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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/18 in all areas
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Greetings NOPErs... so we have to thank the Canadians for a lot of things, there's maple syrup, there's Hawaiian pizza, there's Reci and on the 30th September there is Recovery Day... Recovery what?..... I hear you say.... Recovery Day (so this year everyone decided to celebrate it on different days but traditionally its 30th Sep) is a day to celebrate and rejoice overcoming addiction. As addicts to nicotine this is something we can all do.... celebrate our recovery... everyone handles recovery in their own way, everyone experiences breaking their addiction differently... but at certain points we all over lap... so no matter what you are going through at this stage in your quit there are two things I can guarantee.... 1, someone else has been there before and knows what your going through.... and 2, it will get easier and better. Being an addict means giving control of your life to some drug, in our case nicotine, being in recovery means taking back that control for yourself and living the life you were meant to live, free of the perils and heartache addiction brings. NOPE... cos nothing controls me but me!!10 points
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Good Morning y'all. Thought I would come over to the NOPE house and add my voice to the NOPE cheers. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE7 points
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Hey, never smokers have crappy days too! It's life! We love your quit ((Linda Thomas)) and we're so glad you're here!!5 points
I have so much faith in my quit warriors. I feel very blessed to have stumbled upon this forum. You have cheered me on, lifted me up and gotten me to a place I never thought I could be. I so want to reward you for your kindness and I know that reward is my quit.5 points
Soon the Navratri festival will begin in India, it's a 9 day festival where we pray to the Goddess Durga and a lot of places (specifically Gujarat state) celebrate with Dandiya/Garba, which is basically a huge dance party...sharing a song from an unreleased movie showing Garba...hope you guys like it...5 points
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Well how else do you propose we play hide and seek with Sonic's favourite thread? Its such a fun game. Or do you mean the bumping of old smoking threads.... I think its amazing that those who have been on the train for years and have long, successful quits would spend there time retrieving and sharing old posts that helped them in the early days... all good things awaken from hibernation when they need to.4 points
There is going to be curves in the track...quitting is a journey... Your still early in your journey Linda... Already though ..you know there is no going backwards...the way is forward.....the curves will get fewer and more smootfher... Upwards and onwards..4 points
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Congratulations @albert for being 6 months smoke free! Well done Albert on joining the 50%ers. What an awesome achievement being half way to your first year of freedom. Its great to see you in the NOPE every day. So the halfway mark is a big one, you certainly need to celebrate and reward yourself. Make sure you do something extra special to treat yourself.3 points
I became a father today...of sorts. Me and Sugar Britches adopted a black lab and brought him home today. His name is Cash(as in Johnny Cash aka "The Man in Black." You see...Black lab, Man in Black...it's a theme.) A couple that live down the road from us are the ones who put us in touch with the family that had the dogs up for adoption. They adopted one of Cash's brothers, his name is Walker. We've got him set up with a bed area, water and food bowls, toys, and other dog needs in the sunroom. We also got him a doghouse that sits right outside the backdoor. And with all that, he's sleeping on the couch right now. I still don't know how to post personal pictures, so I searched the internet for a picture that would give you some idea of just how cute Cash is... And if you looked at that picture and said to yourself "Awwww." That is the appropriate response. The little guy is so cute it's ridiculous.3 points
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Ok... I had huge issues with NOPE when I first joined a quit forum... I wanted to NOPE... all the cool kids NOPEd.... but Not One Puff Ever... the Ever... I didn't have faith in myself to publicly pledge EVER.... because what if I couldn't.... what then.... I had just lied to everyone.... so for over 2 weeks maybe 3 I'd go into the NOPE thread and like the nopes.... that was it... just like them because if someone was noping I wanted to let them know it had been seen.... and then someone said in their nope.... NOPE just for today.... and still it took a while for me to get it.... but once I did that first little NOPE.... it was like building a brick wall between me and smoking... NOPE.... one little acronym, declared infront of everyone began that change in my thinking from oh wow I went another day... to I am going to do this... this it Jo.... so you will notice around the boards I post pictures of myself as a kangroo... its not just cos I'm an Aussie.... its because there are two interesting facts about Kangaroos... 1 they can't fart and 2... they can't move backwards, sideways sure but backwards it is physically impossible for them to hop backwards... same as the emu they can't walk backwards either... that's why they are on the Aussie coat of arms... forever going forward.... so everyone, embrace your inner roo (or emu, and its pronounced Eam-you ...eam as is ream... an emu would be a good choice, they are great in a battle, they even beat the Aussie army in the great Western Australian emu war)...and only move forward.... Be the roo!3 points
I was President of our dirt bike club and Incorporated it as a nonprofit.3 points
Why confused @c9jane29 .... my ears look like this... well kinda, cos this is not my ear, just some random from google image search but its what mine is like... no earloby bit...straight to the side of me head like a little doll....3 points
What flavour of football??... Soccer, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Gridiron (American Football), Gaelic Football (Irish) or the greatest game on earth Aussie Rule Football???? oh now I have to say something about me.... I have no ear lobes.3 points
Threads are brought forward as newbies keep coming,and we make sure they get the help they need...it's not a habit...its support .....nothing weird about that.. They are not sent in a private message ...3 points
There is a lot of misinformation about when your body is completely clear from nicotine. It is more than a few days for your body to get rid of nicotine, a lot depends on how long/how much you smoked. Tar isn't expelled from the lungs quickly....it is tar for heaven's sake...you need gasoline to get it off your feet ! The good news is that, in time, it will leave your body completely and quit harassing the receptors in your brain. Please cut yourself some slack. Your body is working overtime purging out the nicotine and creating new, clean synapses in your brain. All this is serious healing that you cannot see, that is part of the magic. You can see and appreciate how far you have come in a short time. You can see how you have changed your patterns, how you have taken full control of your life ! You ARE free, part of you just hasn't caught up with the rest. I know you are tired of hearing us say, ' be patient, things will start to get a whole lot better' but, you have to trust us. We don't lie.3 points
I helped start a roller derby team lead blocker, and league Secretary for 3 yrs.3 points
That Never Ever stays foremost in my mind. Getting rid of the nicotine out of my body has not been an easy journey. I've been at it for almost two months now and am not quite sure if it is completely gone. I still have some pretty crappy feeling days. The thought of going back repulses me. I so want that freedom and the joy that comes along with it.3 points
Omg.... I lurvs you ladies and am feelin right at home ????? It was around week 3 in my quit when i found words were not enough I needed wee smiley faces to express myself...... And dots ...... don't get me started on loads and loads and loads ow wee dots.............. l luv my dots.... and if you dont luv them then you don't luv me.... so move along... Now the only thing I disagree with is cookie jam... It is a relaxin game, you ladies have to learn how to take it or leave it.. it ain't going anywhere...? I have now had it for 9 months and am on level 137...??? Case proven....3 points
Nice job MB! Keep moving forward and stay close to this place because things will start to get "old" in your circle of family and friends. It's sometimes referred to as "no man's land". Everyone expects you to be over it by now but you know you are not there yet. The daily challenges will start to lessen but you are now in for the long game. The long game is rewiring your brain to operate normally again without relying on smoking every hour or so. Non-smokers don;t get that part but, we DO! Stay closer than ever through the next few months because you will need the knowledge and support that this place can offer you.3 points
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Did a 2 day hike along the Pacific Crest Trail in the high desert. Here’s a pic of my new pal, Liz.2 points
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Thanks for the update Joe! Hope the birthing things goes well next week. Let us know how it turns out. And yes! We all love a few new quitters. The more the merrier2 points
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