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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/18 in all areas
8 points
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Good morning NOPErs... hope you are hail and hardy... well 14th August is Pakistan Independence Day so today is the day to say Happy Birthday Pakistan, 71 years of Independence from British rule and the first Islamic country to elect a female prime minister making you a world leader. NOPE .. cos I'd never pollute the air on Pakistani Independence Day. Topic of the Day: Cities around the world... ie Boston, Helsinki, Geelong, Lyon, Liverpool.... so not just capitals....8 points
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How you both doing !!! Stay close ...it really does help in the early stages.......6 points
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So every so often I go looking for some inspiration from my hero the invisible man and instead of his profound amusing awesome words I stupidly assumed would always be available when I needed them, I found this site and that greenlover has joined him. I’m saddened but pleased to be reminded of her sassiness. She was good to me too. I was not much of a poster but QSMB made such a difference in my life, so many people and points of view and all of us encouraging and congratulating and commiserating and of course inspiring better health and better lives and freedom from cigarettes. It amazed me then how kind strangers can be. I am amazed now to find some of them here, still being kind. And plenty of others offering their time and experiences. although I’m a bit late to the party and likely won’t stay long, I still would like to thank the hosts. Really lovely to see all of the people joined in this fight. I’ve been free for five years now and some of it belongs to what I found on a quit smoking forum. Quit and stay quit, then check in years later on a different board (?) Seriously read the stuff here, find some accountability, see what lies the smokes tell and free yourself today, best thing I have ever done for myself. Not one day do I wish I was a smoker and believe me I spent plenty wishing I wasn’t. So don’t wish, don’t worry about being late or too old or too stressed or too whatever just stop and stay stopped and the days will pile on so fast. My best to y’all,5 points
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I was glued to the board 24/7. I found it REALLY helped keep my mind off the craves4 points
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So.... thanks to all the old phartes who have their freedom and the new norm for hanging around to pay it forward and help out those of us coming behind. Thanks Jo.. As a old pharte ,I would add ,its watching and helping newbies through the bad times at the beginning of thier journey ,helps me...never to get too complacent .. I am also one cig away from the thousands that will follow... Sometimes a soft approach works well...and sometimes a good wack with the frying pan is the only way..to get the point over... If you stick to NOPE ...you car,nt fail.... Some get there quicker than others ...some take the motorway route...some take the countryside route... It doesn't matter...and when you reach your destination...its then you sit back and it does get easier.. I in turn would like to thank..the newbies...the middleuns.... And of course the old phartes ,who together ..make this train keep moving ...4 points
That's why the old phartes are are vital in a support group. Because that statement is a beacon on the horizon... it gets better, it becomes naught but a memory, not smoking becomes the norm... because you guys are our evidence and the testimony to that fact... sure in the early days, up until a point every time someone says it gets easier you think "yeah bullshit, I wish people would stop saying that"... but before you know it your the one saying it... so having people 1 year, of 2 years, or 5 or 10 or 16 years quit who tell us it gets better, and easier helps because they'd know... and then once you accept that yes its gunna get better then you get to the stage of "I want that" and it give you something to aim for. That's why a quit community like this needs to be a diverse society from every stage of the journey and you need a mix of the gentle, ego strokers and the tough love hard truth givers. So.... thanks to all the old phartes who have their freedom and the new norm for hanging around to pay it forward and help out those of us coming behind.4 points
had to check in on my 2 years of smoke free living. i cannot believe its 2 years. I cannot say I don't think about cigarettes anymore. Only because my SO still smokes. For all those struggling it does get easier. 2 years flew by. When I do get a small urge it lasts about as long as it takes to say "Are You A Dumbass or what" then the urge is gone. Jillar, My son is 1 week shy of his 2 years also. I knew you would ask. Life is so much better. I have not had a cough or cold since after about 4 weeks of quitting. That in its self has made it all worth it. Newbies-You can do this. Stay Strong!! Stay very close to this site and all the people here. Without them I would not be quit today!! That I can Guarantee!!!! STAY STRONG!!!!!!! Thank You for the Congrats!! Appreciated!!! Might not come back for a while but rest assured it's a big ol' fat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOPE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from MEI4 points
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I read the smoking threads but I played the games... lots and lots of the games... oh wait... nothings changed. ... nah, I comment on and even start the serious stuff now, I was scarred to before because I felt like I didn't deserve to or have the right but you know what, hindsight is fantastic... every opinion adds something, even if you don't agree with it, there is a value to it.3 points
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Not all things that come from quitting smoking are good though - Ok so we know within a few days or couple weeks we get our senses of smell and taste back. Well great, so food tastes good again. But jesus christ, for 15 years (how long I smoked) I had NO idea my farts stank that bad! I just thought nothing stinky came out.3 points
Not worrying about when and where to find a "safe" spot, away from people, especially children. The guilt if a child saw me, the bad breath and the smell on my clothes, the sneaking around sometimes at home when I wanted "one" really bad, the worry of smoking in the car and then littering ash around everywhere Oh I feel so free...3 points
Same here. My eyes were almost always red and dry when I smoked. Of course I would blame it on my contact lenses or the catch-all category of allergies. Then I quit smoking and my eyes cleared up. In fact...a lot of issues just "cleared up" after I quit smoking.3 points
It's been too long since I posted a Cheap Trick song here. And in keeping with the Elvis covers...2 points
@jillar he'll tell us... just let him find the thread.... So if 10% of the population are lefties... as a righty one would assume it is because they are owners of an inferior recessive gene BUT what if that thinking is wrong and they are really an evolutionary superior model???? hmmmm.... there must be some benefit to being a lefty??2 points
Camped this weekend. Had a great time and got in some really nice hikes. Nearly 16 miles on Saturday.2 points
Freedom is delicious. Self Respect for one's own body ! True corporeal inner strength and power. A new found trust in myself. The ability to change. Breath. Sex. Wealth. I love not smoking. and quitting has had no down side. Not a one. Well, the first year was a steep learning curve but, after that...it is a splendid way to LIVE.2 points
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