... Its hard to do the two together....quitting the cancer sticks is your first priority.... They are killing you ...a few extra pounds are not the killer.... Be kind to yourself......don't over think...3 points
And if we're really talking underwear, then I have one word for you. Commando. I can feel another vote happening ....3 points
Jo, it's all academic anyway. I'm a bloke I don't change the toilet roll. If the loo is out of paper I'll use one of the other loos. And if we're really talking underwear, then I have one word for you. Commando.3 points
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You posted "Father Christmas" by the Kinks and a couple of Johnny Cash videos. I'll let it slide that you slighted Elvis. I've posted this song every December since I joined the Train. So for the sake of consistency and the fact that it is a damn good song, here it is again...3 points
For what it's worth, I voted "over." No real reason, it's just how I've always put the roll on. The real reason I'm posting on this thread is for the toilet humor...3 points
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After many failed attempts, I quit successfully over 3 years ago by pledging NOPE (just for today) every day until I could just say "not one puff ever". The difference was being educated about all the lies of addiction that could possibly draw me back into smoking and having a response to each one, understanding that my mind was being hijacked by some kind of drug lords. I personally think will power is over rated. For me, it was about education and taking it one day at a time, one hour at a time, sometimes one minute at a time. Do anything except smoke.2 points
In the wild its 8-12 years but in captivity it can be up to 20 years... although the smaller species tend to live longer, the greys.. the big red boys like Roger was don't has as long.2 points
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Great thread jo, I agree with all the above and also want to welcome back all you quitters. I truly believe that being a member of a forum and having the support of fellow quitters all over the world is the reason for my success. The daily NOPES, the investing in others quits and having others invested in mine helped hold me accountable. I highly recommend joining a support forum if for nothing more than to NOPE each day. And you never know, you just may end up with some lasting friendships, a couple of laughs and a lifelong quit2 points
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