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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/18 in all areas

  1. Here I am visiting my sister in Norway for the first time as a non smoker. FYI my quit date was 2/5/17. I’ve never had such an easy time being a guest. My overseas flight over was enjoyable and stress free. I no longer constantly sneak off from the family for a cig. I can hike with the best of them. And I do not reek of smoke nor cough persistently. I love my new independent life free from the nico-demon. Best thing I ever did for myself. And I must remain ever so vigilant to keep and hold onto my precious quit. I’ve seen others in tourist areas here smoking and, just for a moment I’d like to have one too. But I say NOPE and think of the super folks on this forum and put that demon urge out of my mind. If someone is reading this who is considering quitting, I truly hope you can go forward with your goal. It seemed such an impossible feat at first for me to quit but now I can look back on my hard work and see it wasn’t so bad because of ALL the great wonderful things I can do now. It’s so amazing how my new life as a non smoker is.
    10 points
  2. Good Morning NOPErs... so for this last Monday of July it is United Nations International Day of Friendship... a day to recognise how we grow through the bonds of friendship and that the only way forward is through friendship. So to all my quit friends, thank you, your support is invaluable. NOPE... cos nothing contols me but me.
    8 points
  3. NOPE. Won’t smoke. Cant smoke. Don’t smoke.
    8 points
  4. 8 points
  5. ? Well the first cup of coffee without a cigarette was one brutal crave. I was even a bit shakey. I really was fighting these feelings of anxiety most of today. I do realise these feelings are going to happen regardless of whether I like it or not. Been educating myself at whyquit and learning to just go with the flow. Water for some reason is helping me. Sipping juice and letting things happen instead of fighting these feelings is how I am coping thus far. Keep saying over and over that I am healing and this eventually will all end. I know I have a long way to go but day one is so important to me. Low energy and absolutely no desire to do anything. So I continue to read and lay back and accept what is going on. Never want to go through this again. Be back in less than 5 hours when day one will be history. Phew just needed to ramble.
    7 points
  6. Thank you everyone. I read some last night and then went to bed. Had a peaceful nights sleep. Will be reading alot today. Your responses are much appreciated.
    7 points
  7. @NOPEster thank you for your update. Hope you have an awesome holiday in Norway with your sister and family. It is so inspiring to hear the success stories and how much freer and more enjoyable life is without the nicodemon dogging your steps. It reminds us of what we have to look forward to.
    7 points
  8. Gday Its NOPE for me C
    7 points
  9. I did it. Day one is over. It certainly has been a hard one. d2 mentioned in another thread of mine how after a few times of going through a crave it gets weaker. Well the morning coffee was a hard one to cope with and my after meal lunch one was iffy but after dinner it was becoming a bit easier to deal with. So that was an awesome feeling that Yes things do improve. Thanks to everyone. Your responses and help are all appreciated. So here I am at the beginning of day 2. Can't believe I made it. No turning back now. Full steam ahead.
    6 points
  10. Hi Nikki... Welcome to this fabulous place... We will support every step of the way...you have been given great advice so far.... Read ,Read,and Read some more..you will fight the beast with knowledge... Of course you will have bumps along the way.( your battles )..but as you win them...you'll sin your war... This will be the best journey of your life..taking you go Freedom... And you just might have a laugh along the way....
    6 points
  11. Hi! Nope daily and dont stick a cancer stick on your lips. Lets do this!
    6 points
  12. welcome Nikki... just remember one day at a time... it really does work.
    6 points
  13. Hi nikki729 - you have found a good place to be as you start your quit journey! Read, read, read as much as you can here so you will know what to expect and then read it all again. One day at a time and remember to NOPE every day! ?
    6 points
  14. 6 points
  15. ? Just finished my last cigarette. Been waking up this past week feeling horrible. Coughing, headaches just all around crappy. Feeling a bit anxious but knowing it was time to take control and quit this addiction. It is literally running my life. Been smoking most of my life and I am really beginning to feel the adverse effects of what smoking has done to my body. I am pumped and ready to begin this quitting process. I am happy I found some support. I decided to go cold turkey and am armed with water, juice and healthy snacks. What little reading I have done here has already helped me tremendously. So here is the beginning of the new and improved me. Glad I found all of you.
    5 points
  16. Congratulations Nikki! The first few days are the toughest but it does get better...much better. Just take it one moment at a time. As you said, there's no turning back now. Keep up the great work!
    5 points
  17. Good morning NOPErs and welcome to the last day of the month. So today is World Rangers Day. Around the work, park rangers are on the front line in the fight to protect our natural heritage. At all times there are park rangers somewhere in the world fighting to protect what we have ... right now those in California are fighting to help the fire services protect everyone from the fires. So for the men and women around the world working to protect our natural heritage, thanks. NOPE .... not today, not tomorrow, not ever, forever! Topic of the Day: Birthdays
    5 points
  18. That is great! Hi and welcome to the train! Here is something to help you the first two weeks Tools for the First Two Weeks The first few weeks off cigarettes can be tough, but things do improve. Though symptoms may be strong at first, they will go away. Tell yourself you are recovering from smoking, not in withdrawal. The symptoms are your body's way of telling you it is on the mend! Keep busy: When you distract yourself by doing something else, the urge to smoke may go away. Use positive self-talk to help you through the tough times. Statements like, "I will not smoke no matter what," or "My body is telling me it is getting better," can help you master times of strong cravings. Don't forget your Butt Jar. Keep it someplace where you can see it as a reminder you are not putting that stuff into your body anymore. Don't forget the Five D's: Delay Drink water Do something else Deep breathe Discuss your feelings Most importantly, don’t worry about what it will be like without a smoke a month from now. Try to stay in the moment and focus on not smoking just for today. When you get up tomorrow, commit to not smoking for that day. The days will add up fast! Hang in there. You can do it!
    5 points
  19. Oh my, oh my... cant believe I'm almost there..... I'm busy packing as we speak though I am packing light as I intend to spend my first few days/weeks lounging in the pool, cossy is all I need, so now off to get a tidy up, you know what I'm sayin ladies ? i wouldnt want to scare away any old/new friends...?
    5 points
  20. The incessant interruptions of needing a smoke, the permeable stench, the constant mind-bending negotiations of when/where to smoke, NO ! NOPE ! Not for NOPEster, never more ! Life is grand with the slavery of nicotine addiction well behind you. Congratulations. Have a bite of rakfisk and slog of Glögi to celebrate, NOPEster.
    5 points
  21. Hello Nikki, Welcome to Quittrain...as you can see from the outpouring of support you've already received, we take quitting seriously Everyone here has been instrumental in me being able to maintain my quit, and I've just made it over the one month mark...it's tough, but certainly possible. Just take it one day, one hour at a time. Stay active on the forums, play games, shout out if you need anything, we are all a community here. Welcome aboard once again, and looking forward to taking this awesome journey together.
    5 points
  22. Welcome to the board Nikki and congratulations on quitting.
    5 points
  23. Hello Nikki ! Congratulations on your decision to quit smoking, it is one you will never regret. Never/Ever. Please read Everything you can about nicotine addiction, it will help your resolve. I quit cold turkey too. Quit any way you can. Let us know how you are feeling, what helps you cope. Anyone reading will greatly appreciate your experience. Drink water. Feed yourself. Breathe intently. Commit to yourself and your quit. scream cry and stomp your feet. Do everything but smoke. You will succeed.
    5 points
  24. Welcome aboard on this journey Nikki -- you have come to a great place. Take time to read and learn. There are a lot of great people here that are really great and always ready to help. Remember cold water will help as well as deep breathing -- many other tricks that others will share also. And remember to come back here every day to make your daily NOPE pledge -- it really does help.
    5 points
  25. Great to meet you Nikki! Congratulations on taking this first step to freeing yourself from this addiction! Stay committed and come here often to educated yourself and get support from others who are traveling the same path. Take it a day at a time for now Nikki. The weeks and months will take care of themselves. Just focus on the next hour and then the next day! We are here to help you along!
    5 points
  26. I'm practicing a surprise song for her
    5 points
  27. Can someone with the access key to the lido deck come let me in so I can put theres away?... I'm sure for her special day Fluffy can have one...
    4 points
  28. Welcome to QuitTrain, Nikki! Congratulations on deciding to quit smoking. Quitting smoking can be challenging but education about nicotine addiction and support in quitting can really help you stay quit for good. You can get both here. There are a lot of great people here that will help you with whatever questions or struggles you may have. Reach out whenever you need support and read as much as you can about quitting smoking. You can do this and life as a non-smoker is much greater than being a slave to nicotine addiction. It is good to have you here.
    4 points
  29. Hi nikki welcome to the train Today is a GREAT day to quit smoking and take your life back. I'm convinced that I wouldn't have succeeded without the support of fellow quitters from all over the world! After all, who Vetter knows what we're going through better than us?! I found that being active here supporting, reading, posting, celebrating and socializing really helped keep my mind off my misery. Hopefully the same will be true for you
    4 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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