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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/18 in all areas

  1. Good morning fellow NOPErs and a special Good Morning to anyone out there lurking and considering joining or re-joining us because this one is especially for you... Thanks to the American calendar of days I now know that today is All or Nothing Day .... this is a concept as old as time but the Romans were the first to coin a special term for it... “Carpe Diem” or seize the day. All Or Nothing Day takes that spirit and urges people to break through their barriers, ignore the fears that hold them back, and make that big commitment to a better life. Everyone has something they would love to do if only they weren’t so scared. All Or Nothing Day is the day for the girding of loins, taking it on the chin, and confronting those fears. As it says, by breaking the deadlock you may end up with all or nothing, but at least the barrier is broken. You succeed or fail, but are no longer paralysed by indecision.... so why not Seize the Day and make 26th July the first day of your quit, the first day you pledge NOPE, Not One Puff Every, even if its just for the day... then I'll see you right back here same time tomorrow so we can pledge it again for another 24 hours. NOPE ... cos nothing controls my life but me o Topic of the Day: Mythical Creatures
    9 points
  2. G'day count me in .....NOPE C
    8 points
  3. NOPE! Also quitting coffee and alcohol on the 26th. Lets do this!
    8 points
  4. Nope! Gotta go shovel - no time to smoke!
    6 points
  5. NOPE Oooopww this time next week I'll feel like a millionaire rodders ??
    6 points
  6. My heart is breaking with the developing crisis in Greece with their Bush fires. It is a devastation that those of us down here know so well. In all the horror that is going to emerge in the coming day there will be the stories of heros and miracles I am praying for lots and lots of those. I live in Melbourne, we are the home of the largest Greek speaking community outside Greece lots of us know someone personally affected so this hits home. So to all in Greece, you are in my thoughts and prayers. We know that you will be like your national animal and rise from the ashes. Αγάπη και προσευχές στην Ελλάδα. Μπορείτε να σηκωθείτε από τις στάχτες σαν ένα φοίνικα πολύ, πολύ σύντομα.
    5 points
  7. Nope, no more filthy cigarettes for me
    5 points
  8. 4 points
  9. It`s the usual NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    4 points
  10. 4 points
  11. Outlawing it is without question a waste of time and in fact glorifies it to a degree. Look at prohibition in the 1920's. That was a boon to organized crime and didn't stop people from drinking when they really wanted to. I still say education about smoking and how it really is a powerful life long addiction is the best way to reduce numbers of kids starting. I know I learned a lot of things I really didn't know when I arrived at sites like this and other quit smoking boards. Mind you, I was a very willing student by that time. I also think cost is a big motivator. If these things cost kids a fortune, they either have to get them from the black market or go without. That's where I think Australia is way ahead of the rest of us. They are banging the cost up unabashedly!
    4 points
  12. Unicorn killers (not pointing any arrows^^^)
    3 points
  13. You are allocated a portion of happiness the day you are born and once it is all used up you die. Marriage slows the consumption. Kids bring it to a full stop. Yeah you live longer. ? Is that Ironic or do we not want to go there?
    3 points
  14. This is Healthy Harold the Life Education Giraffe.... in his dark van with his helper he teaches Aussie kids about drugs, including smoking... So in Australia (and I think also NZ) we have the Life Education Trailers that come and park at your school for a week or two... then all the kids from grade 2 (7/8 yo) to grade 6 (11/12 yo) go into the van class by class to learn about the important thinks in Life... Harold covers everything from eating healthy, washing your hands, covering your face when you sneeze/cough (little ones) to drugs, alcohol, smoking... then puberty and sexuality... This program is nation wide, it is partially private funded and partially funded by the government... last year in the 2017 budget the government cut all funding to this program that is nearly 30 years old..... social media went berserk .... within a week the government had not only returned the funding but increased it.
    3 points
  15. Kolas .. cos you never know when they are really just drop bears in disguise.
    3 points
  16. 3 points
  17. 3 points
  18. 3 points
  19. Thank you so much, PeaceTrain. Your experience gives me hope and confidence. Health issues aside, I wasn't looking forward to feeling so much better after the detoxification but, now have something to look forward to. We'll have a toast, Peace...a glass of tonic for the spazzy old crank with the exploding head and something delicious for you....a homemade lemonade ? I'm on my fourth or fifth day. Cramps/headache are not as extreme. I am the biotch of the Universe.
    3 points
  20. I'm with education too... Before I took my first puff at 11 years old....if someone had visited my school.,with a hole in the neck..or attached to a portable oxygen tank...to give us a chat about the dangers of smoking..would it have made me think twice....we will never know.... But it would be worth giving it a try for the kids today....I'm sure there are plenty of folks out there ,who would give thier time...given the chance...
    3 points
  21. The word clickbait is stuck in my head, and we're the "bait" in that word...
    3 points
  22. Vaseline covered stick of the day..?
    3 points
  23. Watching a little bird fly up to my pond earlier and I was wondering if it was going to drink, swim or try to get one of the minnows. Which THEN got me thinking maybe that tiny little bird thinks it can get one of my large Koi. Which THEN made me think that fish really are the only food source that is pretty much sought by everything. Everything eats fish, even fish eat fish...... And then I went to get a beer
    3 points
  24. You are making a very wise decision, Saz! I quit caffeine over 20 years ago because of terrible symptoms no doctor could diagnose: rapid heartbeat, anxiety attacks, insomnia, can't even remember what else. It all seems so obvious now but 20 years ago not one of the at least 4 doctors I saw asked me about caffeine consumption. Cold-brew like you've been doing was not a thing back then but I drank black coffee from morning till night. It was only after reading a book on my own about the elimination diet that a lightbulb switched on and the first item I eliminated was caffeine. Youre right that withdrawal is no joke but hang in there. As I recall it did not last more than 7-10 days and then it was completely gone and I felt 100% better. I haven't touched it since unless by the hand of a careless server who gives me regular instead of decaf in which case I find out pretty quickly and spend one sleepless night with heart palpitations, preceded by a brief period of euphoria which ifeels great at the time but I realize it's a harbinger for the ensuing jitters. I know that decaf has some % of caffeine depending on the brand, but I'm ok with it. You'll have to see how you do. Too much chocolate can also be an issue but for me a little is ok. Best st of luck! After you get through this tough time, you'll feel so much better.
    3 points
  25. If you've never been to the Grand Canyon then prepare to be blown away. It's fvcking amazing.
    3 points
  26. I haven't been checking in on this thread as much lately, but have been consistent with the exercise. I do a strength session on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday alternating between Workout A (Deadlifts, High Boy Rows, and Farmer's Walks) and Workout B (Front Squats, Incline Bench Press, and Atlas Swings). As for the other days, I do get in some mobility work and steady-state cardio first thing in the morning. Having recently moved, there is a lot of work to be done around the new house. The activity levels are good. Where my focus is right now is getting my nutrition and sleep levels optimized again. I've been eating on the run a lot and just grabbing a bite here and there for the last couple of weeks. To say my diet is less than optimal right now would be an understatement. And the sleep pattern is way off right now. I got by with a lack of sleep for a little while there, but it has caught up with me now. I've got a trip to the Grand Canyon planned in September. Multi-day rafting trip down the Colorado with some hiking excursions along the way. And, where I live now is only a couple of miles from Laurel-Snow and multiple sections of the Cumberland Trail are nearby. I am ready for fall. Ready to get back out there and put in some trail miles.
    3 points
  27. ^^^ genius total genius.. No way I can match that one...
    2 points
  28. Of course it's a joke. Everyone knows the earth is square! Do married people really live longer than single people or does it just seem longer?
    2 points
  29. 1 hour body combat after work for me
    2 points
  30. Yabba dabba doooing Flintstones
    2 points
  31. I think cutting back is a brilliant idea, Jo. Personally, I have no moderation and it is too late what with the scary numbers. Watch out for aspirin with caffeine, soda, of course..even green tea....all sorts of other crap too. It is ubiquitous. I am as cranky as I was with cigarettes. The physical shit sucks and can last days, weeks, months (anecdotal evidence). Listless and so so so tired. Thank you for all your energy, I want you to know how much it means....how much it helps, really helps. You are a star. Here is a link to 'Caffeine Use Disorder: A Comprehensive Review and Research Agenda for all the science nerds. I'll post more as I find them. .
    2 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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