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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/18 in all areas
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Hello NOPErs.... busy, busy day so it nice and late... feeling a little excited about the Bloody Moon eclipse we will have in the early hours of tomorrow. So today is Guru Purnima (Thank you to our teachers in life day) and Tammy has started a wonderful thread in the Social steam. Maybe a little less significant and life affirming it is also Gary Gygax Day, so NOPE ... not today, not tomorrow, not ever, forever!! Topic of the Day: Songs and movies that have a lesson.12 points
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Hey all, Last I checked in here, I was a day past 6 months quit. I was having some momentary cravings here and there, and now I can say with all honesty that I've had zero cravings since around the 6 month mark. The other day, I was standing in line at customer service at the grocery store, and the people in front of me were getting a million money orders or whatever, and I had a bucketload of ice cream in my cart and a 6 year old whining to go home, and I looked at my brand of cigarettes behind the counter as I was seething with grumpiness, and I thought "If I bought one of those packs and smoked a cigarette, I'd want to throw up at how disgusting it would taste." And I felt a gross dryness in my throat and nearly gagged. My have times changed...9 points
In India we are celebraing Guru (teacher) purnima (full moon day signifying the division between the two lunar fornights) today. On this day we express gratitude to our teachers in all facets of life. Teachers who were part of our educational journey, people (mom/dad, friends, relatives, ) who were our spiritual teachers, who helped shape our values/beliefs, taught us right from wrong, provided guidance and support whenever needed. In that regard, all my peers here are my teachers, and I thank each and every one of you for ensuring I get all the support I need to stay quit and guiding me whenever I feel I may falter. Happy Guru Purnima to all of you, and Thank You once again!!!9 points
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Happy guru Pernima to you Tammy....and Quit train I'm Thankfully to be here too...I've learnt a lot ....and still am ... Your never to old to learn something new..x6 points
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Oh and I also want to say thank you to all my other Gurus on the Quit Train ... for those who taught me with laughter, for those who tolerate my oddness, for those who kick my butt when i need it, for the knowledge and support as i grow as a non smoker. For the knowledge that i am not on this journey alone and there is always someone to teach or guide me at ever crossroads.5 points
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@Wee fluffy me ... not sure if you will see read but in about 1hr 15mins I gunna see a blood red moon (or so they say)..... just popped the last of the sausage rolls into the oven.... checked the lunar eclips and its started.... but only just.... and guess wot... not a cloud in the sky.... so a bit excited.4 points
Getting ready to join Miss Doreen in a glass of white whilst I ponder if I will see red or not..!! ?4 points
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Thank you Tammy and happy Guru Purnima to you also, for often in life and especially in a quit ('the student') or those coming behind us are also the teachers. You have given as many lessons to others and guidance as you may have received. It is my pleasure to share this journey with you.4 points
Congratulations @farmgirl for being smoke free for 7 months. Well done for being quit for 7 months. It is great to see despite a bumpy month 6 that you faught to keep you quit through you had a much easier 7th month. Its great that all your hard work is being rewarded with a comfortable smoke free life. So on this special day, your 7 month quitaversary, make sure you do something special to reward yourself and celebrate your achievement.3 points
I don’t know who used the term garage doors to refer to encountering previous situations in which we used to smoke through. While the terminology is weird the concept is not and I’ve found it helps me to be prepared when I’m encountering a new situation. People on on this board have seen me post when I needed to do new things like take a flight etc. I feel a little bit childlike doing this but it is preferable to finding myself with a fag hanging out of my mouth again. (That’s so attractive). Next weekend I am moving house. Do part of the preparation, besides packing is checking in with the quitting crew so that my head gets in the right place. Something about new situations that have old associations or something can be a bit of a trigger. So so wish me well peeps. My anxiety has been up and I’ve come come back here pledging daily again to keep my quit. I guess a reminder that that quitting isn’t an event that happens once.3 points
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I am on day 6 or 7. My innards have started to regulate themselves. Headache GONE. I feel markedly GOOD. I like this very very much. Also nice not friggin' stroking out. That would ruin anyone's day. Stewie ! There is light, lovely light at the end of the tunnel and it won't take too long, bebe. Hang in there my little pumpkin. My darling Pork Chop. My beloved Lad. Stay focused and be kind to yourself. S3 points
I am grateful to all my teachers. Everyone I meet or see and every single person here has lessons for me. I need to pay attention and not miss anything. Thank you everybody. Sally3 points
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