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On Oct 6 2017 I quit cold turkey. No gum, no patches, vape, weed, pills, nothing. I had no idea I would still be quit. I remember thinking, "If I make it even a month..." I mean honestly, who really thinks they will be able to stick with it? it is scary to think of life deprived of tobacco. Like "Damn, so I just do not get to smoke anymore?" Plus all the propaganda about how hard it is to quit, how you NEED NRT, etc. Bullshit. You know what kept me from using NRT? I was not able to afford it at the time PLUS I am too much a cheap skate to pay for something I can do for free. I never picked up vape because whenever i saw people do it, it looked stupid. Worse than someone carrying a chew-spit bottle, worse than someone smoking a cigarette. I do not like to look stupid. it does not seem like my daily life is different until i remember things like - My cigarette break at work is now a hot chocolate break. I don't like coffee. One time at work we ran out of hot chocolate. I am not sure how I survived. None of my clothes in the past year were ruined because of cigarette cherries randomly falling apart (happens a lot with roll-your-own's, even in a good machine) My room and house do not smell like a disgusting ash tray. PLUS it is one less fire hazard. I do not feel like I am going to puke half the time. Looking back, cigarettes tasted like crap. It is like one imagines it will be some wonderful sensation but in reality, it was nasty. No more nasty-ass yellowish film all over everything. Soon after i quit, i took some wall pictures down to clean them and the rags went from white to nasty yellow. No more time wasted sitting there cranking out cigarettes with the top-o-matic machine. Had to make sure I had enough. But like also my blood pressure has decreased a little since quitting. Doctors say my lungs sound perfect. I can laugh like hell and not have a coughing fit. MY GYOD that was embarrassing to try to laugh and be like "BLAH HACK CHOKE COUGH HACK HOCK WHOAT GURGLE SPAT..." Or trying to fall asleep but being awoken cause my lungs would rattle. Take a deep breath? For-get it. How the hell did I not die of smoking? I was one of those who thought smoking was a big joke. I used to call it things like "Having lung sex" or "going out for a roast" or "going out to choke on carbon monoxide" or "ensuring an early grave" or "sexing up the air". But I thought, "What if I DO die early from this shit? Who will take my place as the forum troll on web places I visit? Where will my room mate live? Who will keep Goodwill in business? Who will keep Pepsico in business? Who will the general public laugh at? They are all depending on me!" I knew it was time to quit. Now when I see someone smoking, I want to say, "What the heck are you doing? That is nasty!" Honestly, there are still moments I think I would like one but I do not need that pile of crap back in my life. It's just gross.10 points
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Thanks for all the messages. Just wanted to let you all know I do have a mass in my mouth but it certainly doesn't appear cancerous. She felt my neck and said my lymph nodes are fine whatever that means. Just didn't want anyone worrying.9 points
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Well we were worrying Lilly and I am so glad you let us know. Please know you will have my continued prayers for your health and the ability to quit. I know you can do it Lilly. Let this be the scare that solidifies your quit. Being uncomfortable for a period of about three weeks is nothing compared to the feeling of not smoking. I had almost resolved myself to most likely dying of lung cancer. My self esteem was so low I did not think I cared. Now I feel like a different person. C'mon girl let us do this together.7 points
That's the best news the doc could give. You must be so relieved, Lilly! I have something for you. It's a message from someone you know very well. 'I have been dabbling with quitting since the nineties. My quits varied in length ie 10 minutes, 10 hours and now and again weeks. I threw the towel in on every quit I had because I just wasn't willing to endure a bit of discomfort. It was much easier to go and buy a packet of cigarettes than it was to feel "out of sorts." I would provoke arguments at home so I could blame the other person for driving me back to smoking. I would get a flat tyre and be dancing at the roadside because nobody would expect me to keep my quit under such trying circumstances. I wanted to be a non smoker but at the same time I just couldn't let go. If you find yourself in the same position then join the forum and ask for help. Reaching out to people who have already quit could be the missing piece of the jigsaw for you like it was for me. I did it a couple of days ago and am so grateful to everyone who took the time to encourage and share their hints, tips and recipes for success. I found out today that when I smoked a cigarette I kind of did it on auto pilot. I would think of a cigarette, light it, smoke it and put it out. Today I really concentrated on each cigarette and realised they don't taste great at all and I didn't enjoy any of them. The realisation that I actually was just an addict getting their fix was a bit of a revelation. I always disputed that theory and was adamant I loved smoking but now I know I was blinded by my addiction. Read this site as much as you can because it really is a treasure chest of information. Set a quit date and stock up on plenty of quit food. You will get so caught up in the excitement of quitting here you will be desperate to start your own quit. As they say here you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.' You wrote this a while ago. I wonder, what will be your next step? I would like to give you faith and courage, but I can't. Yet, I am convinced you have it in you, as we all do!7 points
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Thanks everyone. I will be back and I will quit. Just need to get my head back in the right place. Jane don't stay away. I posted on a quit smoking forum that I was chain smoking. You took your kid gloves off not to kick me but to help me. After all it is a quit smoking site at the end of the day. I just wasn't seeing anything clearly yesterday. I hear you today.6 points
Prayers coming from Liverpool too Linda... You arrived to spend time with your special friend.... This is all that mattered...enjoy every moment you can together... Your uncaring parents...will have to get accustomed to thier new strong daughter... I'm proud of you...6 points
Sending my prayers Linda.... and you most definitely do count. You are Linda, we hear you roar. How does quitting feel... liberating.6 points
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Congratulations @Tammy for being 4 months smoke free. Well done Tammy 4 months is such a good start to your quit. You have worked so hard to keep your quit despite all the stress life throws our way. You should be so proud of your achievement. It is so much fun sharing your quit journey with you... so may your light keep outshining your dark. Make sure you do something special to celebrate as well because rewards are important.5 points
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Congratulations @MwBenson for being 2 months smoke free. Well done. I hope your internet issues are being resolved and we can see you back on line soon. Would love to know how you celebrated and rewarded yourself for being quit for 2 months.5 points
Lily, first, I am happy and relieved the changes aren’t cancerous. Second, please, treat it as a wake up call. Smoking has done enough harm, don’t allow it do any more, please.5 points
Lily....you have had warning... Look at this at a chance to quit...and stay quit.... I too was given a chance...and I took it.... The whole train is behind you...believe and love yourself ...as much as we do... No time like the present ....to pledge a NOPE ....5 points
This should be your mantra when you start your quit again...because it is the raw truth. Continue to read around here and whyquit.com while you find your quit. @Sazerac bumped this post in the Introductions page There is so. much. POWER. in that thread! I realized after I quit that it's the people that want you to keep smoking (smoking friends, your addicted brain, and big tobacco) that say how devestatingly hard it is to quit. Harder than heroin!! Lies. Lies. Lies. Then you come here and it's just...not. Keep finding that quit Lilly!!5 points
A Great post JB....very inspirational to newbies and lurkers....Thanks for posting ...x5 points
BAMMM! @Jet Black thanks for this hopefull, no-nonsense and honest post. ? I love to read these stories. All different approaches, various attitudes towards quitting/methods/life in general. But with one obvious thing in common: proof that quitting smoking is doable AND desirable! Thanks again5 points
@Sazerac I know you are and that you have my back. Well the old folks threw a tantrum and refused to go home. We are leaving Saturday morning to head home. Needless to say I am very aggravated at them but so much wiser. I do believe, with my new found confidence and the support of my quit buds, I have the strength to not allow them to take advantage anymore. I do count and need to start putting myself first. I might need a few good vibes sent my way to get through the drive home and my mom's whining. My husband and I had a nice time. It is amazing how different your life is without the smoking chain around your neck. My friend is hanging on. I almost think she is waiting for me to get home. Thanks, my dear forum friends, for being there and @c9jane29 for all my lovely sticks.5 points
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A huge congratulations to @MissyCat , a fellow 2014 quitter from QSMB, on 4 years smoke free! Thanks for all that you did to support your fellow quitters and I hope you do something to celebrate.4 points
Is two cheeseburgers, a chicken and bacon sandwich, two ham and cheese toasties, a hunk of cheese, half a glass of wine and a gin and tonic going a bit overboard on the old diet front? Good job I don't have any chocolate.4 points
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^^ I didn't watch TV for 3 years....then after my surgery in April I started up again...and found METV! Some pretty cool programming going on there! Will have to check this out as I love Abbott & Costello!!4 points
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The beautiful thing about being successful at quitting smoking is that you suddenly realize that you can now do anything and, that you are worth doing things that will improve the quality of your life. You too are now doing this Linda. Keep moving forward Live your life the way YOU want to. Help others but NOT at your own expense!4 points
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Not if you're hungry! Did you ever suck the jelly out of a jelly doughnut and then fill it with chocolate swirl ice cream?4 points
^^^ I agree with Doreen (and others) Lilly! Take the plunge NOW! There's NEVER a perfect time to quit. There will always be sacrifice and unpleasantness involved in the early days no matter when you quit so ..... what are you waiting for. Just make that commitment to yourself NOW! Your "head space" will be thrown out of kilter anyway in the early part of your quit so don't wait for that perfect clarity of mind to quit. These are all excuses that your addicted brain is feeding you to prevent you from doing what's best for you. Just quit and we will all be here to support you every minute of the day and night when necessary.. I can tell you for certain, your future happiness depends on the path you choose now. Come on .... why not quit4 points
I will Sazerac and sooner rather than later. I have been referred to the hospital and they will do a biopsy which apparently they do as standard and not because the doctor was concerned. I'm going to be fine but if I continue smoking I might not get a second chance.4 points
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@Linda Thomas sometimes you say things that make me want to cheer!!! I love it! Pissy parents, cold nights, alien smokers listen up: Linda Thomas says NOPE! so get out of her way! Prayers, friend...4 points
I love NOPE-ing for tomorrow, today. It is great that QTrain covers the globe. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE4 points
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