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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/18 in all areas

  1. First of all, You guys are doing it!! I want to check in with you guys and see how everyone is doing... One thing we love around here is a quitter!! Another thing we love is talking about quitting? So, please grab a drink and some stinky cheese and tell us how you are... You know, What helps? What doesn't? What is sticking with you? How did you "survive" the first few days/week that so many others fail? You never know who could be lurking and maybe your comment (from a fresh quitter in the trenches) will be the one that helps them commit. So, congrats! And cheers to us, the ones that choose life!
    12 points
  2. Goodmorning Fellow NOPErs.... and the cool kids of September just keep having their birthdays... Today we all celebrate Googles birthday, the all knowing wise woman of the net turns 20 today. So Google shares her birthday with World Tourism Day... but clearly Google's birthday is much more important. NOPE .... cos I'm never smoking on a birthday again.
    8 points
  3. This also might be a good time to really think about finding a quit buddy or accountability partner. There will come a time in your quit that you want to be left alone. We get it. But, there will also be a part of you that wishes you had someone to check in with. I wish I had found a quit buddy. I didnt think I would need one as my quit has been easy. Then my hard time came...and I truly truly wanted to reach out to someone but I didn't know how. The person that stepped into the role as my accountability partner didn't (doesn't) know what those few messages meant to me, but they put light back in my heart...just by saying hi. You will want that too, I promise.
    7 points
  4. 7 points
  5. did someone say party? ive brought some scotch eggs yee haaa
    6 points
  6. Well, I warned you about these dang llamas @notsmokinjo
    6 points
  7. ^^ See that.... 100% on the money.... I didn't think I needed a quit buddy either.... but I lucked out to and found myself with a quit buddy or a few even... but there is always that one who can read your post tones and just knows something is off.... that 'voice' on a screen has been the light to guide me out of some really dark places during my quit. So to kick festivities off... and cos its not a party without fair bread and stinky cheese is definitely not a substitute.... tuck in:
    6 points
  8. Nope. Smoking is not an option.
    6 points
  9. Oh Linda you are nearly two months... that is a really new and shiny quit sweety... we would never be disappointed in you posting that things were tough... I understand that feeling though. I have rough spots every now and then still.... nothing like early on, even the rough spots are less significant now.... but if I need to I still post and now I tend to worry more so about putting newbies off by having them think, oh but Jo is 9 months and she had to SOS it will never get better.... but you no what the biggest thing to disappoint me is... if you are doing it tough and you don't shout out, you don't post and say "hey guys did anyone else feel like they were doing fine and then suddenly it was all hard again?".... or "Hey talk to me peeps, I'm struggling here".... its when people don't do those posts and just vanish into the night never to post again... those lost quitters, especially the ones who don't come back to try again... they are the ones that makes me sad more so than disappointment... but saying you are having a few bumps on the way to freedom.... that is frickin heroic my friend. A friend on this journey once said I don't want to post about the bad days and the struggles because it might put those behind me off... I see it more as... ok feeling like this is normal... and Oh late month two early month three can be hard, others who went before have found that, right lets sure up the defenses, NOPE, NOPE, NOPE.... can ride this out. SO my last big challenge, was a few months ago.... and it was close, but I didn't post about it until after the danger (and lets be serious it was a few hours in the middle of the night when I got in my own head and romanticized the whole smoking and embraced the thoughts... so I made it more than it was) and I think because it was so close, and because I didn't say anything I pretty much got the message my quit mates weren't too impressed with me NOT saying something at the time... it was the only time I have really felt like I disappointment anyone here... and it wasn't because I had a melt down in the middle of the night, it was because I didn't say "struggling here with an urge and smoking thoughts"..... You are never too far along in your quit to let it all hang out and say its a bit tough at the moment. You my dear friend need to remember what Aunty Saz says..... put you and your quit first.... everything else second..... we wont judge you and you deserve to be heard, you are worth listening too and you are valued.... remember that always.
    5 points
  10. Let your hare down, girl!! I guess between the stinky cheese and scotch eggs it smells like an Easter day fart in here? Do the locomotion!!
    5 points
  11. Great post Jane and spot on! We are all in this fight together and need each other to conquer (at least) the first full year. Be it advice, lending an ear, saying silly things to get a smile or even tough love. The list goes on and on at how we can help each other. Newbies, you are not alone. We have people from all over the world here and chances are someone will be here within an hour of your posting. And sometimes way sooner So since this is a party, let's party!
    5 points
  12. Oops.... got side tracked... but Greetings NOPErs.... 26th of September is Mesothelioma Awareness Day... there is only one way to contract this rare form of cancer, exposure to asbestos... and the fibers fester inside you body for 20 to 50 years then bang Mesothelioma... so you may have noticed I have issues with asbestos, its not just because I listened to a lot of Oils music in my teens... but I had a friend who lost both parents to Mesothelioma, her father while we were still at high school, he was a plumber who specialised in construction and would also work on building sites while they were pulling down old buildings.... he was exposed to asbestos on demolish jobs... his wife from cleaning his work clothes.... and I saw how Hardies lied and cheated to not pay them out so if you can wear blue today, if someone asks why its to raise awareness of Mesothelioma. NOPE .... never again will I let big business profit from my abuse of my own health.
    5 points
  13. Our favorite kangaroo! I hope your birthday is as special as you are Jo Have a great day and spoil yourself a little ?
    4 points
  14. I am so proud that you are quitting smoking and would never be disappointed you weren't feeling like 'Polly fcuking Anna'. Euphoria comes and goes, just like in real life, irregardless of smoking. It took a year for all the gunk to be out of my system...maybe even 16 months. The encouraging part was knowing, deep down, that I was never going to smoke again and that will come with time. You can fake it till you make it....I did. Your quit is young, Linda. Cut yourself some slack, be really kind to yourself, reward yourself copiously. Craves can pop up out of nowhere, your addict is desperate and will stop at nothing to ensnare you. Stay focused and alert. You quit smoking. There is nothing more to negotiate. You quit smoking. Celebrate and reward yourself DAILY ! I'm not kidding. Your brain needs to learn what rewards are, what pleasure is.
    4 points
  15. @Linda Thomas is in the house!!! ((Thank you for your honesty))it is hard when the constant thoughts have you pacing. We know allll about it. Find yourself someone you can message when you need to. We love to help! I don't care if you don't party with me today; (you will someday soon) I'm just glad you are here and still smoke free!
    4 points
  16. Well said jo, @Linda Thomas, what you're feeling isn't different from what I felt almost my whole first year. The way I got through it was by posting. Members assured me what I was feeling was normal and nothing to feel ashamed of. Heck I started smoking at 17 and continued for 35 years! That length of time isn't going to 've erased by only a few months so please give yourself a break. We love when members post. It not only helps you but any lurkers reading behind the scenes and shows everyone that yes you may be struggling but you refuse to give up all that hard earned time. I think it was @Lust4Life that made a thread not long ago about having thoughts well past a year. I agreed wholeheartedly with her. It's going to happen so posting about it helps everyone know what could happen down the road.
    4 points
  17. I have been feeling that way the last two days. It is funny how all the encouragement has been keeping me from posting. Didn't want ya all to be disappointed in me. I am almost two months and surprised to be feeling that panic of wanting to run to the store. I am positive I am not going to act on it but disappointed that I am thinking it. Then there is this kind of down feeling that I am not. I feel foggy, yucky, blah and am disappointed in that because you would think all the crap would be out of my system and I would feel great! I really don't feel like a party right now but am glad you posted it to keep the conversation going. ?
    4 points
  18. Way too much food at this party, it's going to kill my high !
    4 points
  19. OK... um wilI have been thinking about this with my hippy dippy hat on as my kid calls it.... but please (getting on my soap box) avoid those fizzy energy drinks like V and Mother & Red Bull.... they are really bad for your liver and kidney function... long term they can be quite toxic.... 1. Please get a check up with your doc and ask for a blood screen including a cholesterol, diabetes and thyroid and liver function review.... there are some medical conditions that can be masked or held at bay by nicotine and its not until you quit that the symptoms become uncontrolled (I have had a thyroid condition for a few years that was being masked by the nicotine in my smoking, it was a form of medication for my symptoms... anyway finding out I had this lead to me finding out I have some more sinister stuff that can be treated but had I kept smoking it would have been too late to pick up symptoms). Just get checked to rule any of that shit out... fatigue, especially if your sleep patterns are ok can be a sign of a few health issues, and the more common of these all have their symptoms masked by nicotine. 2. Stay hydrated.... the first symptom of dehydration is fatigue, making sure you are drinking 2-3litres of water a day may be all you need to do. adding some sliced lemon or to this can help with metabolism and energy levels. adding some sliced ginger to this can help with your energy and fatigue levels. (citrus fruit/juice and ginger are both natural sources of energy) 3. Get some early morning sunshine... you will feel better emotionally and you will get a boost of vitamin D. So I tend to avoid the sun, I have two parents who have/had melanoma so I am high risk but I have my morning cuppa outside in the sun (doesn't have to be warm, its just the morning light). 4. Drink Green Tea, especially as your first drink of the day... it is low in caffeine but due to the green tea stuff in it you will get an energy boost that is long lasting and you wont get the benefits of the cleansing properties of the green tea. It also works as a pick me up through the day... you don't get the buzz like you do off a strong coffee but you definitely get an energy boost and it is more slow release. 5. For a quick energy boost... east strawberries... they give you an energy boost, they have a high water content so help with the hydration and they are a natural appetite suppressant so they are the best between meal snack. 6. Eat a handful of walnuts... see strawberries PLUS they are in the top 10 foods for people having chemo or radiation to eat as they boost your immune system. 7. Quick energy boost.... eat an orange (or grapefruit)... or drink some orange juice. 8. PINEAPPLE (stop laughing... it is a miracle food I tell you).... pineapple is a natural antihistamine, it is a great food to eat (or drink the juice) to get an energy boost and it is a little more long lasting than oranges or strawberries.... it will help with a lot of autoimmune stuff... best treatment for hayfever if you have a few pieces or a glass each day during hayfever season.. but a great energy booster... and you never know the missus might just thank you I hope there is something there you find helpful Kdad.
    4 points
  20. Congratulations @Lust4Life for being smoke free for 2 whole years! Well done on having such a wonderful quit. So take a seat on your new, 2 year old pharte recliner and hunt out one of the other pharts for the key to the secret 2nd level. Let us know how you are celebrating and also how it feels to be 2 years free.
    3 points
  21. Good for you. That is the kind of thinking that will get you through. Stay close and promise nope and we can do this together.
    3 points
  22. Oh crap....I think they are old! Notifications for them today though... whatever.....feel better
    3 points
  23. 3 points
  24. Have a very happy birthday today, you truly deserve it!!!
    3 points
  25. Congratulations on your second year smoke free Lust I'm so glad that we've shared this journey as fellow butt kickers, class of 2016! Your support for everyone has been so appreciated so thank you. Now drinks are in the bar and here's a little sneak peak at the dj I've hired for your party Have a great day!
    3 points
  26. I commit to a year because that’s when I get myself a new 4K big screen LCD television. I want at least a 55 Incher. Maybe even some new audio equipment too. I’ve had the same 36 inch plasma for more than 10 years. It’s time… and I deserve it!
    3 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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