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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/18 in all areas

  1. Nope. Smoking is not an option.
    7 points
  2. Hey all you quitters! Staying nope over here. I was mowing the lawn today and felt a sense of panic at the thought of not having a smoke half way through. The day is filled with these little moments where I would take a break. Not sure how to fill the "break" space.
    7 points
  3. @TobacNO Congratulations on your NINE days, this is a fierce accomplishment. Reward yourself, rewards are really important because they teach the brain what rewards are and wrench what should be true pleasure away from nicotine. @Kdadtaking breaks without smoking was quite an adjustment for me. Then, when I sat down, I took nice deep clean gorgeous breaths of Oxygen. This helped me to rest, to think and plan. Oxygen became my favorite drug.
    6 points
  4. 5 points
  5. Hi All! Thank you so much for the kind words! Level 2 of the Lido is pretty swanky! I would not be sailing up here if not for the support from my fellow quitters at QSMB and then QT. So- THANK YOU! The benefits and joys of keeping the quit continue to surface in unexpected situations. I am not startled by them. They are welcomed. I feel like my mind and body are giving me spontaneous high-fives and hugs. Lord knows I deserve it after enduring those hellish first weeks!! In early September 2016 -before I quit for good- I went on vacation w my family. The itch to sneak away every few hours really stole precious time I could’ve spent with my kid. Not just the time to get to the smoking spot- had to chain smoke 2 cigs, then find the nearest restroom to wash my hands and face and gargle mouthwash. The whole ritual of the closet smoker. We have since returned to the same vacation spot - I saw the same torment in the eyes of smokers. I watched them slither away behind the bushes and light their poison with trembling hands. Sometimes, their kids sat with them on the bench - or stayed in their strollers. Babies taken from the excitement of the amusement park to suffocate in the filthy haze that feeds their parents. I am so glad it wasn’t me. Some of my friends still smoke. I said from the beginning I would not be a bitchy or evangelical ex-smoker. When we’re out to dinner, I recognize when their withdrawals start to kick in. I let them know I’ll be fine at the table- and to go ahead and go outside. They come back more stinky than when they left - but are able to focus on the conversation and meal rather than their fix. Despise the addiction, not the addict. I am so glad that isn’t me. I am so glad to be here celebrating 2 years of smobriety with my fellow quitters and lurkers! KTQ and keep your lust for life by NOPE!! —L4L 2016 Buttkicker!
    5 points
  6. Goodmorning Fellow NOPErs.... and the cool kids of September just keep having their birthdays... Today we all celebrate Googles birthday, the all knowing wise woman of the net turns 20 today. So Google shares her birthday with World Tourism Day... but clearly Google's birthday is much more important. NOPE .... cos I'm never smoking on a birthday again.
    4 points
  7. @WeegieWoman... We have water, we have a wee lighthouse, we have boats....
    4 points
  8. So not sure if you Northies have Blue Light Disco's or if they are an Aussie thing,... but they are discos put on and run by the cops for kids between 10 & 14.... Limited dry humping!! really...
    4 points
  9. Cheers to you, @TobacNO and your big fat NOPE! The beginning of the quit is an emotional rollercoaster! At 9 days, I would chalk the "cravings" up to only smoking memories. You used to smoke, now you don't, and that's all. Wear that quit with pride!! I'm glad you're on the Train, TobacNo!
    4 points
  10. Well I did not want to be the party pooper but I'm glad I finally posted. It is a comfort to know that it is normal to feel like crap ? I should have known better about posting because you do all make me feel better. I know I have confidence in my quit but I did think I would feel better by now. I do have a very complicated life right now and I know that plays a lot into the way I feel. Oh, And a heads up to all, I will definitely need support the first part of October. We will be getting the whole family together for my dad's 90th birthday and I can't tell you how many nuts there are in the family tree and how these nuts push my buttons. ? Thank you all for jumping in and lifting me up. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. If not, I will give a shout!
    4 points
  11. Good morning Fellow NOPErs. Its a lovely bright morning in Melbourne for our Grandfinal Eve Public Holiday. Yep you read that right, we get a public holiday for a game of football.... we get one for a horse race too but that's in November, the quittingest month of the year. So besides having our football holiday, 28th of September sees us celebrating yet another handful of special days... but there are two that stand out.... International Ask A Stupid Question Day, which is awesome because we have a whole game dedicated to stupid questions in the games thread. Although Grandma S, the wisest most wonderful Grandma on earth did always say "The only stupid question is the one you don't bother to ask" ....today is also ( @jillar this ones for you luv) "Drink Beer Day" , I mean as an Aussie I should be telling you every day is drink beer day, so in my alcohol free life I will be drinking Ginger Beer... see I can play too.... but the way to celebrate Drink Beer Day is to, you guessed it, drink beer. Now remember if you Drink and Drive your a bloody idiot, so do the right thing, pick up a slab on the way home, that way no driving required. Thinking about it, its probably best if you drink the beer then ask the stupid questions... isn't it clever how the two special days just go hand in hand. So as they say in only the classiest of circles "Cheers Big Ears" NOPE .... cos smoking never made anything better in my life, just made things a drag.
    3 points
  12. NOPE Happy Friday, everybody!
    3 points
  13. ^^ Lol...he was here last weekend, Jane! Pool closed up tight, no worries until next spring/summer!!
    3 points
  14. When I don't see @Rozuki around for a few days I assume the pool boy is in town.... ???
    3 points
  15. I'm late to the party as usual... But wanted to wish our favorite Aussie ever a.. Wishing you a belated happy birthday Jo.. Big luvs xx
    3 points
  16. @Kdad! Kdad! Kdad! Dance off!! Thanks for coming kdad! And for thank you for quitting! It's a funny illusion that "free" time, huh? I remember trying to fill it with mindless activity to keep the junkie thinking away. There is a light tho! Soon, you will learn to relax and just enjoy life....then you will wonder when you could ever find the time to smoke all day!! Linda Thomas suggested (very wisely...this lady, I'm telling you; she's on to something) small task rewards. I used mini chocolate bars. You will get it Kdad!! We're rooting for you!
    3 points
  17. OK...so this is not the healthiest reward but there are some boiled lollies I love that I have to drive to Ballarat to get... So that's a day trip, over 150km away.... So I had a jar of these and would use them when I had a reward triggered crave. At work I'd pop outside for a smoke when I finished a task... So post smoke I had a memory game on my phone, I'd pop outside and play that for few mins. There are lots of things you can do. Oh and TobacNO ... I still get those dreams, less often than early but yep an LSD trip is the only way to describe then.
    3 points
  18. @Kdad that is the way to do it. Just stay stuck on that nope. I think that void you are talking about was the cigarette reward you gave yourself for mowing the lawn. Maybe fill it with a beer or ice tea. I am having a hard time with that reward thing. I always relaxed with a cigarette after a chore or project. Now I am at a loss to reward myself with something. I was holding out to hit my husband up with something big - like diamonds or a trip but I do think it is important to reward ourselves in some way each day.
    3 points
  19. I'm 9 days in now and sometimes that feels like a long time without a smoke and other times it seems like I just quit today. Cravings are all over the place. Yesterday I could almost taste a cigarette and I went through about a hundred Life Savers and Tootsie pops to keep me on the straight and narrow, Tough day but I made it through. Today about noon it struck me that I hadn't thought about a cig up until that point (saw someone smoking in a movie) Then the regularly scheduled cravings were back but at least I had a few hours respite. One thing that has been the biggest problem for me is the lack of sleep and the off the wall and really vivid LSD trip type dreams I have when I do manage to sleep. Anyone else have that particular problem in their first week or so? Regardless, I've made it over a week without a smoke and I will NOT let my addiction draw me back into one of the most useless and self destructive habits the human race has inflicted upon itself. Nope!
    3 points
  20. Happy Birthday, dear Jo. I hope you celebrate wildly and treat yourself really, really good. We all love and appreciate you so much. S
    3 points
  21. finally ! One month today at lunchtime!! celebrating at Panda Palace Chinese!
    2 points
  22. Our favorite kangaroo! I hope your birthday is as special as you are Jo Have a great day and spoil yourself a little ?
    2 points
  23. @notsmokinjo A belated Happy Birthday, Jo! All the best to you! Meet Robo-Roo!
    2 points
  24. In an ideal world in the toolbox.. in the real world... in the kitchen drawer or a drawer somewhere or left at the arse of the last person that used it until I pick it up and then put it down somewhere en route to kitchen drawer where I can't remember then need to go buy a new one..!! Keys .... hang up or plonk down
    2 points
  25. Omg that's beautiful!! I don't know how you do that, I wish I could.
    2 points
  26. @TobacNO, the insomnia is totally normal right now unfortunately. And I love trippy dreams, had two last night lol, so just enjoy them while they last ? I had some of the best dreams ever a few years back when I tried quitting with Chantix. It was almost worth using again this quit just for the dreams lol Nine days is awesome so give yourself a pat on the back because you're doing great
    2 points
  27. Oh Linda you are nearly two months... that is a really new and shiny quit sweety... we would never be disappointed in you posting that things were tough... I understand that feeling though. I have rough spots every now and then still.... nothing like early on, even the rough spots are less significant now.... but if I need to I still post and now I tend to worry more so about putting newbies off by having them think, oh but Jo is 9 months and she had to SOS it will never get better.... but you no what the biggest thing to disappoint me is... if you are doing it tough and you don't shout out, you don't post and say "hey guys did anyone else feel like they were doing fine and then suddenly it was all hard again?".... or "Hey talk to me peeps, I'm struggling here".... its when people don't do those posts and just vanish into the night never to post again... those lost quitters, especially the ones who don't come back to try again... they are the ones that makes me sad more so than disappointment... but saying you are having a few bumps on the way to freedom.... that is frickin heroic my friend. A friend on this journey once said I don't want to post about the bad days and the struggles because it might put those behind me off... I see it more as... ok feeling like this is normal... and Oh late month two early month three can be hard, others who went before have found that, right lets sure up the defenses, NOPE, NOPE, NOPE.... can ride this out. SO my last big challenge, was a few months ago.... and it was close, but I didn't post about it until after the danger (and lets be serious it was a few hours in the middle of the night when I got in my own head and romanticized the whole smoking and embraced the thoughts... so I made it more than it was) and I think because it was so close, and because I didn't say anything I pretty much got the message my quit mates weren't too impressed with me NOT saying something at the time... it was the only time I have really felt like I disappointment anyone here... and it wasn't because I had a melt down in the middle of the night, it was because I didn't say "struggling here with an urge and smoking thoughts"..... You are never too far along in your quit to let it all hang out and say its a bit tough at the moment. You my dear friend need to remember what Aunty Saz says..... put you and your quit first.... everything else second..... we wont judge you and you deserve to be heard, you are worth listening too and you are valued.... remember that always.
    2 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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