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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/18 in all areas
Greetings NOPErs... today is World Gratitude Day... so what are you Grateful for?? ... Me I am greatful my ancestors moved to the wonderful land of Aus, I am grateful I had amazing people like my Grandma and my Grandad in my life for as long as I did even if it could never have been long enough, I am grateful that I have my miracle baby, even if she is at that age, I am grateful I decided to quit, I am grateful I found a home on the QT and I am truly grateful to all my amazing quit buddies, mentors and supporters who make being smoke free and liberated a reality.11 points
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Happy Birthday MQ.... Enjoy your day ....without you...we wouldn't be here..... Cheers !!!!8 points
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I knew I could never smoke again from the beginning......I remember feeling comfortable round about 10 months.... But I was ridding myself of a 52 year addiction.... Don't over think....it doesn't matter how long....its not the time it takes...it's just about reaching freedom... Some take the high way..some take the long senic route... One day at a time...this is how we all achieve our goal...7 points
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This is insane they are doing the same thing that they did here but worse over there what a horrible group of people!4 points
Hi Sean. It's possible to quit. I was like you, a 2-pack-a-day addict at the time of my quit. And after 42 years of smoking those sunsabitches, which were killing me.....I have success. I've been clean for over 18 mos. and I'm telling you: (1) you CAN do this; and (2) it's worth whatever you have to go through to get here. Make up your mind to do the thing and know that it IS possible to succeed at it. Use the resources available here. Read read and then read some more. Commit. DO IT.4 points
You have conditioned yourself for how many years to go to the gas station and buy cigs? It takes a while to break free from those old established thought processes. Be patient and just go with the flow until you don't even think about those old, long established thoughts. It's the addiction still talking to you. Don't listen to it because you are now smoke-free!4 points
Day 4 and still going strong. Things seem to be better but the desire to go to the gas station keeps cropping up. I feel more normal physically.4 points
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Happy Birthday MQ Hope you enjoy your day. Have an extra cup or two!4 points
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Day 3 almost over. Worst day yet! Tired, foggy, can't think straight, want to rage at something, crawl under a rock... blah, blah, blah. This sucks. I'm doing it though. Thanks for the comments!!4 points
As we can all relate, I used to hate flying. It was basically an exercise in torture. Remember how you couldn't wait to get out of the airport to smoke? Or God forbid you had a layover and had to play "Security roulette". You know, when you would gauge the time you had until your next flight and run out to have a smoke and pray you could get back through security and make your flight. How ridiculous! But the saddest place I can recall was the "smoking room" at the Atlanta airport. Don't get me wrong, I was over the moon that it even existed, because that meant I could smoke without having to deal with security, but at the same time, it was so depressing. Just a bunch of smokers, sitting in a room, not talking to each other. Just sitting there wallowing in stink. And man, did it stink! No amount of ventilation could ever mask the stench. And of course, all that smoke permeated your clothes, so you reeked like smoke (more than you would normally). Oh, bless the people I had to sit next to on my flights from Atlanta to Sacramento. They never said anything, bu they had to be repulsed. I feel ashamed, but at the same time so happy that I'll never have to sit in that room again. NOPE3 points
Everyone said what I was going to say so... I'm just coming for the party!! 4 days is huge! Congrats Kdad!!3 points
Hi TobacNO, I asked a similar "when" question around 5 weeks. The answers helped me settle in. for me - Those intense, junkie like cravings lasted 2-3ish days. I was spacey and tired for a couple weeks, and vacillated between fine and easily irritated for a couple months. I took a vacation around 5 months in and recall having zero desire to smoke. In fact, the smell made me queasy and seeing others huddled under an awning for that last fix before climbing on the bus made me SO glad I toughed it out in the beginning. You just have to NOPE.3 points
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Woohoo happy birthday MQ.... see told ya all the cool kids are born in September.3 points
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Welcome Sean.... My advice is read everything you can about this addiction... On the main discussion board you will find tons of great information.... And lots of videos.... Cutting down is a great step ...but why prolong.......by keeping smoking a few...you are keeping the monster alive... We have a saying here...Never stick anything in your mouth and set fire to it ...this is the only way to quit and stay quit.... Believe in yourself....you can do it....you just need to want it bad enough.... Stay around a while...read all you can ...your seat on the train will be here ,when you are ready ...3 points
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