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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/18 in all areas

  1. So I am less than two hours away from being 6 days into this quit. In some ways it feels so insignificant when I think how long a quit I gave up last time, but hey ho, must carry on regardless. Am finding this time a little harder because my life is such a bloody mess at the moment. But I'm doing my best to keep busy, I even cooked myself a healthy dinner tonight to make up for my awful day yesterday (although i did have a huge bar of chocolate earlier!). I also went to the animal refuge again. This is a picture of me and a beauceron called Jude. He's only four years old and nearly blind. He has a genetic disease which means he will totally lose his sight eventually. Sad thing is he has come in with his son and four daughters......they too are nearly blind. But my, what beautiful souls they have. It bought tears to my eyes spending some time with them. I know this is not smoking related per se, but it helps me to focus on something else.
    9 points
  2. 9 points
  3. Map to my House .........................
    8 points
  4. Greetings NOPErs. So today begins Map Reading Week.... a dying art... so to celebrate Map Reading Week put away the GPS and pull out an old map, you know those paper ones, and use it to go somewhere. Today is also Apple Day in the UK... there are lots of ways to celebrate apples and their harvest... make a crumble, drink some cider, or even make a pie.... just remember for those of us in the early stages of a quit apples are a great way to keep your blood sugar levels up, keep your fluids up and a healthy alternative to lollies. I will be making apple crumble tonight for sweets, served with home made custard and ice cream... there will be no sultanas in my crumble cos that is just a sacrilege. (^^ Nothin against Texas, chill ya guns) NOPE ... cos no matter how hard it seems if ya just say NOPE she'll be apples.
    8 points
  5. Gday NOPE starts my day C
    7 points
  6. Nope! Smoking makes me want to jump out the window!
    7 points
  7. A pretty wobbly NOPE after dealing with drunk douche bags all night, but still a Nope!
    7 points
  8. We have a magical solution that allows you to avoid those nasty lawnmower repairs. It's called WINTER!
    6 points
  9. Good morning NOPErs... today is a mixed bag of goods, so while I sit here listening to the bloody magpies in the park (so wont be going over there for a few months, its swoopin season) I'm wondering just what I should shout out... there is nut day, but figured we already have enough nuts on board the QT without givin' them a special day.. then there is Smart is Cool, well of course it is... IT IS ALSO CAPS LOCK DAY, A DAY WHERE WE PROTEST THE USE OF CAPS LOCK IN COMMUNICATIONS AS RUDE AND OBNOXIOUS BY USING CAPS LOCK ALL DAY...well that's just plain silly.... and so we are left with Stutter Awareness Day, we have a few stutterers in my family, luckily a few years of therapy has seen them all overcome there affliction (unless you get them riled up and agro) so there is hope but life isn't easy with a stutter. So when I NOPE be sure to know I do it stutter free.... NOPE ... cos I've said it and I will live it... Not One Puff Ever!!
    6 points
  10. Congratulations on 6 days, Pumpkin. I think it is great what you are doing at the animal refuge and I'm glad it is helping to keep your mind off of smoking.
    6 points
  11. My husband does not have looks...I married him for his wanker?
    5 points
  12. My husband has one and he is no where near a rich wanker. I married him for his looks!
    5 points
  13. Not sure if "cussing" is nationwide here in the States or just a Southern term. As for riding mowers, they have a way of bringing people together.
    5 points
  14. Not sure why, but I began to feel like I was cussing way too much. Even in idle, casual conversation. So, I made a resolution to stop using so many swear words. Then, this afternoon, I had to change a clutch on my lawnmower. So...I'm back to square one. That darn clutch was a real pain in the keester to change.
    5 points
  15. NOPE.... it’s a good day to NOPE ?
    5 points
  16. 6 days already? Seems like you just got here and suddenly it's almost a week already Keep it up!
    5 points
  17. Sorry you're having a rough patch I got this but it's totally normal for where you are in your quit and I promise you it will pass. AND like Doreen said you have a whole train behind you so when someone pisses you off just say "choo choo". It'll totally trip them out and maybe give you a giggle
    5 points
  18. NOPE..... sunny sundays are not for smoking ?
    5 points
  19. 5 points
  20. NOPE - I do not smoke anymore.
    4 points
  21. Aww beautiful picture...what a great way to spend some time... Well done Pumpkin...6 days is a very significant quit...x
    4 points
  22. ^^^ Yes! What Johnny said!
    4 points
  23. Im not one for signs and angel callings, but I must admit that this Google search result on 2144 is pretty prophetic.
    4 points
  24. Listening to Miles Davis, Amamdala and hand sewing side ties on wedding tabard and stretching out Basque Beret. How does your head get fat ? or hat shrink ?
    4 points
  25. Sqealer Oh wait ..... I already got my insult! Never mind ?
    4 points
  26. I remember thinking, 'why did I not notice all these fcukers before ? How have all these irritations been hidden from me all these years ? ' True, smoking masks a lot but, surely, not that much...gah. I definitely blew my cool when I quit. Even more when I quit caffeine ! Thankfully, it settles down and isn't right up in your face after a while. lol. Go down to the railroad tracks, wait for a train and practice your primal screaming. Extremely therapeutic.
    4 points
  27. Like Doreen said, you're quitting for YOU and a better future for you and your family. Screw anyone who threatens that in any way. They don't deserve your attention for 1 second. You need to expend all your focus, anger and joy on one thing alone. Getting yourself quit and staying that way. You KNOW you can do it! It's now just a matter of whether your commitment is iron-clad because you also know it must be to get you through to freedom.
    4 points
  28. ? Feelings, nothing more than feelings Anger boiling in me I want to punch their faces (but i don't) Woh-uhoh... ? Can't go to wal-mart; I'll get stuck behind an old fart In a motorized fat cart.... Stop at a red light; give the finger to a hot wife Her smoke is getting in my car!! Feeelings..who-ooh-uhoh? Can't take them out, but I can't hold them in!! where oh where do I begin??... (I don't know so...) I'll just keep punching faces from within.? (Insert glitter bomb here) It's okay, (T)!! I had a huge anger problem when I first quit...sometimes I can still feel my blood pressure rise. Eat some chocolate, make sure you are giving yourself breaks (just to take a step back like you used to as a smoker just no cigarettes) You got this, girl!
    4 points
  29. Jillar, you must have been born on the highway...because that's where most accidents happen?
    4 points
  30. Butter popcorn and jelly donut holes have become my comfort foods. I am even starting to feel the pouch getting bigger. Quitting smoking and gaining weight really bothered me before. Now I figured, if I could give up smoking, I can certainly give up food too. So I am going to savor it now while I make my quit stronger and then contend with it later!
    4 points
  31. NOPE - I don't smoke anymore.
    4 points
  32. Yup. It's official. Everyone in this ******* town KNOWS I quit smoking. Even total strangers. Even the people on tv ffs!! They ALL know!! And for whatever reason they are all purposely trying to irritate the hell out of me. They are all thinking " won't it be fun to try and make Mary crack!!??" Yup. Every. Last. One. Of. Them. ? And I know what you're all thinking... you're thinking I'm just being super sensitive because I quit smoking. Nope. Not it at all. Clearly everyone just has it out for me. Bastards.
    3 points
  33. Rich folks in America pay other people to mow their grass. Ride or push?
    3 points
  34. Congrats, those first 6 days are brutal. Good job
    3 points
  35. Ooh, Mary.....Hell Week/Month! I remember it well....everything and everyone around me irritated the hell out of me....and I blasted them for it! ? I was impossible to be around myself....but as Saz states above...it all settles down eventually! Deep breathing helped.....?
    3 points
  36. So Relieved for you Linda,you made it home ,to spend valuable time with your special friend.... It's so important you get to say Goodbye to your friend by her side....I have just experienced this for myself.... What a grand old lady ...I wonder what her advice would be to live a full happy life to 103..... You said NO to your folks ...how empowering did that feel...good I'm imagining.... I agree when we Quit ...it gives us the strength in other aspects of our lives....we can do anything .... Enjoy your time together...xx
    3 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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