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  1. So its time… this is kinda a confessional and kinda a thank you….. and I didn’t cry so it was worth waiting…..there really is no significance to the order this appears in… I just did it to the order of posts…. So, to may amazing fellow travellers on the best train on earth thank you and…. @jillar – the first person to say hi to me, to reach out a hand and to tell me that it was pretty normal to feel worse week three than week one… others had been there too… it gets better…. Thank you for holding my hand for my whole quit… for being my friend, IRL not just on a screen because you are right there is no difference…. We may never meet, what with your aversion to flying and my lack of documentation, physically but we have met, we know each other and in real life we are friends. When I ventured back onto the boards after my horror Christmas/New Year you took the time to congratulate me on my first month of freedom (I hadn’t even realised) and then you took the time to ask where I had been and if I was OK… thank you so much for reaching out to a virtual stranger… your kindness touched me and changed me… made me a better person than I think I was… thank you my friend for all your help and support. (Oh and thanks for me fairy bread... see not just a quit guru but a true friend) @BKP– every wobble along the way you have taken the time to give me some advice, or some support or crack a laugh… and the support you give others has always held things I took on and applied to my own journey… thank you for telling me I was worth it, because you were right and that became a mantra… because I am worth it, we all are. @reciprocity – So me Canadian mate… thank you for passing the woohoo torch to me… don’t think I have ever told you but checking that bloody list every day and having the honor of starting the woohoo threads stopped me lighting up more than once. So that first trip you took when I was “just filling in” …. I was really bumpy with my quit then, didn’t let on but it was a tough time and having to hold the fort for you kept me coming back each day… do you know, I nearly turned you down when you asked me to take over… because I was scared if I said yes you would have a free pass to vanish from the boards and I’m a selfish b1tch and I didn’t want to lose your support…. Remember that time I went to the 7eleven in the middle of the night and the guy had the smokes on the counter ready to push over once I paid… the biggest thing that stopped me from handing over my money and taking those smokes…. I had 3 annis to do in the morning… and I had Fluffy’s one year coming up in a few days and if I smoked no one had the updated anni list and who would do them and….”sorry mate changed my mind”….. you gave me the success of this quit the day you said to me can you take over the woohoos…. But its more than that… smoking and not smoking dramas you’re there to support me, and prop me up, to listen (well read) my whinging and to tell me to pull me head in if I need. You and Lord Kent share the Jiminy Cricket roll… and the sanity check roll… thank you, even if you do think pizza is the bomb… I promise to never, ever listen to a Celine Dion song again without cursing on your behalf. I don’t think people realise how much of yourself you give to others to help them quit…. I’m forever grateful I got just a little bit. @Nancy – when I first stumbled onto the train as a refugee from QSMB thank you for welcoming me and helping my find my feet. For being worried about me during the time I was floating without support…. And for being in my corner over there. And thank you for my av… pretty sure I got the Booby idea from a post you made over at QSMB.. Another who has supported me from the start. @Jordan7 – Thanks for your positive, silver lining approach to the advice. You are another who’s posts I always gain from regardless of who’s thread they are in response to. You are a wonderful balance here and I am so glad you are still paying it forward to those coming behind. I have certainly benefited from your contributions. @Rozuki – Well, not sure if I ever told you but your NOPEs were one of my favourite things on QSMB… every day I would hang out to see what you would post for your NOPE… beazel always did something sparkly… but you always found something original and quirky… I stalked that NOPE thread for about 3 weeks before I had the courage to post …. Because I was convinced I was going to fail and I was scared to post NOPE – Not One Puff Ever… I was terrified that if I swore NOPE in front of everyone when I didn’t really believe it was true it would be a false promise, a big fat lie… but then I started searching NOPEs trying to guess what you would come up with… you and Green Meanie…. and I was finding things I wasn’t see either of you post and it was that aussie competitive gene that kicked in and I started to NOPE… to (I know this is mental) compete with you…. And my quit got stronger… and then I didn’t really care about competing with you I wanted to make my NOPE my own so I stopped the pics and started odd little facts and then it evolved into the craziness it is now… so firstly, anyone who doesn’t like my NOPEs should be blaming you ? and secondly, and much more importantly…. Thank you for showing me the beauty of NOPE and that it could be fun and a gift to others and therefore making my quit stronger and so much more likely to succeed… see you never know what post you make will effect and help another’s quit or their journey. Oh I noticed your confused face at my bogan party playbook comment… so Bogans are like the Aussie version of rednecks but we are more based in the suburbs than the bush… anyway bogans in particular have a habit of getting drunk and then doing a Shoey… this is sculling a drink, usually a tinny (can) of beer, from a shoe… yes disgusting…. Anywho… in Australia there are many brands of beer… but most beers have one place they are like over others… so Melbournians tend to go for VB (Victorian Bitter) or Melbourne Bitter, or Crownies (Crown Larger) if ya a bit fancy… Tassies have Coopers and Boags…. Western Australia has Swan, SA probably has something but it will be shit and none of us really care…. Queenslanders have Xxxx (four ex)… and NSW, especially Western Sydney (The bogan capitol of NSW) have Toohey’s which is the shittest beer after Fosters which no one drinks because its shite and we just export it to you lot and the poms…. So we what I was saying was Jordan had footage of someone doing a shoey but I’ll bet it wasn’t Tooheys in the shoe unless the boat was in Western Sydney… bet you’re even more confused now. @Joe7 – Lucky Joe … your support was amazing… you kept me going and you are another who always comes running for those having a wobble. Your posts both to my sos’s and to those of others always have something that makes my quit grow. You are another I didn’t want to let down. SO what you probably don’t know is that your words the last time I had a serious wobble… those words were the biggest ahh ha moment of my quit… those words were like the final nail in the coffin cementing this quit…. Right up until the moment I read them a little part of me was still waiting for me to fail, to give up the quit and smoke, not believing I could do this… and you changed that internal voice of doubt with a single post… yep time to re-think…. Thanks you so much. @Doreensfree – Well where to start… thanks for, well …. EVERYTHING…. Thanks for getting me, even when you need me to translate … seriously though you have been a rock, and a guiding light, and a very dear friend, even if you barrack for a shit soccer team ? and think union is better than league… well actually I kind of agree with you there….seriously though, thank you for the threat of the frying pan, for tellin me what for when I needed it… for giving me your support…. And for being an inspiration… you have shown me that no matter how many horrors you have to deal with daily you can still give back and give of yourself to others and through doing that you grow stronger and feel better not only about yourself but about your situation…. You are a shining example of who I want to be when I grow up…. You are who I want to be now…. Regardless of what is happening away from the screen you make the time for everyone and you can still see the beauty and the joy and the laughter in life and you still have time and pieces of yourself for every random that comes along…. You my dear are a true hero…. And you always find the best eye candy… so lickable likeable. The best big sister anyone could ever wish for. @Sazerac – My kindred spirit… we are so similar in so many ways but so different in others… a true friend who has been the barer of home truths and wise words… who has given me a shoulder to cry on and has been cheering my name for a while now. Your dedication to spreading the quit word and to helping others experience the gift of freedom from our nicotine addictions is amazing. I am so very grateful to the time you spend searching the archives for those old, forgotten posts that are the exact perfect thing for someone experiencing these things for the first time. You read our posts and you go hunting because you know the post that’s out there that will help us. Oh, not sure if I told you but my little Birdie says thanks too… she used the nuggets clip you found in her presentation on how addiction works and got an A+ … she even had the QT and Sazerac in her references. I love your art, I love your sewing, I love claiming you as my friend. Thank you for just being you. @MLMR – Well our little dutch princess, I know you are still fairly new to your quit and you are struggling at times but your beautiful posts, in a language that is not your own, are an inspiration to those coming behind, and those ahead of you also. Sharing your journey is such an honor, and every victory you have I cheer and do my happy dance. You are showing those out there lurking what some dedication and perseverance can achieve. You are the proof that someone needs to know they can overcome whatever hurdles life gives them to succeed and be a smoke free wonder diva…. And you have been able to give Doreen’s garden some wonderful contributions. I am sorry I have been a bit slack with the NOPE posts lately… it’s a time thing… to early to post when I leave and the day is over when I am home… I really do need to make the effort more… or find my phone, charge it and do them on the train. @WeegieWoman – Weegie…. My Scottish mate, well one of the Wonderful Wees my two favourite Scottish lassies…. even if you do think I sound like Gina (still slightly shattered over that one)… I defo wouldn’t be here today without you in my corner… you fired me up when that was what I needed… you called me on my bullshit when that was the case… but always, always you had my back, you were in my corner and more than that you are the champion of the underdog…. You keep giving and giving long after lots of us give up and you do it with such class. You make this quitting thing look easy and I really do owe you a massage, your shoulders must be killing from holding up my fat arse. One of the best things to come from quitting…. Getting you as a mate…. And I always knew I’d be able to call on you in a barney but now you are getting boxing fit… defo want you in me corner. And yes my dear… you really can pick them… your radar is spot on… and I should defo pay you more heed. @Linda Thomas – What an honour it has been to share your journey. You are so inspirational. From when I first joined a quit site to now you quit is the one I have enjoyed sharing the most. It really is a thing of beauty. From the very first post I was hooked, you journey has been one of multiple levels… remember early on when your father’s birthday was looming… I know how worried you were and you flew through it… with class…. I was so happy for you. You have come so far and you always have a kind word for everyone. You are an inspiration. You are pretty frickin amazing actually. If you ever feel wobbly re-read those posts you made in your first month and see how much you have grown and the beauty of that is someone is coming behind you and they are going to read your posts and say OMG that’s just like me… and they will find the courage and strength to join us too. You know one of the reasons I can’t go anywhere any time soon… I am so looking forward to posting your Lido Deck party. @Lilly – Lilly, you know what would be awesome… being able to give you 11 monthly woohoo threads and then a big huge Lido… I’d love to do that… would be the best 1 year anniversary present you could give me. I totally respect that you stay here and keep trying… because eventually everything will click, the quit will stick and you will have the best charm bracelet on earth… there are like 20 chicks here hanging to see that charm bracelet…. Pretty please KTQ @Paul723 – Thank you for being another long termer still here paying it forward. And you are right I did find an inner strength I never realised I had because it was hidden by a cloud of smoke… but I also had a group of really amazing friends propping me up and then an amazing group of fellow quitters from all over the world who came running when I needed, who kept me sane and laughing and taught me how to be smoke free and happy. @Martian5 – Can’t wait until you join me Martian5…. I can’t really say what I want to say because it will be half of my Lido party speech for you… but you are a quit master… one of those people who even at only a few weeks in you seemed so balanced and set with your quit… I know technically I’m leading the way for you but let me tell you the reality is you lead me with your example of how to be wonderfully smoke free. @johnny5…. another one who always came running when I hit rock bottom, who made me realise I was worth it and who’s opinion I respect and someone I didn’t want to let down. … well I kinda hated you over at QSMB… always with the +2 in the flippin Old Phartes verses Newbies number game… it was like a form of torture but the hope that we (the newbies who only got to -1) could beat the old phartes… OMG that was such an ambition…. And I’d think it was doable and then that bloody baby with a fist av would show up and rain all over me parade. LOL… and there you were giving out this wonderful advice and cheering everyone one and how could anyone hate Johnny5….. @Boo – Can I confess in part I made the Lido deck just to spite you… in a friendly kinda way… dunno how to explain it but when I first arrived here as a refugee you pegged me straight away as the crazy one… which I think I kinda took as a challenge (and kinda read as you sayin “well this one wont make it”)… which may just kinda prove your point… so anyway, I just don’t get some of your music… you have introduced me to some new stuff (well knew to me) that’s pretty bloody good and above all that… you give some the best advice in with the least amount of fuss… its to the point but not blunt and pretty damn inspirational… so while I may claim I get my daily exercise by reading your fitness posts… the true gift I got from sharing my journey with you were the wise words you shared not only with me but others too. We are pretty luck to have you here to pay it forward…. Now learn how to take a pic with ya phone and post it so we can all ooh and ahh over Cash. @Pearlie– Wow thanks for popping in to share my celebration. Thanks also for helping me though those early days with the playing of the games. Those games, here and over there kept me going in the early days and you were a big part of that. I miss you being around more but am so glad you were more active during my early days. Thanks for all your support during this quit. @Tammy– My favourite Indian Princess…. Each month when it gets to the 20th I say to myself “no way is Tammy only #months”…. You may be coming behind me but you are an inspiration. From the first time you took a sledge at Sslip… the first time you talked about your friends, the stray dogs, I knew you were destined for success and I knew I wanted to have you call me your dearest friend. Being you friend and having you in my corner is something that would never have happened had I not quit. Your posts are a work of art and you writing so uplifting… I love that you have started blogging and you are another one who’s command of the written English language puts me to shame and its not even your native tongue. I am touched that you think its fortunate to know me because the reality is I am the fortunate one. @Jet Black – Well we did it, in different styles and different ways and with different comfort levels but we did it, we both successfully took on our addictions and won. Thanks for your support and while we may not always agree when we do life is good. @Sslip – 7th mate… 7th generation and bloody proud cos my convicts didn’t steal no bread, nope we were the trouble making politically inclined Irish catholic convicts to be sure, to be sure, to be sure. Thank you for seeing the AFL for the thing of abject class and beauty that it is… the gladiators of modern sport… and I do think I gave you a decent steer in the team barrack for even if one of your players did have a Ken Bruce moment. Thanks for persisting with trying to teach me soccer I am trying and following it but I just can’t work out what the games are for and its just all hodge podge all over the place cups and what not. But more than anything, thank you for a) quitting earlier this year… b) joining QSMB then taking refuge here... it was actually googling Sslip that lead me here… c) the sledging, cos wots the point in a pommy mate if there’s no sledging.. d) being a competitive bastard… I can 100% guarantee that if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be here still quit…. Initially because there was no way on earth I was smoking while you weren’t…. then it was because I valued our friendship too much to throw it away with a smoke… because you know me and you know if I tossed my quit I’d be gone… but also thank you to you and beazel particularly for nagging me to go to the doctors all those months ago… because I would probably still be whinging about things and not have bother having them checked without your push. So the day Johnny5 gave me my biggest ahh-ha moment you made me feel like I had let you down… you told me you were disappointed…. Because lets face it I was being a snowflake and a bit of a sooky sooky lah lah and totally self destructive and I broke a promise…. And I never wanted to feel that again…. So you too cemented this shit. And I don’t care what anyone says… Gladstone Small is a frickin famous person… lol. @joe Jo-with an E…… lover of chicks and one very special little bloke. I have loved having you share this journey with me… making me laugh and being so generous to share you family with us too. I am so glad you got your little fella, eventually… dunno why you persist in that silly counting game, lol…. But thank you for the support and the laughs. Oh and the Aussie NOPE….. probably Yeah-NAH. @Cbdave – I love starting my days with G’day. OMG the first local mango is a true gift, those northies just don’t understand the sacrifice you just made…. Frickin love me mangos, although they cost a mint down here. So glad to have had you on this journey… your wit has been a blessing and the one day you didn’t nope… when you drove half way across the continent to pick up a trailer for a mate my day just didn’t go well… no g’day…. Then throughout the quit there have been other g’days and wise words of wisdom, which is really rather odd considering your banana bending status.. I mean real wise prosaic short and sweet gems to guide and support ... but…. Jokes aside, your support smoke and personally has been a true gift and something I have clung to in the dark moments when the side effects of medicine hurt and make me feel like crap... you just make it seem so hopeful. So get bloody better because I expect at least 40 more years of g’day starts my day…. You make me laugh, you’ve made me cry… in the good way not the mean nasty way…. And well it just wouldn’t have been the same without you help and support. So hurry up and get your matching scar before some dag deports you to Tassie. Well grab ya tinny of Gold Xxxx.... and as they say in only the classiest of circles... Up ya bum! @bakon - You only just worked out I’m a chick????? Seriously??? I hope you’re just a traffic cop and not a detective cos that’s a bit scary for the poor peeps of Pittsburgh. Thanks for the congrats, the laughs and the wise words that you try to disguise as jokes. Oh and thanks for that game I love to hate… frickin numbers. Look I don’t normally do this but considering the special occasion and the fact you were so kind as to share yours… here is a pic of meslef…. With my pouch on clear display as a girl bit I think I covered your request. @catlover – so glad you found your way onto the train. It has been fantastic having you in my corner and it has been a blast being in yours. Can I just say every time I look at a bag of popcorn I think of you… then I think of dancing cats. So one time during my quit I had one of my smoking dreams… now my smoking dreams are not like everyone else… oh no I don’t dream about smoking… me I dream about the people on the train…. So one time you were in my dream… so I know it was you because every time you spoke popcorn would fly out your mouth and then I asked you for something, oh all right if you must know I asked for a lighter because I was going to smoke and you kept checking all your pockets and you had about 50 pockets and in every pocket there was a cat or a kitten and you kept taking them out and giving them to me to hold and well you never did find a lighter…. So thank you for helping me to KTQ… even in my dreams. @Lin-quitting– thanks for being in my corner from way back when…. And thanks for sharing the journey. Tell you what the class of 2017 quitters was pretty bloody impressive. @StewieTech – my Pork Chop… my long suffering Portuguese mate… thanks for being such a huge part of my quit. Thank you for persevering and trying to translate my very bad English. You have inspired me when I have struggled. You have made me laugh and you have given me a very red arse… and I have loved every minute of it. I am so happy I had you to cheer me on. Thank you for being my Bigus Dickus. You were often the light in my dark days. @Lust4Life– Thanks for sharing the journey. I have to pick up my 12 month anni t-shirt… and once I do there will be pictures of them all… my NOPE shirts… in all their glory. @beazel… thank you so much for popping in to share my celebration. You were the second person ever to respond to my first post. You and Jillar are vital components to me making the first year milestone. You kept me on course in those early weeks and post Christmas. I am so very lucky I had you and Jillar to show me the way. I looked up to you both and was dependant on your support to prop me up in those bumpiest of bumpy days. I really wish you could spend more time here, you have so much of value to share. I love your flying visits… always seem to miss you but love that fleeting touch… always you will have a fond place reserved in my heart. You used to think you didn’t do enough to help others but you did so very much… playing the games and keeping them going and being quick and witty and sharp was a major part of how I kept my quit in those early days… if you were not there to keep the games chugging along I would have had nothing to fill the void, all the spare time I suddenly had. So thank you for being there when I was lost and scared and not sure if I even wanted to quit…. Things would have been a whole lot different without you and Jillar in my corner. @Fab – Cheers mate, to our other Queenslander… look at you, less than a month to go and you too will be a year free. Great to see you still with us and popping in from time to time. So thank you one and all for the support. So there are some who haven’t found there way in here for a woohoo and that’s cool….. but I need to shout them out with thanks anyway…because they played important parts in my quit… @Wee fluffy me– Thanks for being there from the get go, for the laughs, for the care, for the advice both about quitting and life and mumming…. Thanks for the awesome Scottish slang lessons…. For the talk of kilts and gardens and rats…. Ahh the great rat invasion of 2018… but most of all thank you for being my friend and leading my way… and all those awesome celebration cakes you made for me during my journey. You are defo a huge reason I’m still here, your are heaps more than a wee influence on me quit and I am glad to have you in me corner any day of the week. @c9jane29 – you were all quiet for a while while you dealt with ya quit and your sick bubba and then in a cloud of sparkly glitter you were back…. Leading the way keeping an eye on the newbies and the renovations you instigated to the stick thread… the stuff of legend. Sort out the phone thing soon…. 5 days by my count… and I am counting… thanks for all you do.
    13 points
  2. Hello. Just an update. I am doing really well enjoying the approaching holidays as a non-smoker there are so many benefits that I lose count of all the good things about not smoking. I come here every day and read sometimes a little sometimes a lot. And there are so many that I say that's me! Or sometimes I say hey that used to be me! Like everyone else I have good days and bad days but I continually have more better days than bad days. Sometimes I forget to reward myself and when I do it feels really great! I wish I was better at commenting, because the comments of so many of you have gotten me through some tough spots. I know sometimes people disappear and we wonder what happened to them and you all have been so good to me I just wanted to stop in and let you know I'm doing well actually I'm doing great! Thank you for all you do
    8 points
  3. G’day world nothing beats a NOPE to start your day C
    7 points
  4. NOPE - I don't smoke anymore.
    7 points
  5. Nope. Smoking is never an option.
    7 points
  6. So I am in kind of a haze, certain things going on personally which make me question a lot of things I thought I knew. Long story short, if I ever had any excuse (that being the operative word here) it would be now. However I don't want to, and I certainly don't feel like. In fact, I'm almost disappointed since I realize that smoking won't help puff the problem away. There were times when stress at work or home equated to stepping out and lighting up. Absolutely sure that it never resolved the problem, but those 5 minutes were about romanticizing the damn thing. And right now, I'm in a mode where I'm seeing everything in black and white. No grays. So no escaping stuff, most certainly not with the nico stick in hand. Strange how life can drag you down, and that's where you recognize or find the hard truths, the kind that stick with you. Sometimes you gotta get dragged through the mud for the dirt to wash off. Maybe this is an important step in my quit, maybe it's just an indication of things getting better or worse (black or white remember). All I know is I am not going to make plans or guesses, all I know, whatever comes I will fight it head on. And I won't fail.
    6 points
  7. Jo Yup....you really are worth it. ? I'm curious though. When you say we're all worth it, does that include Bakon?
    6 points
  8. 6 points
  9. Jo, just so you know, i knew you were special right from the beginning. You are an amazing lady. Look at you - individually thanking everyone. You are kind, caring and inspirational. You really know the facts and are always giving me a history lesson. I would not be where I am today without you dear lady. I keep hoping my lido deck party will actually be a cruise to Australia!
    6 points
  10. NOPE middle of the night and this is bothering you...go look at porn....
    6 points
  11. Wow Jo, you know how to blow my mind... Beautiful post, read and re read it, what an amazing thank you to everyone. Just shows the attention to detail you have, and of course the number of people who are in your corner. It's crowded, and no wonder why. And I sure am happy to be there standing alongside everyone, basking in the support and camaraderie you offer to everyone. You've helped me in so many ways, always around to respond to my messages (at insane hours for you), and been there to remind me that even the darkest of days only has 24 hours. This 1 year (of which I've known you 5 months now) is a testament to the dedication you have towards yourself and your family, both the real one, and all of us here...You're a superstar Jo, you've touched more lives than you could ever know. Thank you for being you my dearest friend.
    6 points
  12. 6 points
  13. My favorite cat names are 'Stir-Fry' and 'Banjo'. They make excellent strings for Violins, too. If I had to personally kill anything other than a broccoli or onion, I would starve to death.
    5 points
  14. Gee, I thought it was dog. We often walk our dogs over to the pharmacy around the corner. We walk past a Chinese restaurant and they always size the dogs up as we walk past the window. Needless to say, it is not where we get our chinese!
    5 points
  15. ML, you are a little behind me in the quit. I have actually been craving so much more lately. Could it be the season, heaven knows all the crazies are out this time of year. That requires patience. I have a wedding celebration this weekend and all of a sudden my outfit is tight around the waist. In the process of shopping for something to hold the gut in, I almost pulled into where I used to buy my smokes. I can blame all these inconveniences on quitting smoking but at the end of the day, it is the goal that needs to be stuck to. I have admired you through your journey. You have perfectly described so many of those emotions we experience while quitting. You and I can do this. Stay focused and strong. We can only be winners in the end.
    5 points
  16. This was a beautiful powerful thank you post I've ever read in my 5 yrs of being in the Train.... It was impossible to read ,without tears falling..... I have met some of the most amazing people here ..in my own journey ....who I know I will never forget ......and they stay in my heart..... I feel very fortunate to have met you in my life.....you are a dear friend ....who always has a kind supporting word ...when the going gets tough. That when I can understand your jargon....lol.... Celebrating your Lido Deck...was a great result ..I never doubted you ....and so much fun.... Thank you for your kind words ,you are a special lady.....a fighter ....and I'm so looking forward to us having high tea next year....
    5 points
  17. Yeah, why. I don't know. I hate that craves are still there, despite education and just letting time pass. I hate that I still have to work for it, next to all the work I have to do to cope with general moodswings and brain that tends to think in extremes. I hate this sounds like a pity party. Where is that turning point every body keeps talking about? Sure, I have easy moments/days by now and yes, reading back I realise I'm making progress. When I started 107 days I made a deal with myself, not the hard way. Steady and forward, but not harsh. And where am I at now? Beating myself up on the inside for sos-ing and hardly able to talk in a gentle way to myself. I really do believe all of this also makes the quit stronger. But dang, there has to be a kinder way? Thanks a lot for all of your answers. They mean much to me, though I sound grumpy and through with it.
    5 points
  18. NOPE Happy Friday, everybody!
    5 points
  19. G’day NOPE: Not One Puff Ever. Delete “Ever” insert “each min” “each hour” each day” as required C
    4 points
  20. There's a crummy looking Chinese joint in Chattanooga, rough part of town. I can't help but notice there's always an inordinate amount of pigeons around that place. Almost as if they're being baited. I'm just sayin'. There also used to be a Bar-B-Q food truck that parked in the lot next to the animal hospital over on Amnicola. I never trusted that either.
    4 points
  21. Eh, now I loves a kebab, but...no thanks
    4 points
  22. Thank you for this great post Jo. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that we love you, and are so happy to see you succeed with your quit And I'm glad that you finally got to start the +1/-2 game lol ?
    4 points
  23. Thanks for sticking around Parsley and letting us know you're doing well. That IS important to us here because I think we tend to take on other people's quits like they are our own and you're right, it is a little concerning when people just disappear and we don't know if they are OK or not. I know most just move on with life but still, we wonder. And please don't feel your comments are inadequate or not important for others to hear. I think we all feel that way and we don't realize that the simple words any of us may have to offer on any given day might just register with someone we don't even know who is thinking about quitting or trying to quit. Every single contribution here could be a live-savor to someone
    4 points
  24. Wow - longest thank you note ever We're all glad you landed here and your contributions to this place have been numerous and invaluable - that all goes without saying but now, it's been said! We're all very excited and proud that you've now crossed that Lido threshold and joined us up here in the Old Pharte lounge. Make no mistake though - it was YOU who had to do all the work in battling your own demons as your quit progressed and you did that successfully so kudos to YOU!
    4 points
  25. I knew you were a girl.....I could smell you through the screen. Picking up a waff of a fart currently but being a chick it has a rose tinge to it.
    4 points
  26. Sorry I'm late ..... ML....I'm so happy you have kept your fabulous quit... Look at all the positives...not the negatives...... You are achieving ,what deep down every smoker on the planet wants...whether they admit it or not .... It doesn't matter how long it takes.....do you know the story about the turtle that wins the race....steady does it ... The magic WILL happen ...but we are all different .... Except you are where you you supposed to be ....be kind to yourself ....
    4 points
  27. Glad you stuck it out...shows that you are committed regardless of the extenuating circumstances. KTQ...it will get easier.
    4 points
  28. Definitely don't be scared by this event...nothing to be scared about, lots of reasons to celebrate... look at all the positives... you did not smoke, you beat the crave, you used the tools you have learnt, you did an SOS and people came to your aid, YOU DID NOT SMOKE... and you blew the sh1t out of that crave... you addiction learnt MLMR is one tough sheila, and she is not weak in the middle of the night when she can't sleep... so don't bother with that attack again, she is too wise for that.
    4 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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