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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/18 in all areas

  1. In Australian speak, well done ya bloody ripper! I am so proud of you and happy to be the one to welcome you to the lido deck! You have shown us all your strength and commitment to your quit in spite of all the struggles you faced this year. You supported us all and gave us huge amounts of entertainment along the way. Thank you my dear friend for being you and congratulations on becoming an old pharte ? xoxo Now let's get this party started, got the dj playing And the hamburgers cooking on the barbi Enjoy my friend. Oh and we need a pic of your one year t shirt!
    12 points
  2. Real proud of you Jo. It wasn't easy but you're one tough Aussie chick. Enjoy the rewards of being one YEAR smoke free.
    10 points
  3. Strewth, Jo, you have done a bonzer, ace job here on the QT, ya bloody ripper! Time to head over to the Lido Deck and get the rage started! Celebrate all your hard work not only with your own quit but the way you keep the rest of us moving forward in our quits! Hey @jillar - throw some snags on that barbie, too, will ya? Congrats, Jo, and KTQ! ?
    9 points
  4. I'm all dressed up and ready to celebrate. Huge congratulations to you, Jo, on your spectacular first quit year!!!
    9 points
  5. Yay for you Jo! You are such a vital part of this board. Thank you for all you do and Congratulations!!
    9 points
  6. Huge congrats Jo on your 1 Full Year Anniversary! I'm so excited, as are many others, to be able to welcome you to the Lido Deck today Take a seat on a cushy lounge while we get you a well deserved cocktail. It's been such a pleasure to have been able to share your quit journey. I'm amazed at the sheer determination you have shown in getting past some of the life gut-punches you've received both early on and later in your quit. You Aussie gals are some tough peeps. The kind I would want standing beside me in times of adversity! (Insert gif BKP just posted ) Your contributions here on Quit Train are too numerous to list in one post. Thanks for all your time and effort. It really makes a huge and positive difference here Most importantly, your positive influence on new quitters and even the lurkers who we don't even know are reading our words here. Hope you take full advantage of the day because it's huge and will mean a lot to you. Drink in every moment! Speaking of drinking, don't forget to finish the day with a little wine or maybe the whole bottle?
    9 points
  7. G'day Why NOPE?.... cause I can! C
    8 points
  8. 8 points
  9. Jo, amigo! You did it, reaching the lido deck like an aussie Queen! Although Ive only seen the last 3 months of it... I party with you as hard as everyone else! I think it's amazing what you did. Not just the quitting... but the support you offer to others, the stories you tell, your writing talent. Ive enjoyed so many of your 'it's ...day' tales in the nope pledge. Isn't it a just the coolest idea someone in rainy Holland wakes up, curious about what day Jo makes of it? Thats the power of connection through this board... and your contribution is so valuable! Ahhhh, one year!! Congratulations and I whish you a very special celebration, with lots of spoiling and good food and beautiful australian things and more things and more glitter and whatever is on your whish list!
    8 points
  10. You Go Girl My Beautiful Friend ! Happy, Happy First Year of Freedom, Jo ! Please take time to celebrate and reward your beautiful self ! You are so important to me, personally, and to this board. Your time and great support is astounding. You share so much with us and are a pure delight. Thank you for the time you put in here, thank you for quitting smoking LAST year and thank you for being the star that you are !
    8 points
  11. You deserve some Flowers and Champagne and yummy Strawberries....so I'm sending you some !!!! We are so lucky ,you decided to travel your Quit Journey with us ....I am honoured to call you my friend.... Through all your own struggles ,you put them aside ,and offered to do all the members special dates...so they can celebrate thier special days.... Not a easy thing to do.... I Thank you for all your time and the effort it takes....I Thank you for explaining what you are talking about ,when I don't understand a word....I Thank you for the laughs and jokes .. I am Delighted you have reached your goal....a massive Congratulations...... Take your well earned place....and enjoy all the fun and the compliments you will get today.... Love you lady ....xxx
    8 points
  12. Nope. It may be slippery business sometimes, but so far the outcome at the end of my day is always zero smokes ?
    8 points
  13. Congratulations @farmgirl for being smoke free for 11 months! Well done FG, 11 months is fantastic and so close to that first year of freedom. So would love if you popped in with an update on all the wonderful new things you are doing with the time you used to give to smoking. Make sure you reward yourself for this milestone. Well best get those bags packed.... your ship is coming in and there will be big celebrations on the Lido for you next month.
    7 points
  14. 7 points
  15. Omg jo!! I'm so super dooper happy for you reaching the lido deck today. Savour this feeling, enjoy it, it's fricking brilliant!!! I'm delighted we quit the same month November 2017 and we crossed paths. You've brightened up my quit and this board, you're a real treasure. Keep being you because you really are totally awesome. Now, let's party!! Wooohoooo!
    7 points
  16. Wow Jo, It's been a whole year!!!!! It hardly seems possible. Huge congratulations on reaching your first year anniversary! You have done a great job on your quit and all the support and fun that you've provided.
    7 points
  17. Nope. Smoking is never an option.
    7 points
  18. G'day NOPE.... to start the day C
    6 points
  19. Jo, congratulations on being quit for a whole year ?
    6 points
  20. Congratulations Jo! Celebrate your milestone - you deserve it. Thanks for all you do on this forum and for supporting me on my journey.
    6 points
  21. The only pattern I have noted is when quitters are initially 'too exuberant' and ignorant of the nature of addiction, the initial impetus falls flat pretty quickly and they disappear. Quitting nicotine is serious work. While exuberance can be a propellant, it is education and solid commitment that builds the successful quit. I knew @Linda Thomas was going to make it. She just needed a nudge to start believing in herself, trusting in herself. Nicotine steals self confidence and it is a pleasure to watch it return.
    6 points
  22. OMG woman don't ask, he might actually do it! well, probably cos I'm not an old pharte yet but I suck a picking those that are going to succeed. So many times someone comes along who seems like they will make it and then they just vanish and a little of me always wonders where they are, what happened, are they ok... I think I just want everyone to succeed and I am a little bit naive and I just think everyone who comes is going to succeed.. Oh and @Linda Thomas when you first posted I thought... (and in order)... Oh I hope Doreen responds, she's the best at doing the "ya never too old" talk...oh she really wants to quit.... oh she is her own biggest enemy because she doesn't realise how amazing she is and how strong she is .... right I can help with that.... and then I posted. I love how much you have grown since you quit... you are one of the bestest quit stories ever..
    6 points
  23. Oh my...I didn't have a tool box. I did have a journal I wrote 25 years before I actually quit...all about how I didn't want to be forced to quit...and the reasons why smoking sucked and why I needed to stop smoking but that didn't happen at that time...I just went on my merry way smoking like a chimney! 2017- It was do or die for me now....I quit while on way to hospital while having a stroke! While in hospital I let staff know I was gonna need the patch to get through this...and they provided it! I gritted my teeth and played Solitaire on my phone for hours at a time and then I would try to sleep (not easy when in hospital!) Once I got back home, I was filled with anxiety....knowing that I had to keep this quit or else! I had really damaged my body and more horrible stuff was to come in the next few months (CABGx3)! I managed to keep my quit by finding an online support group (QSMB) and deep breathing, admitting I was an addict and educating myself. Every time a crave hit....I was off walking which was a miracle in itself!! I had survived a stroke with no lasting damage! When I had hit my one year quit milestone, I was so thankful! One month later QSMB was no more!!! Ack....I knew I still needed support...luckily found the Quit Train! What is in my toolbox now: Smoking is not an option - it is damaging my arteries and my lungs. The fact that I now have seen that my skin looks better, my eyes look better, I no longer stink, I no longer have that awful cough. I have the power to say NO to a crave. I am educated about the addiction. I am strong. I am powerful.
    5 points
  24. Congratulations @Cader28 for being smoke free for 1 month. Well done Cader28. That is the hardest month of you quit done. Celebration and rewards are an import process in re-wiring your smoke free life. We would love to know how you are rewarding yourself for your first month smoke free.
    5 points
  25. You are a rare bird Jo! Congratulations on your first year and thanks for managing the celebrations threads. You seem to have tapped into an inner strength and increased it since you have quit.
    5 points
  26. I feel like the bestest quit story ever. I was feeling like I was at the lowest point of my life. Not only have you encouraged me to get my life back, you have made me feel worthy of that life. I wish I could reach across the miles and hug you all.!
    5 points
  27. As wobbly as I was initially, my attitude was to be free of this disgusting habit, not let it control me, which helped to begin my journey. But my attitude was also moulded by people on this forum, who taught me the value of patience, of celebrating the small milestones, taking part in other's journey, which makes your own a little less cumbersome.
    5 points
  28. As well as my cast iron trying pan ...I have a soap box .... I will repeat it for lurkers....You Are Never Too Old To Quit !!!!! Oh ya!! I agree....a Bakon selfie.... I'm not ready for that ...
    5 points
  29. I agree completely, absolutely. Yes, i can, we can, spot it a mile away. But this is not work where I'm giving 100% and there's some lazy ass worker earning the same dollar as me and that would piss me off. We're trying to overcome an addiction, it's serious shit. And takes most folk a good few tries to crack it. All my prior attempts I had a piss poor attitude but I was trying my hardest at that moment. You canny teach what we are calling 'attitude'. Everyone needs to figure it out for themselves and I commend any one that tries. I work with lots of stinking smokers that don't even try to quit! Education does not sink in if you are not ready. I can only speak from my own experience but keep trying and you will crack it, as happened to me.
    5 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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