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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/18 in all areas
We all agree something is up with you and meathead.... also agree booger makes up a lot of his workouts.... agree the the eggs have not been around much and lastly NOPE works10 points
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I think we can all agree that anybody can quit smoking because we are proof ! Quitting smoking is ultimately DO-ABLE no matter who you are. All it takes is a commitment to never taking another puff again...ever. I hope we all agree that honesty, truth and integrity concerning our quits is essential. We no longer believe the addict's lies and must be rigorous in revealing them to protect our quits. We likely agree that the sticks Cheat. Always have.9 points
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I have to admit I am a fluffy. You probably figured that out right away. I can't accept anyone being a lost cause (except maybe bakon. He is either a bad boy or a dirty old man lol). I think you need all the personalities combined together for the forum to work. Sometimes it just takes the right person clicking with another person for things to work. I have great love and respect for you all because you have helped me save my life.8 points
I think we all agree that smoking sucks. -and I think we all agree the chicks can't count.8 points
We all think we miss some of the oldies around here... We also agree this addiction kills more people than all the wars together....you need to fight for your quit ....8 points
I think we all agree that bakon was dropped on his head as a baby...… I also think we agree on how nice it is not to stink of stale smoke...…..8 points
Greetings fellow NOPErs...today's shout out comes from the calendar of the UN... to day is World Pneumonia Day, did you know that influenza is responsible for 16% of global deaths for children under 5...which makes it the single largest infectious cause of death in children. Pretty staggering considering it can be prevented by immunisation, adequate diet, and environmental and hygiene issue improvements. Did you know pneumonia can be bacterial, viral or fungal. Bacterial pneumonia can be easily treated with antibiotics but only 1/3 of children infected receive antibiotic treatment.... Pneumonia is also a big killer of the elderly but sadly it can be added to the plight of the smoker as well... an easy way of reducing your susceptibility to pneumonia and improving your lung health is to quit... so every one of us in the NOPE is helping to reduce pneumonia cases world wide. NOPE... cos my lungs are busy repairing themselves.8 points
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What the Fluffies say--"awwww..Sorry about your relapse..get back on track and start again" "Never quit the quit" "Life is tough yes..but you can do this" "Get back on the horse and do it again" "You've got this, YAY!!!" What the Toughies say--"Be truthful with yourself" "Everything you are saying is BS" "where was your SOS????" "you need to take your quit seriously as if your life depends on it!!!" "stop with the excuses!!" "you think I'm being too hard on you? Well try getting cancer!", "easy peasy!!!" The truth is...on a successful quit board....we need BOTH types of support. That's why it works here. They compliment each other. They are both vital. Sometimes you need a gentle hand, sometimes you need a swift kick in the butt and to be called out on your s**t...and sometimes you need both at the same time. But...I believe..despite our different styles of support...we agree on more than we disagree, that is for sure. One word we all use frequently...no matter what type of support we dish out....is NOPE!! I think we also agree...that everyone can quit smoking. What else do you think we all agree on when it comes to quitting smoking?7 points
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Morning NOPErs and welcome to another day of freedom. Today is World Kindness Day, kind of sad we need a special day for kindness but there you go. So Kindness Day isn't just a day to adopt all the orphans at the local orphanage, although that would be pretty cool if you could, it more about the little gestures of kindness. Smiling at a stranger as you pass, thanking your bus driver as you get off the bus, complimenting your neighbour on their garden gnome collection, checking in on a newbie you haven't seen for a while, or just letting your partner control the TV remote for the night. However you celebrate, just remember that random act of kindness you give, especially to a stranger, may be the only kindness they get all day or week even and you have the power to give someone a second of happiness just by being kind. NOPE .... cos I'm being kind to myself, its my new default7 points
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Congratulations @Christa326 for being smoke free for 3 months. Well done Christa... this is a good solid start you have to build on for your quit. You are now 25% of the way through your first year smoke free. Rewards are really important at this stage of your quit so make sure you do something special to celebrate your hard work and achievements. Would love to know how you celebrated.6 points
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And we can also agree that if Bakon was any dumber, he would be required by law to wear a helmet at all times.5 points
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Medication is expensive and having no income so any savings gobbled up quit smart... but now I have the new job AND lots of new money... well in a few weeks.... I'll definitely be shouting you next your in Melbourne... we might even do high tea at the Windsor.5 points
So far I am spending as I go so I feel the rewards immediately ! Sometimes on a daily basis sometimes on a weekly basis ! Raspberries, cappuccino, jacket !5 points
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Sometimes I have to get that frying pan out ...and give a good whack.... We agree....If you Take Smoking Off The Table ...Never Stick Anything In Your Mouth ,and Set Fire To It....youv, e found your freedom !!!4 points
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Hi Wantsit & WELL DONE Firstly! Your doing excellent by the way We've ALL struggled here and still struggle but.. 'many hands make like work' This website is whats getting me through, All I can say is listen to the others advice & read up for inspiration when its gets tough for you. Also have a look at 'pre respond to your own SOS' section. its a helpful tool'. We stick together and it certainly helps. Keep going Rhino4 points
Oh Wow !!!.... Now there a offer I carnt refuse...looking forward to it .....4 points
Snowin in Texas in early November... 87F (31C) here today in Melbourne... 8:48pm and currently still 29.... and it ain't even summer yet.4 points
Oh, Rozuki.....you are stronger than this....you know it!!! With all you have been through in this life you are not going to let a bunch of poison sticks get to you! Think about how great it has been to no longer stink, worry about do you have enough to get through the night, the money you are saving, the fact that not smoking means your COPD will not get worse (according to your pulmonologist), the fact that your arteries will get better (according to your cardiologist) , that you never want to go through another bypass operation or stent procedure!!!! So what if you are carrying around some extra pounds for awhile..... you will eventually lose them.....by walking more, which you now can do since you quit!!!4 points
This is so awful. It is always hard to see this anywhere, prayers that the missing are just in evac centres.3 points
This is my fight song Take back my life song Prove I'm alright song My power's turned on Starting right now I'll be strong I'll play my fight song And I don't really care if nobody else believes Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me By Rachel Platten3 points
Thanks for checking in! I am doing well today. Relaxed, watched football and now movie and popcorn with the wife! NOPE! Count me in on the train today!3 points
Gonefishin21, Congrats! 4 years is fabulous! KTQ and celebrate! ?3 points
Congrats on the 8 days Wantsit and welcome aboard. You are doing good -- keep it up!!!!3 points
Thank you everyone..I didn't know what to expect. It's funny, when you talk to someone that has never smoked , they try to encourage you, but have no idea how you are feeling at that very second that they say" it'll get better". I end up laughing after a while because they have no idea just how bad you feel and there is only one way you can go and that's up. I do appreciate the positive feel here and hope to learn from all of you!3 points
Welcome to the Train Wantsit!! I really hope you do want it because this is the single best thing you could ever do for yourself and the people who love you! Just keep pushing thru these days, every smoking thought just tell it "NOPE! I am a non-smoker now!" And move on...remember your rewards to reinforce the good behavior of not smoking and also that dopamine release we all crave. Good luck on your journey and hope to hear lots of good things from you!3 points
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