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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/18 in all areas
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6 points
Well, now you know alcohol and birthdays are triggers; please stay away from both!! I'm glad you realized that a birthday isn't any excuse to forget about quitting. This time we commit to the quit! we embrace the quit! we love the quit! This quit is the one that will save your life.6 points
Made myself a great fish dinner with wine as a reward. Good stuff! The kid and wife hate fish so it was a solo meal.6 points
Just a quick note to say, still here, still quit... good days, bad days but no smoking. I get here to read quick and get inspiration not much time to comment though... sorry5 points
So here I am, entering day three. Doing ok, only problem is insomnia, which I know is common. Hadn't been sleeping great as it was, so add quitting smoking to the equation and it's a nightmare. Think I had about three hours last night, and four the night before. It's really getting me down. I'm not drinking more caffeine than usual (i drink decaf anyway) nor am I eating loads of sugar. I know it will pass eventually but with everything else going on I need my sleep. Am even debating going to see my doctor . Anyway, just wanted to have a good moan and feel sorry for myself. xxx5 points
I am having a moment where I feel I have some sort of "control" over my cigarette addiction. Not a lot, but some.5 points
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5 points
If everyone who lost a new quit was scared to log back in it would be a pretty lonely place. Never ever be scared to show your vulnerabilities. But also please let us help you past them so that you can succeed5 points
5 points
These few days are going to be hard for you, friend. You've spoken of this woman before and I know she has been a good friend, a balm for you. The world will be a sadder place without her. Plus, you are picking up your parents at the casino for the ride home ? Oh, brother. Oh dear. I will be thinking of you and sending all goodness and kindness. Stay close to the board, Linda. Your troops are here.5 points
Glad you're back Lilly after all you did promise to show us all those awesome charms you are going to get with each month quit...….5 points
I have blown quite a few quits when drinking/drunk. I avoided drinking for 1 year(the trigger) . Have a plan next time you drink and like most of us know your limit with alcohol(the hard part)...5 points
If you have learned a lesson because of what happened to you on the weekend and can put that to use in your new quit then that's a good thing. You shouldn't worry about what others might think but be only concerned for your own well being and that would include a successful quit! That one should be at the top of your list for a better life. You did all the planning before so, let's get you off those smokes for good. Stay close to this place for the first while anyway. Support and education about smoking is important in the early days. Welcome back Lilly5 points
4 points
But, really @Rozuki is wishing the pool boy did bathtubs during the winter? Nah, his head is obviously too big!!?4 points
4 points
Can't you just leave them there, indefinitely? I am so sorry for this sudden change in your friends health. I know how special she is to you. 103 is an amazing life. She has seen so much and been a part of so much history. To be 103 and still at home speaks of her character and her support network. I am glad you have spoken with her and hope that you get to visit with her again before her time comes. Her friendship and love is something you will have always, long after she has gone her light will shine on always in your heart. Stay close, we are here, and all my love for the car trip home with the parental units.... still think you should just leave them at the casino.... I will keep you and your friend in my prayers.4 points
I promised Jillar I'd see her on the lido deck around 4mons into my quit and I made good on it!! You can too!!4 points
Oh Linda my heart goes out to you. I am positive you bring as much love to her life as she does to yours. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers x4 points
I did call her. She is very depressed and did not want to talk but I did tell her I love her. I am not sure if she knows this is her time. Her niece has kept me informed. We have to retrieve my mom and dad from the casino. We are going to tell them we have to go home a day early.4 points
Glad your back Lilly. It shows your determination. Everyday is a new day, so let this be your new beginning. You can do this.4 points
I was just thinking about you today, Lilly and I'm glad you are back ! You quit smoking tonight and this is great news ! I stayed away from alcohol for a few weeks, when I drank again no craves ever popped up. They popped up other places having to do with ritual and habit but, drinking didn't summon smokes for me. I absolutely LOVE what @c9jane29 said, This time we commit to the quit! we embrace the quit! we love the quit! This quit is the one that will save your life.4 points
4 points
Agree with everything Jane especially this - This time we commit to the quit! we embrace the quit! we love the quit! This quit is the one that will save your life.4 points
I don't keep any cigarettes Pottanramu. That would be a disaster waiting to happen. I'm staying well away from alcohol Whispers.4 points
That's a good thing Remember that feeling because it will become your new normal the longer you stay quit! Don't be disappointed if it fades suddenly. That's just part of the process of getting back to normal. Your addiction will try and make you feel insecure still in the hopes you will light one up again. You won't though because you're smoke-free now That feeling of control, will revisit you more often now as you continue to NOPE!4 points
4 points
On Sunday, walked the High Line Park in NYC (1.45 miles), then walked down to Chelsea Market and then walked over to Chelsea Pier. Walked down to the cruise piers and took a 2 hour sunset jazz cruise around lower Manhattan! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Line https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelsea_Market https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelsea_Piers https://www.sail-nyc.com/browse-by-boat/yacht-manhattan/ My total mileage walked was 7+ miles....felt good to get out there again! Was even able to walk the next day...lol!4 points
I found your tangerine thingy. It was wedged between my teeth like dental floss, this morning. Did the celebrant ever show up ?4 points
Thanks Doreen I may also force myself to go for a very short walk by the river. Hell, I may even do some yoga this evening before bed. ?4 points
Thanks all !! nice comments and supportive . how is my first day experience: its little tough though mind is saying don't smoke ......:) just cheat brain @pottanramu : i even tried champix some years before and patch etc.. but didn't work out .4 points
Hi GM, welcome and thanks for introducing yourself. It would be great to read your progres here! My tip: find something new to do, to learn. It helps to get your mind off smoking and will benefit you in rewiring your addict brain. Take extra good care of yourself these coming days4 points
GM, welcome aboard! You have found a wonderful place to start your quit....and you have been given great advice by all of those above!! Educate yourself about the addiction by reading everything you can here and then reading it again! Watch the videos! Participate! Take things one day at a time...and remember to NOPE every day!! See you around!4 points
Confession: Years ago this super hot guy with the nicest tan told me he used soda like Coke or Dr. Pepper instead of tanning lotion to get such an even tan. So a friend and I went to the lake to lay out and I proceeded to rub Dr. Pepper all over to get an even and deep tan. It took about 5 minutes for all the bees to find me lol!4 points
Yes, around the 4-5 month mark. I had mentioned to my family of smokers that it was my quitiversary and my sister responded, "We knowwww you tell us all the time." Shot to the heart. I was confused that they had already stopped supporting me. But, now I understand that it's their own addiction that keeps them from being happy for me. What helped was being a part of a community of quitters that would celebrate with me because they truly understood! Refreshing! I went thru alot of personal stuff early in my quit. Stuff that could have broke a weak person, but during that time I learned that I'm strong.3 points
3 points
Confession.... I have tan lines on my feet from my thongs. Confession.... I am still working on my plan to take over the world... well not me but Australia... its pretty awesome. Confession.... I'm a little but concerned with my state of mind. (Edit: In reference to the previous confession)3 points
Aww P ... I would say have a little nap...it will help recharge your batteries.. Be kind to yourself x3 points
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3 points
Champix didn't work for me either .... so don't ever think that means you can't quit... you can GM. Make sure you drink lots of water and also keep your blood sugar levels up... it really helps... you can drink fruit juice because that will keep your fluids up and your sugar levels.3 points
Welcome GM. Congratulations on making the choice to quit. There is some wonderful advice here. It is best to have a plan on how to deal with craves but I'll tell you a secret... if you can not smoke for 24 hours you can quit. Because once you have done it once, you know you can do it... no silly voice in your head can proove otherwise because you have done it, you have the evidence that you have done it. Then all you have to do is not smoke the next day. Its only another 24 hours your not smoking. You know you can each day gets easier, even if when your in the thick of it you don't think so. Its like a child, when you see the child every day you don't notice them grow, but if you only see the child once every few weeks you notice how much they grow each time you see them. So each day it is getting easier and easier even if you don't feel like it at the time, I promise it is true. All you have to do is last 24 hours. Every day I get up and say to myself... today I am not going to smoke for 24 hours, I did it yesterday and the day before, I know I can do this... and I do and every day it gets so much easier.3 points
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