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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/24/18 in all areas
I have not smoked, not even a little cheat poot puff puff, in 2 weeks!!! It feels good. It's the second longest quit I've had. Still walking on egg shells and having mad cravings, but minute by minute I am making it as a non smoker. N.O.P.E.12 points
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Way to show those horses asses you mentioned who have been tempting you to start up again. You certainly showed them who's in charge7 points
Congratulations @Giveintowin for being smoke free for one year! Well done and welcome to the Lido Deck. What an amazing gift you have given yourself with all your hard work. Despite the hurdles and stress life has thrown at you over the past 12 months you have kept to you promise of NOPE and protected and held your quit. When you have needed you have SOS'd... one of the smartest things any quitter can do... and you have ridden it out. You are brilliant. SO sit back and relax as we all raise a glass and toast, 1 year achieved and in the words of a wise old Sydney sider (Aurtur Stace) make it count for .... ok and because one year is so frickin awesome here are some fireworks to kick off your festivities...6 points
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^^ I have that cat! Goodmorning NOPErs... and welcome to another wonderful day of freedom. So yesterday not sure what to shout out to... today spoiled for choice... we have three equally deserving days.... we can choose from greasy food day (yummo), World Pasta Day (hmmm) or International Artists Day.... Have to go with the Artists... to celebrate, visit a gallery or do some art... now I'm thinking pasta day may be the shot too...I could use the saffron I have in the cupboard and make some saffron and poppy seed fettucine.... but what to put in the sauce?????? So eat some pasta, do some art, look at some art or go get a big sloppy burger with the lot (make sure there is a fried egg, pineapple and beetroot for the total experience) but whatever you do don't smoke! NOPE ... not today, not tomorrow, not ever, forever!6 points
I had a dream last night that our very beautiful @Doreensfree was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich sticker...if I left her anywhere she would catch the wind and fly off and get stuck somewhere crazy. (Once on a tree, once between two seat cusions, and the back of a man's shirt) Then, I would hear her crying and have to go everywhere looking for her and very carefully peel her off (because it hurts a sticker to get peeled off). After a few times, I learned to keep her stuck on my shirt so she couldn't fly off again? And, to top it off, I came here to send her a message to tell her this funny story and she had already messaged me...kismet.6 points
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Lol... Was it the back of Boo,s shirt....if it was ...awww spoil sport......I was clinging on.... You sure I was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich....I'm gutted I wasn't a big sausage.... That was some smoking dream you had there.... Boo!!!!.....you reading...you need to dream about me....6 points
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Here is an introductory article about NicA2 Nicotine Eating Bacteria that was published a few years ago and a brand new sci/nerd publication from NCBI An enzymatic approach reverses nicotine dependence, decreases compulsive-like intake, and prevents relapse6 points
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Oh you know. I'm just hanging out in the BAT cave doing BAT cave stuff. Next level stuff. Really really exciting stuff. You can't make this stuff up. You know the stuff dreams are made of? That's the kinda stuff I'm doing right now. If you were to go to the stuff store, they wouldn't even have this stuff. Truly magical stuff. That's right I said it. Magical. PEOPLE IT'S HAPPENING RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW IN THE BAT CAVE ! ... S...T...U...F...F. And no I'm not licking windows again. I've been window free for about 6 months now. .... NOLE !6 points
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Congratulations Rez... Little did Rez know when he boarded the Quit Train ,he would not only find his sticky quit.. He would find his beautiful Tracey ...and marry her ...you have had the most fabulous journey ... Celebrate in style today.....5 points
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Thank you Jane for keeping our Doreen safe, just don't accidently wash your shirt with her on it! ?5 points
Congrats (T)!! Reward yourself every day to reinforce all the hard work you've put in the past 2 weeks. ETQ to KTQ!!5 points
Well done....you have every right to feel proud...your half way to that important first month .... Jim is spot on...1 day at a time.... Keep NOPE...ing ...5 points
This. Is. Awesome! Keep it up! One day at a time is all you can do. Give yourself an "atta girl" every night when you go to bed and a pep talk every morning when you get up. Take lots and lots of deep breaths and really try to pay attention to just how deep and good those breaths feel now compared to two weeks ago. You can do this!5 points
I found this funny; made me think of you and @notsmokinjo dog talk over in Stick alley... Hope you have a great new day as a non-smoker!5 points
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I went for her everytime, without fail! Thanks for reminding me...gotta go check the wash now!?4 points
Boo is proof that the gene pool needs a lifeguard. Jillar is so stupid she thinks Tiger Woods is a forest in India. Bakon is so dumb, he needs twice as much sense just to be a half-wit.4 points
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