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Congratulations Johnny on four fabulous smoke free years! You have been such a huge part of my quit and many others and I can't thank you enough for all the support you've given. You are truly a special person and I'm proud to call you my friend Have a great day and I hope you do something special to celebrate this milestone9 points
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Hi Everyone, I've been on and off this board for a long time. I keep trying! i keep coming back! Today I am flying from Seattle to Sacramento to visit my sister for a long weekend. She has never smoked and is very worried about me (so am I) She told me a few months ago that the next time I visit I will have to be nicotine free because even though I only smoked outside when I last visited her, the smell lingered in her guest bedroom after I left. I promised her I would. So....once I get to the airport I'm putting a patch on and that will be that. I'm 51 and have smoked since I was 13 or 14 and I've been lucky so far to not have any life threatening consequences but the clock is ticking, I know it is. Today I decide that my health and my very life are more important than sucking poison into my lungs. Today I love my heart and my lungs more than I love the cig or vape. Today I will stop thinking "I'll quit soon" and actually QUIT. Today I will be free. I'll stay close to the board. Thank you for being here for me everytime I pop in. Michelle8 points
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In honor of your 4th Smoke Free Anniversary, I arranged to have one of the forum chicks do a pole dance just for you! Now you just need to figure out who it is. Congrats man! Fantastic quit and support to others as well for 4 whole years now8 points
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Johnny - you are one of the people I respect most on this forum. You are wise, compassionate and supportive. I couldn’t be happier for your big day. Enjoy.8 points
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How exciting. Hope it is a beautiful, fun filled event. Safe travels for a holiday week. I quit at 4:00 pm on August 1st, 2018 I am working on my 4th month. It blows me away that I am a nonsmoker. I don't have too many craves and they are manageable. My single son just moved into a newer ranch style home. He is all excited about having Thanksgiving at his new home. He is even building his own dining room table. He shouted out for Dad's help this weekend, so it may just get done on time. Mom may have to get up super early to help him stuff the bird but I'm sure he will do a wonderful job. This may be one of our most memorable holidays.7 points
In 11 days I will be 1 year quit... to be honest at 11.28pm on 28 November 2018 it will be 1 year since I had my last cigarette... I only remember the time because 11:28 on 28th November.... it was just meant to be.... um... quit wise I'm fan-frickin-tastic.... every now and then I might get a smoke thought but it just that, a passing thought and its gone....between my new job and my medical treatment I am pretty exhausted at the moment but it will get better. The kid is still hoppin with a limp and doin me head in. Edit: My plans for Australia to take over the world are perfected.... now its just a case of convincing the powers that be that they are the work of genius and not insanity.7 points
Free, just over Five years. I had a great celebration here, thank y'all. I love our batch of quitters, watching them regain their confidence and their lives from the shroud of Nicotine is mighty inspirational. My quit is feeling rock steady and there is no room, ever, for complacency. Nice to see you popping in, mister b. Love to your beautiful (and saintly) wife. S7 points
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Congratulations, Johnny5 on your FOUR years of Freedom and thank you so much for all you do. Your wisdom and words make this board a great place to be.7 points
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WooHoo @johnny5 what a fan-frickin-tastic gift you have yourself that day 4 years ago when you decided to NOPE.... I'm glad you did because you have certainly helped me on my journey with your advice and support. I am so glad to count you among my quit support crew. Thanks so much for still hanging around for us newbies and paying it forward every day. Even when your advice is not for me I always get something out of it. Soooo.... congratulations on your wonderful quit and do something super special to spoil yourself because you certainly deserve it.7 points
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Time for all the chicks, sticks , window lickers and booger-bat-stewy-meathead-jetblack (those who identify as unisex) to post a status of their quit. and Not just I am here!!! Post your quit time if you know it, post if its going good or bad and post something going on in your life. I don't know half the new people but don't run off scared and unplug your computer and think you can hide. I only hurt if your extra sensitive and any thing you say can be used to make fun... So I will go first. Hair over a few years. No problems with quit. Don't even think about it. Work out occasionally on a schedule which makes me slightly less fat than i should be for what I eat and drink. Traveling to Florida next week for youngest son wedding. Mrs Bakon all good too. Next6 points
Quit: 7:30 AM 01/04/2018 (getting close to the 1 year mark). Quit is going strong but I now see the reason for that 1 year mark and has been my motivation. What is going, not much -- retirement is much overrated!!!!!!6 points
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Johnny...Good dude. Top shelf quit. Keep doing what you're doing. Special dedication going out on your big day...6 points
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Johnny, remarkable job on the 4 years --- Congrats. And thank you for all of your support!!6 points
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@johnny5 Thank you for your guidance and encouragement...you are a inspiration and a great mentor. I enjoy your outlook on the quit life ? thanks for all you do here; we all really appreciate you!! Now, it's time to pa-har-tay!! Put a little pep in your step today, friend! 4 years is a great achievement!6 points
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Congratulations on your 4 years Johnny! Great job on the support that you provide!6 points
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Glad you got your hair even if it did take a few years. I quit at 10:15pm on Sunday, Memorial day weekend, May 29th, 2016. I'm currently still in my living room and I've just sent out a BOLO to the state of Floriduh Florida for next week.5 points
Put out my last cigarette the night of May 13th 2017 and woke up a non-smoker Mother's Day the 14th...so that's a year and a half of sweet freedom!! (or almost 2 years as I like to think about it) I freaking love! love! love! my new smoke free life! Something going on in my life...my husband finally has a day job and it's been really nice finally having help with the kids in the evening. And, now that he's quit too; I get double the rewards?5 points
5 points
Lucky so far. Remember, the casino always wins in the long run. The next one you light could be the one that tips the scale. Quit now. Quit forever.5 points
Thankyou for all the encouragement and support I watched my Day 5 Joel Spitzer video today. Had a few smoking thoughts but got through. I am now in Day 6.4 points
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The tough spots are going to become fewer and further between as you continue your quit. Those days where you wake up feeling great are going to occur more frequently as you continue your quit. Congratulations Lilly. You've done one of the best things you will ever do for yourself.4 points
Hello again Michelle, Congratulations on quitting smoking. How are you going to build your quit ? What is going to make it successful this time ? Please educate yourself again and again and commit to yourself, commit to NOPE. You will not fail.4 points
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