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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/19/18 in all areas

  1. 11 points
  2. Thanks all....just what I needed! At work but this morning has been awful! Better too to be at work busy
    9 points
  3. Hey Parsley! First of all, good that you sos'd. Apparantly this quit means that much to you! Hang in and stay with us. You ask why it feels like day one. Well, that's probably because you did something(s) that you haven't done yet without smoking? Quitting means breaking with associations, all sorts of. Practical as well as emotional. I was there a while ago, Im also nearing 3 months. The thoughts kept coming, like beating waves on a rocky shore. They subsided and I continued. A little bit wiser and vigilant in my quit. They will subside for you as well! Keep doing what you do, at a steady day-to-day pace. I promiss you will feel better later on, maybe even today. With every difficult moment you are strengthening your quit and building confidence. Take care and stay here as long as you need!
    9 points
  4. I’ve been free for a bit over a year. Recently have been suffering from insomnia and I’m trying to relocate again because I don’t feel well in this job and this country. But I’ve been working a lot on some artistic projects and I keep on discovering new and good things, so not all is bad ?
    9 points
  5. 9 points
  6. Made it home...drink...shower soon. Dang was tough...felt better about the whole thing when i left work...driving past three gas stations on the way. My Wally and Kitty love their non smoking momma! Saved my quit, dont stink, saved 6 or whatever it is now. Had lunch with a co worker, like i do alot these days instead of begging off to smoke my lunch time away... THANK ALL OF YOU!!! I MEAN IT!!
    8 points
  7. You are not so much "overwhelmed" as "looking for excuses". Stop that. Stop it now. Recognize it for what it is and do not find the excuse. EZPZ
    8 points
  8. ^^^ eek think my pants would be pooped!!!!!!!!
    8 points
  9. 8 points
  10. G'day It's NOPE ( you guessed that..right!) C
    7 points
  11. Gday recon its NOPE again today C
    7 points
  12. @c9jane29 heyyyyy!!! i am great - exhausted bc i stupidly had very strong Italian coffee last night way too late...up all night and now working...zzzzz excited for Thanksgiving! Cooking up a storm. How are you and what are your Holiday plans?
    7 points
  13. Good for you Parsley....you really want this quit ...that why you posted....your fighting your battles...
    7 points
  14. Parsley this is not that unusual, having a bigger than expected battle with the addiction around the 3 month mark. Seems to be the final big battle that the addiction wages on some people. You have all the tools to fight this because you have already done that for months now and got through the worst of it. Take some deep breaths and know that you are strong enough to get through this
    7 points
  15. I am fine....good really c9jane29 ! Hanging in there....soon 3 months No patch of last Wednesday Like most others, good days and not too good days... But everyday I nope is progress forward...no I don't get my nope on here everyday but I try to read here everyday a few minutes and I NOPE everyday!!
    7 points
  16. Know mine would.... no way I'm usin that dunny...
    6 points
  17. Hang in there Parsley. You hot this.
    6 points
  18. Yep, as others have said, it's not too unusual to hit rough patches just when you're getting used to having some days of happily uneventful smooth sailing. 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months -- you're at the last of the terrible threes, and it's just a temporary reminder of all those difficult early days that you don't ever want to have to go through again. It's also the beginning of the holidays and a new season, with a lifetime of memories competing for your brain's attention and some smoking memories are bound to sneak in and try to stir things up. Also, any emotional highs you may have gotten from the "newness" of your quit have probably worn off by now. So all in all, give yourself a big pat on the back, a gold medal, a bag of cookies, a couple of your favorite drinks, and a whole lot of credit for making it to 3 whole months(!!!) -- which probably sounded like an impossible dream about 3 months ago. You are doing fabulously!
    6 points
  19. How you doing parsley? Hopefully a little better now. There's something about the threes that seems to trigger a lot of us so just power through like it was day 1 because it will get better, I promise
    6 points
  20. Yep !!!!.....the old Nico Monster is trying to lure you back.... They are only thoughts...you are stronger than you think....... Nope !!!......I agree with Jane ....go do something nice or eat some little reward ..... Fight on Parsley ... Don't make me get that frying pan out either !!!
    6 points
  21. remember you are fresh off the patch; your nicotine receptors are starting to die off and getting desperate for their drugs. YOU are stronger than any nicotine memory...you want this quit!! Tell junkie brain a BIG! FAT! NOPE! Eat some chocolate, take a nice hot shower...maybe some wine too? You've got this parsley...we've watched you fight so we know you'll come out winning this battle!
    6 points
  22. Greetings NOPErs.... today is International Mens Day (yay sticks?) and by an ironic twist of fate it is also International Toilet Day..... now I may be a fool or a feminist to see a certain degree of comedy in that coincidence.... and yet International Toilet Day is nothing to laugh at, it might seem like a joke holiday but it is a day to draw awareness to the fact that despite access to proper sanitation has been declared a basic human right, 1 in 3 people around the world do not have access to the very basic sanitation. Lack of sanitation leads the spread of diseases like cholera, typhoid and hepatitis....in some parts of Africa diarrhea caused by a lack of sanitation is still the biggest killer of children. So weather you celebrate Mens Day beating some sticks in a counting game or Toilet Day but considering how luck you are to have one.... do something special today. ^^ That is a definite dunny nope. NOPE ... I'm not flushing my life down the loo.
    6 points
  23. Dont mean to dicourage you, instead give you hope. For me it felt like day 1 for 5 months straight. Then it got better. Hang in there lad.
    5 points
  24. Yes busy is good parsley, it'll help keep your mind off the craves. Thanks for checking back in and yay you for keeping that awesome quit
    5 points
  25. Don't make me get the glitter out!!
    5 points
  26. I am not so sure how they feel about wine at Parsleys work either.. unless she works at a vineyard or something. In which case a hot shower would be appropriate, after trampling the grapes into wine
    4 points
  27. Building your quit takes time, re-routing your brain away from nicotine takes time. You must be patient with yourself and stick to NOPE
    4 points
  28. Hi, my name is Boo. I am a Gemini. I'm a lover not a fighter. I enjoy outdoor recreation, good music, dirty jokes, seafood, long drives on country roads, Westerns, acting like a know-it-all, and ringing Doreen's bell. I never identified as unisex. What I said was: "I'd just as soon go screw myself as to ever talk to Bakon again."
    4 points
  29. Congratulations on one week down, Lily! It's like having a new puppy or baby -- it's all you can think or talk about and all of your real buddies and those who can relate will be thrilled for you and happy to go along for the ride. The rest will just smile politely, but that's okay, too.
    3 points
  30. Oh Lilly, you go girl. You've got this now. You can tell the difference in your posts. You have that "I've got this confidence". You are over the tough stuff. The rest is easy.
    3 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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