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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/18 in all areas
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I just had my last cigarette after my relapse, and figured to write down some "I will..." statements to help. Hopefully others will join in too, at whatever stage you're at - thinking of quitting, well into your quit, a relapser, a supporter. I will not smoke again. I will remember how empowering it was to quit years ago. I will always hold on to the pride I have felt for more than 3 years, and reclaim it. No one, and no cigarette, will deny me of it. I will not forget that this is a choice I need to make daily. I will not miss the nasty cigarette smell. I will focus on how great my body has felt after my first quit, and the great changes I made to my diet and working out. I will remember how deliriously happy my family and friends were when I quit. I will remember the shame I felt the other day when I was looked up and down by a stranger in the store, asking me in disgust "why are YOU a smoker??" I will cherish the support found on this forum. i will not forget or disown my original quit. I will think about all the great people in my life who have always knew me as a non-smoker. I will forever say out loud when I see a cigarette "Please. I'm better than that." I will protect my quit.7 points
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Blur, if you could just make it past that first day, you would be surprised that it is only a couple of days of discomfort. I bopped around the sight reading everything I could to stay busy the first couple of days. After the first couple of days, it turns into a mind game. Redirecting those craves. You can do this. C'mon and join us and we will do this together. Make today the beginning of you smoke free life.5 points
Hi Blur ... Good to see you quitting oknce more.... You smoke because you believe the cigarette offers you something .....junkie thinking !!!! Educate yourself...read all you can ...watch all joels videos....learn .... Jo is right ...you need a plan....be prepared to crave ...but when you are armed ,you can fight them easier... Join the NOPE thread ....this is a great tool....it can be powerful...when you coming everyday with all the other Noper,s..... You can do it ....believe in yourself ...5 points
What have you got ready to help you through those craves... do you have a plan... gum, hard lollies to suck, a game to play (like the card match game).... you need a plan... something to do to help you ride it out. How many hours has it been since you last smoke.5 points
Oh Geez! 11 months already? You gotta be shi*in me! It seems like yesterday you were just a wee newbie - Lol! Hey! Congrats buddy. You deserve nothing but the very best of celebrations. Your NOPE record is impeccable and ..... I heard you've just taken up long boarding too Rock on M5!5 points
Bakon -- Dinner out tonight after an afternoon of goofing off with my grandson and getting a pair of sunglasses -- that light at the end of the tunnel now is so damned bright it is getting hard to see !!5 points
Congratulations @Martian5 for being 11 months smoke free. Well done Martian5 on having such a strong base for the rest of your life smoke free. 11 months is no mean feat and you have done it with a total class. Thank you for being so active around the boards and the support you offer to others. So 11, make sure you celebrate, a birthday and a monthaversary in the same week.... double the rewards. Make sure you pack those bags.... that boat is heading in quicker than you think. I do believe they are getting ready for a celebrations that will be out of this world.4 points
Congratulations @Octain for being 11 months smoke free. Well done Octain. 11 months is fantastic. Its great to see you NOPE every day. So make sure you celebrate and reward yourself for this milestone because from next month you start counting in years. You are now on notice, you need to get those bags packed, you are headed to the Lido Deck and there will be a celebration.4 points
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Everyone here is being very kind and supportive of you blur. I hope that works for you. I happen to think you need a little more of a kick in the tush if you've used the forum before and this is your 100th time quitting. Well no wonder you've failed 100 times. You have "awful cravings" that are hard to "resist". No one here could possibly understand how difficult it is for you. Now for a reality check. Quitting is not easy. You may have countless cravings for a long period of time. Cravings, however, are not the end of the world (whereas cancer, COPD, and heart disease often are). Millions of other people, including thousands on this website, have quit. We are not special. We quit despite cravings, unpleasantness, irritability, etc. It takes uncompromising commitment and a willingness to learn about addiction for a successful quit. It also helps to have a place to get and give support. But first and foremost, it takes your 100% dedication. Hope you don't see this as an attack, but rather a new approach. It wasn't 'til I got tough on myself that I was successful.4 points
Day one is where every successful quit begins. A rough day here and there early in the process for a lifetime of freedom is a great deal. You will see a return on investment from those uncomfortable moments in the early days that will benefit you for the rest of your life. Quitting is one of the best things you will ever do for yourself. You just have to commit to doing it.4 points
Welcome back! You've received great advice Blur! Just bite off small pieces in these early days. Don't look at the long game - just this minute, this hour for now. Keep busy and distracted. If you have the time, spend all day and night if necessary right here reading everything your can. Play some games on the games page to keep your mind and hands busy. You will find a way once you make that unwavering commitment to yourself!4 points
Glad to see you back blur, you can do it. Just believe in yourself and that you're worth it4 points
You Must Commit to Your Quit, to yourself. Your power will emerge, your trust in yourself will build. Give some thought about what our friend, @Sirius says, "Next time a craving plunks down on your face ask yourself, What price you are willing to pay to own yourself"4 points
Doreen has a reserved seat in my canoe Well not so much a seat !!!...it can get a bit rocky... But we have mastered the art !!!!4 points
You're doing this the right way; picking a date the following day. Some pick a date after the holidays, after this or that and it's just not necessary. It's like telling a {pick your drug} addict to keep on using until they're more comfortable to stop using. Either way, today is the day. BTW, I had my last cigarette at 7pm the day I quit. You should start a blog today to chronicle your quit. Use it as a journal of sorts because it's another way of keeping yourself accountable to stay nicotine free. The other way of course is one that you've already done; telling the world that you're quitting this evening at 8pm. Trust me, we'll be watching. ?4 points
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Amazing stuff M5, you've got this quit nailed down to a T...great going.4 points
@Martian5 many many congrats! Great you went out for dinner. Im sure the light is blinding. . Getting closer and closer, woohoo!!4 points
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