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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/18 in all areas
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Congratulations @brand.new.ela for being 1 year smoke free.... welcome to the Lido Deck. Well done and having a full year of freedom. What a great quit you have established to last the rest of your life. Bet you are glad that 12 months ago you said enough was enough and then stuck it out, I know we are glad to have you here with us. So sit back, take a glass as we toast your success.8 points
Well I have been away for a little bit, so time for a bit of a story. Starting with the title and no Memories doesn't refer to the Elaine Paige song. Sorry Cats fans! And it is not even about the way we were. Although first of all, maybe time to think back. Just how many of the tens or hundreds of thousands of cigarettes over the years were memorable for you? It may be that there are a few, but I bet it was more about the event you associate it with rather than the cigarette itself. I can't think of any myself. Three months into my quit, when it wasn't really completely solid, I made the decision to commit my money to a charity trek in The Grand Canyon and Zion National Park. Having just got back from it, I can tell you now it was the best decision I ever made. I've been a lot more open to jumping in and attending events with others since I quit and it led on to this trek. What a time! After the memorable journey for all the wrong reasons, 27 hours travelling is less than fun, I met up with 25 great people from a broad spectrum of the company I work at. It was truly the trip of a lifetime. From the moment we started hiking the South Rim of the Canyon, through to the two more challenging hikes the following days, the scenary, the company and the achievement of completing together was like nothing I had ever experienced. If anything Zion National Park was even more incredible. All of this because I chose to invest my £10 a day elsewhere. Saz speaks passionately about the value of rewards and having completed this it is something I really get. There's a natural high that no substance can replicate that you get from being out in the sun, with friends, achieving great things in the moment, as well as delivering the sort of sponsorship that will make life defining memories for others less fortunate. I could bang on about this for hours, but just to keep this simple for now, I know now I gave up nothing and gained everything. You can to, it doesn't all have to be spent on one big event, that's just what worked for me. Make sure you connect with the world and your true friends. That's the real reward. A few pictures from the trip for those interested, but just to add the pictures don't do the true beauty of it justice. https://flic.kr/s/aHsmuSgcq58 points
OMG Weegie.... only 2 more sleeps chooky and its your turn on the Lido Deck..... I even think Reci ordered in some haggis just for you and I know Jillar has the rum covered. ... but we need to have some words... I know I told you last month to make sure your bags were packed... but this is a bit too much surly...8 points
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You don't have time to smoke Catlover! You've got that big pile of washing to get done8 points
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Greetings fellow NOPErs. Today, the special day calendar tells me it is Use Your Common Sense Day... how do we celebrate common sense day... by using it of course.Take a little more time to stop and consider your options before acting on impulse. Before you decide that something is a good idea, be sure to stop, take a breath, and look it over and make sure you aren’t about to become an object lesson. NOPE ... it just common sense people.8 points
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Congratulations @Martian5 for being 10 month's smoke free. Well Done M5 on having a double figure quit! It is out of this world getting to share this journey with you. Thanks also for all the support you offer around the boards you always seem to have the right words regardless of the situation, you must be using the Iridium Q-39 Reactive Modulator for good. Ten months is such a big milestone so you better make sure you do something special to celebrate.7 points
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THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! It's an honor to receive all those wishes and congratulations. One year ago I didn't know how everything would turn out. It wasn't my first quit attempt, the previous one I blew almost exactly five years ago, sometime in November 2013. Since then I was torn between the feeling of defeat ("I will never be able to quit") and the brainwashed attitude ("I smoke because I enjoy it"). I did write before that this quit started because of a very trivial reson: I got new perfume and wanted to smell like it. And so I decided to stop smoking. And something weird happened: quitting turned out easy! There were cravings, but none that I could shake off, and overall, it felt easier and simplier, and less challenging than any other attepmt. Maybe I was also lucky that this time the cravings were much weaker, anyway, I got a chance and I used it. About a month into the quit my world changed. I was told either to move to an unfriendly country or to leave my job. I left, found another one, I'm unhappy there but that's another story. Some time after that I realized, that old Ela would have used that opportunity to smoke. The brand new one - she didn't. There were stress-related cravings but I didn't want to smoke. And that's how this quit happened, I knew, that if I didn't smoke during that period of stress, I wouldn't smoke ever. And here I am, partying with you Around the 17th day I found QSMB and it was a pleasure to meet all the wonderful people. There were periods when I was silent and those when I was active, but I can say without any doubt, that a community that will support you but without sugarcoating is a treasure. Thank you for all your help, all the useful information and simply for being there! cake and champagne for all!7 points
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Remember, remember the 5th of November The Gunpowder treason and plot, I can see of no reason Why the Gunpowder Treason Should ever be forgot. Bonfire night... is the perfect time to hold a Quit Train bonfire... so let me start it off with my 8,783 cigarettes that I have not smoked... burn little coffin nails, burn!6 points
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Congratulations @Roopy for being smoke free for 9 months. Well done and welcome to the 75%er club. What a strong quit you are building for a lifetime smoke free. You are now 3/4ers of the way through your first year, bet the super cute puppy of yours is glad to have a smoke free mumma. We would love to hear how you have celebrated this milestone.5 points
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Right now !!!! I've been to a christening ...so now I've taken off my nice gear ,and now I'm sitting in my slobbies....chilling out !!!!5 points
Congratulations @nikolas for being one month smoke free. Well done on getting the worst and hardest month out of the way and behind you. So a big part of quitting is teaching your brain that smoking is not a reward... that's why you need to do something special to celebrate your first month of freedom. We would love to know how you rewarded your first month milestone.5 points
I hear ya Jo.. I only threw out my mist spray 2 weeks ago.. I had never used it but worried that if I didn't have it and I had a massive crave that could be the barrier between smoking and not smoking.. Stupid I know because it's never gonna happen and I would probably have been sick if I used it cos it was 3 months outta date..?5 points
Confession: I still have an empty NRT gum sheet in my purse that I can't throw out... its like a security blanket or something. It just sits there taking up room but I am not ready to chuck it in the bin yet.5 points
Wow Ela! It doesn't seem possible that a year has passed already. Congratulations on reaching your first year anniversary! Very well done!5 points
Congratulations Ela, this is phenomenonal... You deserve your seat on the lido deck. Keep going stronger.5 points
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You'd better get a good sleep tonight. Lots of celebrating tomorrow (Mr. 10 months!)5 points
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