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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/18 in all areas
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Congratulations @WeegieWoman for being 1 year smoke free! Well done Weegie on officially being an old pharte! You have handled the whole quit process with a class and a grace that has been an inspiration to many of us coming behind you. Thank you so much for all the support you offer around the boards in both the serious and social threads. So sit back, grab a drink (or 10) and lets toast your first year of freedom, Here's tae us Wha's like us Damn few, And they're a' deid Mair's the pity! Sláinte!9 points
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No. you don't want to come here and tell us that because then we'd have to get Doreen and her fry pan involved8 points
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Welcome to the wonderful Lido Deck...grab a chair and a wee dram and watch the show... Thank you for all the fun ,the support...your friendship.... Enjoy the day !!!...and all the fun .. I've asked a few pals to do a turn for you ...but I have to offer my opoligies...one of them got a bit too excited..7 points
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Well bloody done you frickin ripper rooney..... omg how awesome does it feel to be one year free? You have been there in my corner from the very start of my quit forum life... your support and friendship is a massive part of my quit. You have had me laughing so much a nearly did a flippin Doreen and pissed me pants... you've posted words of support that have touched so deep they made me cry... you me mate, me friend, are one of the single best things this quit has given me. So thank you so very much for just being you, just the way you are, nothing needs improving or changing cos you are a frickin smoke free Weegie Wonder Woman and anyone who thinks otherwise is a frickin mug. Well done Weegie, you have an amazing quit that you are going to wear for life.... you have been paying it back from day one with your support of other... with the laughs you give and with the distraction you provide in the games.... to my IRL friend who one day I will share a meal with and a drink.... you are a legend, so proud and honoured to have shared this past year with you. I made some spesh Glasgow themed cake pops for the party....6 points
@WeegieWoman 1 year is huge!!! Congratulations, you deserve the accolades for the determination and persistence you've shown to beat the habit for an entire year. Wowzers. And you're amazing around the forums, thank you for the support and love you share. I shall be toasting you tonight, hope you are celebrating too.6 points
Read some of the no man's land threads.... and let me just tell you how long you can do this... you can do this for the rest of your life, the not smoking, because the battle and the fight that goes away... promise.. it really does. Its pretty horrible right now, but compare how you felt 70 days ago with how you feel now.... compare those craves and thoughts to these.... gurantee these are much less its just because of the 3 month no man land entry they are temporarily a bit more often than they were. This is the last really big push the nicobitch will make.... you beat this you really are home and hosed. OK.... you know how long you can do this, as long as you have too because if you don't you have to go back to the start and go through all that again.... no looking back, no looking forward just worry about today... today you do not smoke, today you will not smoke... let tomorrow take care of itself. Just focus on today. I love my booby (bird) avatar but if I had the time over I would be an emu or a kangaroo because neither of those can walk backwards... its always forward.... that's why when I post a picture of myself I use a kangroo instead of another aussie animal... because I can't go backwards.6 points
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Well...I inadvertently opened up a Pandora's Box of sorts here yesterday, so I'll just say a bit more and we can all get back to our regularly scheduled programming in this thread. Stress...we've all got it. Working out is a form of stress on the body. Done right, it is the kind of stress that leads to adaptation and becoming stronger. Over do it and you are just beating the hell out of yourself to a point that not only will you no longer adapt, you will actually start to become weaker. That's not good. Working out is not only a source of stress, but it accumulates with all the other stresses in your life (work, family, relationships, etc.). It would be nice if we could compartmentalize our stresses and keep them separate from one another, but that's not how stress works. Stress from one area of your life bleeds over into other areas of your life. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying: Over the last eight months I bought a new house, changed jobs, helped with my parents as they both dealt with health issues among other things. On top of that, I added more volume and intensity to my workouts while simultaneously getting less sleep or anything resembling rest and recovery. That was stupid on my part. Don't do what I did. Good sleep and adequate recovery time is vital to any health and fitness regimen. You can program the perfect workout routine, but if you do not allow for recovery eventually you will plateau and then regress. Know who talks at length about the importance of adequate sleep and rest but never follows his own advice? This guy...yours truly. So, in closing: I'm not giving up on the workouts. I'm not looking to to resign myself to a life on the couch with a family size bag of Doritos and a big ol' jug of Mountain Dew. What I am going to do is rest this week. Have a deload week next week and follow that up with a reload week. From there, train in a more sensible and sustainable manner with more focus on adequate recovery time. It may not gratify the ego, but it's what I need to do right now.5 points
5 points
Stop giving smoking any of your head space. When a thought comes to you immediately dismiss it. When it came to me. I would say "not an option, move on." The faster you do this, the less these types of thoughts will bother you.5 points
I know you are right Jo. You must be, like other people who tell me it gets better. Heck, I've been there myself for three years. It annoys the crap out of me that it's like this now and I know that being irritated about doesn't make it better at all, it probably does the contrary. I don't want to give up, I want to continue and quit this sh*tty addiction once and for all. I don't want no more stinking no more junking no more coughing no more grey skin no more risk for all sorts of diseases no more shame no more self loathing. You are also darn right, I know that. No one ever came back from relapsing saying how nice it was. Thanks for you answer Reci. Really appreciate the time you and others take, also in the diary section. I don't always answer but I read everything more than once and try to indulge and really get what you guys say. Gotta go forward and accept this stage as well, just as I did with the other stages. Apparantly it just is like this right now. Nope and move on -> continue that for as long as necessary. Thanks Tammy for your support. I like how you see it as evolution. You are right, I'm fighting for it, but it's costing me a lot of energy. I really think now is the time to take it easy .. uhm and just float a long?!?! But it's not like that and I can jump up and down, it feels out of my hands! And I want to go on with my life ffs! But like many people justly say, it is IN my hands. As long as I... Just. Dont. Smoke. Sigh. And now back to work. Imagining telling you guys I smoked makes me cringe. If I can't reach for my own motivation maybe thát should be it for the time being. I'd be mortified5 points
Yay Weegie!! So proud of you girl! You've officially done it now. 1 whole year smoke free All your friengs and fellow quitters have showed up to welcome you to the Lido Deck5 points
MLMR, Having recently had the benefit of your support in one of my weaker moments, I can tell you without a doubt that I tided over thanks to the support of everyone on here, and i'm glad I did. You've already chosen to fight for your quit, so you're definitely a few steps ahead of me...and I am not making this a race, but more of an evolution. Whatever may be the reason, trust me it just doesn't dissolve by smoking. If that were the case, WWII would have been sorted out in smoking rooms. You're stronger than whatever you are facing right now...I believe in you and your quit. Together, we shall overcome.5 points
It's been posted by many here about what happens when people for whatever reason give up a well established quit and the story is the same every time and ..... it's not a happy story. Never heard one person yet come on here to say it was Great and they're glad they did it - not one person has said that! Yes, your mind is making it seem like something that would bring you great pleasure and solve your problem about having to carry on the quit battles but in reality, lighting up again would be devastating to you. Just ask Foe who's recently come back after throwing away a substantial quit. Why did you quit originally? Health reasons? Money it was costing you? The fact that smoking controlled everything in your life? So, now you're romancing smoking - why? What one good thing is smoking going to do for you? Already established above that it won't give you that nirvana moment you're seeking. Many people who have taken that path have told us that so why oh why would you want to go there? I understand you're growing weary of the constant battles, even though they may not be as difficult as they were in the beginning but you are at a place now where you have no viable choice but to continue because going forward is the ONLY direction that will bring you the peace and happiness you're seeking. Going back will crush you immediately as you exhale that first and second drag from that cocktail of chemicals you mistakenly think is your comforting friend. Carry on MLMR no matter what! As everyone is telling you ....... it WILL get better5 points
Thanks @notsmokinjo. Seriously doubt how long I can/want to keep on doing this ?. I know I am in a dangerous place thinking that. Must again focus on JUST IN DAY AT A TIME. And maybe even hours.5 points
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^^ fresh water, beach or ocean? ... you're not north enough for Barra are you? Goin' for Jewfish? Well Good Moring fellow NOPErs.... welcome to Saxophone Day... who doesn't love some good sax.... I have 3 and you know what since I quit I started playing them again.. and definately got more breath...but today is the day a race stops the nation, and those of us living in Melbourne get a public holiday just so we can watch the great race... that's right boys and girls today will be the 157th running of the Melbourne Cup.... the most prestige horse race in Australia and one of the greatest distance races in the world. 24 horses and their jockies will spend the 3-4 minutes of today hurtling around Flemington Racecourse to the cheers of a 100,000 plus crowd cheering their horse on... for 3,218m or 2 mile these majestic beasts will leave it all on the track... fortunes will be made and lost and drunken girls will walk home with their fancy shoes in their hands.... so for those punters out there... wait for the track assessment, its been raining on and off for the past 4 hours... think we might be looking at a softer track than normal.... will favour the Europeans... this years field has the usual Aussie and Kiwi contingent but in the true multicultural nature of the race there are also horses from Ireland, England, Germany, France, Japan and for the first time ever Scottland. So me grandad was a bookie... he said only mugs bet on the cup... but always put a bet on 2 and 6 for the quinella as that was his dad's unit... so that's my only tip... If there is a horse with a cracking name I'll have a punt but otherwise I just 2&6 it... comes up sometimes... I am really looking forward to my first smoke free cup in over a decade... will be so much better than getting nervy in a close race and going outside for a smoke and settling on the call on the tranny. I'll get to watch the whole thing this year. NOPE ... there are enough mugs in the world without me being one.5 points
Congratulations @JOD for have a wonderful 8 year quit. Well done JOD, 8 years being smoke free is such an amazing gift to give to yourself. It would be great if you could let us know how you celebrated this milestone and the benefits you feel from being smoke free for 80% of a decade.4 points
Congratulations @Jayhawk for being 4 months smoke free. Well done on keeping your quit and building yourself a nice solid base. Hope your fourth month was rewarding and the whole journey is becoming easier. We would love to hear how you are planning to celebrate this milestone.4 points
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Whoop whoop Weegie... what a belter you've gone and done it.. ya auld pharte.. ? It's been fantastic to spent this past year with you and watch you forge your quit and keeping me and many others in stitches on the game boards whilst also jumping in with advice where needed.. That's what this place is all about.. We luv ya weeg.. and all the gang are here to celebrate with you... But hen ... you need tae cool the beans? You can take the girl outta Glasgow but you can't take Glasgow outta the girl..??4 points
Fantastic Weegie! It has been a year since you quit smoking. I know you have been eager to hit this milestone, and I am so happy for you. It has been great sharing this past year with you. Congratulations on a job so very well done.4 points
Or worse...a glitter covered frying pan... Cause we'll do it!! I can tell you, it is worth fighting for...and I know you know that...or you wouldn't be here with an sos. (You would be like the countless otherels that disappear into thin air.) Have you tried yoga? Or taking up the pogo stick? ?...just trying to think of what is jumping your junkie brain and how to calm it down. I wish I could help more...sorry your having a hard time with it. I'm here if you need to talk friend!!4 points
Um... never mind this post, pffft... seriously sweety we mind because we have been there... Month 3 can be really hard for some of us... I hated month 3... Jet Black hated month 3.... promise, with my hand on my heart, it gets better.... month 3, for some of us, kind of smacks... you just have to buckle down and hold tight to that quit an keep it safe. You can so do this... posting this thread is you protecting your quit... reading your own sos response is protecting your quit... those are the actions of a woman in control, a woman fighting to be safe with her quit. Well done.4 points
Ok, you know what... just read my own SOS answer and Id be an ass for lighting up. I do care, I don't smoke and yes I am unable to reach reasons and whatever. Nevermind this post. Grrrrrrr.4 points
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