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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/18 in all areas
Hi Guys! Hope you all had a great weekend! So, for me this is huge and I am so proud of myself! Saturday night, my cousin got married..open bar, etc...i drank SO much (haha) and had a great time...i am not a drinker and when i did, the amount of smokes was disgusting. I cannot believe I did not smoke AT ALL!!! The thought passed my mind ever so briefly and then i smelled it on others and was all....NOPE!! Enjoying life w/o smoking is possible! WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO during my last quit, there was NO way i could drink bc i was too scared of smoking. I am so much stronger. Health scare or not. This is great!10 points
Hello Everyone, Just saying hi to everyone. I just started my quit today. I've quit before and always went back, but I am determined to stay quit this time for my health and my wife and son. I'm just tired of coughing, smelling like smoke, and being short of breath all the time. Plus the cost is ridiculous! I hope I can get some help along the way as well as offer it. This is one instance where I want to be a quitter! Hope to see everyone on the forums! Matt9 points
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You CAN be successful quitting for life if you want it badly enough. Think about why you went back to smoking in past quit attempts and be prepared to do something different this time around. You will get a lot of support here and that will help but as Bakon said above .... education about this addiction is key as is committing to the NOPE principal every day (Not One Puff Evere!). No such thing as "just one puff" for a quitter6 points
Hi Nik, I used the patches and lozenges in the beginning. And got them free from uk pharmacy. Which was good 1. Because got the products for free but 2. It was good having someone checking in every week that wasn't a friend or family. Are you in the UK and could utilise this service? Take all the help you can get! Thats what i did anyway! Welcome back Nik, make yourself at home.6 points
Hi Nik & welcome. Lots of us are not first time quitters and used NRT in the beginning to help us through. Make sure you check out the quit smoking boards there is a heap of inspiration there if you need to read up.. so just take it one day at a time, keep up your water and sugar levels to help with craves, and read everything you can about how nicotine addiction works and watch some of the things about Big Tobacco, nothing helps a quit like some fire in your belly and anger at the tobacco industry. Make sure to pledge NOPE (Not One Puff Ever) each day, this is just a promise to yourself that you will not take a puff that day. Just for the day, then the next morning you make the promise again. So congratulations on making the choice to take back your life and post as much as you want or need. There is always someone who has been where you are at any time in your quit.6 points
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Hi, I'm Nik I've tried to quit a few times. I threw them out last night around 1900 so by the time I woke up I had a few hours behind me. I'm going to start using the lozenges for the first few days or so I used them last year for a few days then went cold turkey and I was off them for two months, but my worst time will be when having a good drink lol I'll stay off going out for a while and just have a pint here and there but that's it. So that's a bit about me. Good luck everyone!!5 points
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Hop on and ride the QT with us. A rollercoaster ride for some, a mere train ride for others. It’s what YOU let your brain make of it. NOPE5 points
Welcome Matt and congratulations on quitting smoking. It is one of the very best decisions you will ever make in your life. Be extra kind to yourself. You may find this post helpful 10 Ways To Effectively Use This Forum Remember, a crave is not a command and every crave you conquer will re-route your brain. Stay close, there are lots of successful quitters who will help you along the way. S5 points
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Thanks everyone I will get through the the videos, I also have the timeline which sort of gives me a goal to head to. My reasons for quoting are my family, my kids are growing up and they know what it is and can do and I really don't want them to do this they have seen first hand there great grandmother die from COPD, now my mum has been diagnosed with blocked arteries and they don't really know about this yet but this could be bad. It amazes me that I've had the stupidity to some how justify smoking when all this has gone on.we lie to ourselves, make excuses and sometimes lose focus and it's those times we need to be strongest I just hope I'm prepared. My other reasons are money obviously I could save alot each month now I've quit and that's my goal too I have a plan for that extra cash too. Obviously my health is a major one I feel fine but can only imagine that I'll feel better for longer without them. The smell, the awkward and embarrassing positions you get yourself into with smoking like being at a kids party and sneaking out for a cig I used to feel really bad but still did it. Smoking in works vans is not allowed but still did it and possibly could of put my job on the line, smoking in the car and flicked a cig out and it's come back in and gone in the back had to pull over quick to get it out, the car could of gone up in flames if I didn't notice it's crazy. All of this and we still think it's alrite. Enough from me for now I'll be back later, thanks for all the MSG's gonna do my NOPE. Nik5 points
Good choice, Nik! When I first came here, not too long ago, I got the advise to nurture my quit. I started reading, writing, challenging every junkie thought that crossed my mind. It helped me a great deal and my confidence is growing by the day. Figure out what helps you, and try to avoid things that might sabotage you, these first days. Whishing you strength! Oh and just wondering, what are your motivations to quit?5 points
Hey Nik, welcome aboard. This is really one of the very best gifts you can give yourself. I'm 8 months in now and have absolutely no regrets about my decision and it has opened up a host of opportunities for me. Read a lot, post as much as you find useful and lean on the community here if ever you're having a tough time.5 points
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I was never one of the cool kidz and not gonna start now... I am a rock.. I shall not be moved.. February it is......!! Glitter me up C..?4 points
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I think you should work on a series of lesser known superheroes. Their powers are not quite as super as some and they tend to be less flashy; there are plenty of them on the other hand – Internet pundit guy – No one knows more than all of us, except this guy. Actually… wrote Wikipedia. Stapler woman – Motto “E Pluribus Unum”. Gave up a promising career as a seamstress to work with paper. Superfly on the Wall – Deeply annoying and sometimes swatted, you should hear the things he’s heard. Spam the Dog – Down! Stop! Stop trying to lick my face! No I don’t need Viagra! Stop! Quit!!! An Australian one for you Jo – Mr. Vegemite – Adds a spoonful to every damn thing. Maligned, misguided, and misunderstood.4 points
You know what, kicking yourself about it isn't going to change it... you need to let it go, its done, its dusted, that was old Christa... New Christa doesn't smoke, even when smashed on alcomohole at a family function.... focus on today, maybe tomorrow... but things you used to do at as a smoke aren't worth getting het up over, because they are history. So how awesome was it to not wake up with a mouth that felt like an ashtray???4 points
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Welcome Matt and Congratulations...best gift you can give yourself. Remember one day at a time, that's all it takes.4 points
Hey Matt! What a great day to quit! I hope you feel excited to finally be free from nicotine addiction! Make plan to get thru the next few days; I made a quit list (it's still on my fridge to this day) Quitting doesn't have to be sad or hard...if you educate yourself you will find that you are not powerless in your addiction; you have all the power, mindset, willpower, education...like a warrior to battle; line your armor, sharpen your sword and battle on!4 points
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Cleaning out my fridge..? I am positively perplexed as to why, no, how there are things from the prehistoric era in there? oh and bonus I have managed to grow my own supply of penicillin should we run short after Brexit..?4 points
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Morning Fellow NOPErs on this special double nope day. So today is yet again a plethora of 'special' days, but today, in the absence of Boo, we are going to focus on International Country Music Day.... so country music is a gift the US gave the world... so around the world people will be celebrating with festivals and events... there are differences between the country music of various countries but despite the differences they are all sharing their special day today... so yeehaw its time to NOPE. NOPE ..... cos your wife may leave you, your dog may die and your house may have burnt down but sticking a smoke in your mouth and lighting it wont help at all!4 points
Who doesn't love a Double Nope day.... that extra bit of commitment is always a bonus...4 points
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