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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/18 in all areas
Hi everyone, Just popping in to say hello, how are you all doing? Tomorrow is 2 months for me! This am, i ran to catch the bus and my daughter said "WOW Mom! you're faster than me" LOL! I could not keep up w/her when I smoked and i even was able to easily catch my breath!!! Loving this quit. And forever thankful to you all. Xx14 points
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Greetings NOPErs ... so I went to the bag of days and only three specials popped up... lets just say I'll be glad when Pizza Month is over.... so there were two notable events to shine a light on but the NOPE spotlight today goes to World Eyesight Day... many things can affect eyesight and besides wearing sunglasses to prevent retinal degeneration the best thing you can do for your eye health is NOPE. You see smoking is bad for your eyes. It causes physical changes to your eyes that can threaten your vision, and that increase your risk of developing cataracts and macular degeneration... all of which can lead to blindness. Smokers are up to four times more likely to go blind in old age. So vision, and eye health yet another reason to make NOPE your daily pledge.... NOPE.... cos I like to watch!10 points
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So far so good! My next challenge is to quit energy drinks. After that is whole scale healthy eating. Staying nope all the while!7 points
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Hubby and I...evening of day one of a vacation til Tuesday next week. Remember he still smokes....I am a new quit... We are traveling in our motorhome.....drove all day... And...We are golden..my craves are few....his smoking limited.. All good!5 points
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I know reci.. it was great when he said do you smoke and I was like NOPE I quit 1 year 2 months and 10 days ago and all peacock proud only I had been given 3 injections and was all numbed up.. so it came out .. oop a av wp oon ear hoo nunfs hen aas aoo...???4 points
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Everyone knows smoking harms your lungs, and your heart, and your arteries but did you know smoking can effect your vision? Not just when the smoke gets in there and it stings and they water up, no with over 4,000 chemicals in each little death stick smoking can do more than be an irritant it can lead to significant eye disease and blindness. Smokers are four times more likely to loose their vision in old age than non-smokers. So if your lurking and thinking now might be the time to quit here are some reasons why World Vision Day would be an awesome time to do it: People who smoke DOUBLE their chances of developing cataracts, and the risk increases the more you smoke... so every cigarette does damage to your eyes. Smokers are three times more likely to develop Macular Degeneration than those who have never smoked. One in four people with Age Related Macular Degeneartion are smokers. However, just one year smoke free and your chances of developing Macular Degeneration have decreased bu 6.7% and will continue to improve the longer you are smoke free. Smokers have nearly DOUBLE the risk of developing diabetes and diabetic retinopathy. Smokers are nearly TWICE as likely to have dry eyes. Smoking more than doubles your chances of developing glucoma. Its not just the chemical laced smoke hanging around your eyes that cause the damage, Nicotine in your system effects the structure of the retina and the blood vessels that feed the eye. So if you are vaping, thinking its better, in the term of eye health it is not. Most of the eye damage caused from smoking is not from the smoke but the presence of nicotine in your system altering the structures of the eye. BUT DON'T GIVE UP HOPE .... QUITTING smoking will help. Studies show that quitting smoking reduce all the risks for developing vision loss. Your eyes will be healthier if you quit. So why not celebrate World Vision Day and quit.4 points
Congratulations @christine 12 is one month smoke free! Well done Christine on reaching your first month of freedom. That is the hardest month on this journey and you have just finished it. So as you know rewards are an important part of the quit process so it would be fantastic if you could pop in and let us know how you celebrated your first bug milestone.3 points
I was going to post at the end of Day 1 but I'm too excited. I've been quit for 34 whole minutes ???? How spooky that Reci answered my "panic post" literally one minute before my quit started ?? So yes the timeline was right. My hands are warm and my feet are like two oven baked potatoes. Oooh 40 minutes now ?? OK I promise not to count down the entire 24 hours!! So far so good ?3 points
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@c9jane29 Well since you put that out there, I have been doing a lot of that lately. Is that part of the quitting process? Too embarrassed to ask! I keep blaming it on the dogs.?3 points
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High five @Parsley . Stay on your guard...that nasty nico monster creeps up ,when you least expect it....stay close ....3 points
I had the best night's sleep ever last night. I think it's probably because it was the first night I hadn't gone to bed with my head full of "I need to quit" thoughts. I lay in bed for an hour before I felt brave enough to get up. Now I'm up I'm feeling a bit lost. I'm going to go back to bed as I feel safest there. I'm a bit sweaty (sorry for that image), my legs feel a bit shaky and my heart is racing like I've just had an enormous fright. On the positive side I'm not crying which I did a lot of last time. The plan today is to try and sleep as much as I can. It will pass the time hopefully. Tomorrow I'm off for my birthday week-end so at least I'll be busy for 3 days. In half an hour I will be at the 12 hour mark. I have got sheets of paper in my quit box with the numbers 1-24 and every hour I cross off the hour I have completed. It felt good to cross off 9 hours in one go this morning. Will shout if I need you ?3 points
Woohoo... well done on starting your quit.... Hope you had an awesome nights sleep. So happy to see you back here and ready to knock this thing on the head.3 points
Have a great vacation Parsley, you're doing an awesome job! Enjoy that delicious ice cream.3 points
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