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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/18 in all areas
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NOPE on a great rainy day from Phoenix Az that only reached 90. It`s about over.9 points
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I have never owned an automobile so I would name it 'my imaginary friend' Good Morning Beautiful NOPE'ers. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE8 points
Not having to ask the kid for a hug and a kiss goodnight... she just does it because I don't stink anymore.... love that the most.8 points
Greeting NOPErs... today, 2nd of October... is Name Your Car Day... so everyone names their boats, its bad luck not to name your boat but to many of us forget the most important vehicle in our lives and don't name our cars... so today, is a reminder for those of you who have forgotten to go ahead and name your vehicle... One of our newbies named her quit even... so why does your car lack a name... I have always named my cars, always... I have had boys and girls... First their was my Betty Banana, my canary yellow Kingswood HQ Station Wagon... then there was Manny, short for Manfred Von Richthofen.... so called because he was red on the inside and out.... then there was Miami ... because the number plate was CSI.... then there was Wolfgang my Audi... and now... its Blueberry cos she's little and blue.... so if your car isn't named celebrate Name Your Car Day by giving him or her a name. NOPE .... not today, not tomorrow, not ever, forever.8 points
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G'day, Congratulations @Cbdave for being smoke free for 3 Years! Well done on giving yourself the gift of freedom. Thank you for always being around to start the NOPE thread and for doing it with such class. Your humour lifts our spirits and when the chips are down you are always there with great advice and support. So for all everyone sees you do and the things they don't see we say thank you. Now sit back and let us open up the Lido deck and celebrate in style. I even organised some fairy bread for your party... because everyone in knows its not a party without fairy bread.... and the bar as been stocked with all the Aussie standards so you can have your drink of choice, we have Melbourne, Vic, Swan, XXXX, Coopers, Boags, Crownies, Pure Blondes and 300 Lashes.... surely with that selection there should be something that covers your beer preferences... on the off chance you'd prefer spirits Reci sorted those and Doreen made sure we only have Australian wines. Seriously though, for three years you have started your day with NOPE and here is to all the NOPES that will follow.... Cheers Big Ears, you frickin Ripper.5 points
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Ok.... so between month 2 and 4 of being quit I lost over 40kg... not that I didn't have it to loose but I lost a person in 2 months.. and that my friends along with some funny heart events was how they found out my thyroid (and therefore me heart too) was on the fritz...... so what I am saying is some of us gain weight, some of us loose weight and some of us stay the same..... but if it is an extreme amount (either way).... go to the doctor and get checked.... downside is that like Roz all the lovely new meds they have me on have my weight up and down like a yoyo.... some months I gain.... some months I loose... I'm just keeping 2 wardrobes and will sort it out when I am better... the wierd thing is I don't eat that bad... especially now I have reduced iodine in my diet.5 points
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Great job! 2 weeks already. Well done as you are getting through the worst of it and developing coping tools that will help you solidify and keep your quit strong4 points
I have always been pretty much average all my life in terms of weight. Not skinny, not fat. About 3 years ago I lost about 20 lbs (still don't know why, I just starting losing)...and I admit, I kind of liked being "skinny". I went down to a size 4 in jeans!!! Oh, my haven't been that size since HS!! Since my quit in 2017 came about due to my health issues, I went into a tailspin!! Gained about 50 lbs....felt like a beached whale, nothing fit me and buying new clothes was depressing. The weight gain wasn't all about food...all the meds I now had to take have weight gain as side effect and because I couldn't be as active due to pain from surgery....well, the weight just piled on while I laid around like a slug or a hibernating hamster!!! Happy to say that finally I have turned the corner! Pain has retreated and I am able to be more active....I was finally able to get back to power walking (dropped 22 of those extra 50 lbs). Just started my cardio rehab this week and hope to lose more and get ripped!4 points
Amen! I didn't love the first 20 days. But ditto the rest. I guess I thought in the earlier quits...that I had to suffer, be miserable, feel slighted, annoyed, pissed, sad on and on.....crap out and buy cigs and give up. Repeat. But I stayed here after last failure over a year ago and here I am...a happy quitter....first couple weeks not awesome. I am not Mary Poppins.....but here I am....loving my quit!!! Sooooo....never give up quitting..4 points
I'm still hanging on. My biggest challenge so far was morning break--I was so tempted. I spent the time reading the SOS posts. I laughed when I recognized several I had been thinking at that very moment. Now lunch time is almost over and I have QuitTrain and solitaire to thank.3 points
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Not to go off on a weird tangent, but it's strange that people can't just get together at some place and hang out for a bit without there being alcohol or smoke or vape involved. As for hanging out in some place watching other people blow vape clouds...I'll paraphrase my dad here(for language purposes): I'd just as soon watch rats fornicate as to waste my time with that.3 points
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I've ordered the wine for the chicklettes....just trying it out.!!!!....hick !!!!3 points
Don't worry Jillar ..... I have you covered in my private "Ice-Cave" hide-away (Port-side, Lido Deck)3 points
I am 6ft 1 in my 5 inch heels. Personally no, but many in the house. Sincerely Sslippy What's that? Sincerely Sslippy3 points
I've just celebrated the 30th anniversary of my 21st birthday. I refuse to get any older. As for boxers or briefs. Yes if I have to. Sincerely Sslippy Because I could never be the Don. Sincerely Sslippy3 points
It's an evolutionary thing so that I never get caught. I take an 8 in a shoe, whatever that is in your local measuring system. I am, let's hope none of my answers here give rise to that being challenged. Sincerely Sslippy3 points
I've always loved my quit!! Keep that with you; even when nothing else is going right, you can find happiness and motivation there. Confidence is the #1. I thought I had it before but I've learned I used smoking as a way to remain antisocial and unapproachable. (I guess holding on to that 15yr old tough girl attitude)Now, I have no problem taking the middle seat at the dr office or standing close to the other moms at the book fair. #2 Happiness. Truly being happy for myself was foreign before my quit. I had to light a cigarette to tell me to be happy. Never again. #3 There is a new closeness in my family because we aren't missing moments for cigarettes. I learned how to ask for help. I could write a book. I love the new non-smoking me!3 points
It's often the case that the anticipation of what "might happen" is worse than what actually does happen after we quit. It's not unusual to be surprised, and pleased, when this happens Understanding the addiction and focusing on the benefits you start seeing rather than the misery of early quit days helps a lot!3 points
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