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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/18 in all areas
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Greetings NOPErs.... did you know that today is Play Doh Day.... I loved playdough as a kid, we only every got to play with it at creche (day care) or at grandmas and we never had the fancy stuff in the little tub, nope we had grandma made playdough... and she would even put flavouring or essential oils in the different colours so it smelt nice too.... Playdough was originally invented to clean wallpaper did you know that? So before I found online support during the first few weeks of my quit when the crazy thinking and insomnia got ridiculous I would bake and then one day there wasn't that much in the house to bake with and all the shops were shut so I made playdough... it was orange (in case you wondered) and then I made this intricate designed castle thing and then I smashed the every loving shite out of it and it felt so good and I rode out the urge to smoke. So I playdough day.... NOPE ... sunday's just wouldn't be the same without it.6 points
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Oh look... that leaves me with 1956.... where we knew the Olympics was in Melbourne because the Olympic souvenirs revolved around beer, so there may have been blood in the pool but at least you could open ya bottle:5 points
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Waiting for my gold star..... I just made (well its in the oven) home made pizza for the Kid and her dad.... and garlic bread.....and chocolate mousse for dessert... and I didn't even spit on it! So while they eat their meat lovers I will be eating some delish wild rice, red quinoa and steamed chicken and vegies... mmm yum, much yummier than pizza at least.4 points
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15th of September was special for 15 reasons, that I could find, and well being a Libra that just falls into the too hard basket, decisions are hard, the more options the worse shit is.... so not fair world.... then I had a bad day health wise and it all just fell into the to hard basket... but in my little corner of the world it was NOPE day, just like every other day from here on out... I did NOPE... so this is late, it think regardless of where in the world you are.... but NOPE.4 points
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^^ If sharks like pizza it just supports my belief that it is evil food. Sharks other favourite food is people.. just sayin'3 points
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Looks good. Looks like double cheese - the way I like it. You are a little to far for an invite so I will just have to imagine how good it is.!3 points
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I think painting would be fun. I'd love a nice sea scene with boats and let go all out and have a lighthouse too! Or paint your pets...might be easier to draw a pet. And heck a self portrait is always funny! I'd love to be able to draw or paint. It would just be so chilled to pitch up somewhere on a nice day and paint the scene for an hour. Good for you jo, I hope you enjoy it and it helps. I don't have any materials but I might chuck in a wee sketch at some point.3 points
Oh !!!....this is exciting.... I have voted eyes...I think eyes are wonderful.... Toads have great big eyes ,if you need a model... Sorry I carnt join you....Nicky and Tony take all my time...plus I carnt draw or paint.... Good job boo has gone away..lol....my brain has gone over load... Good luck ladies...3 points
I will join you in the challenge. One Hour ? Drawing/painting or writing a short piece we could switch it up depending on mood or location. Ideas for subjects....plenty of darling smoke free creatures to think of plenty of subjects...maybe one day is self portrait day either paint or words. One hour a day ? I'll try. what is the first challenge ? when do we start ? who else is in ?3 points
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I vote painting!! I love people who paint, even if their stiff looks like shite. Be inspired and paint something - anything. Whatever strikes your fancy. I can pose if you like?3 points
3 points
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