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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/18 in all areas
Goodmorning lovely NOPErs. Today is 100 years since Nelson Mandela was born. Since he passed the UN with the Mandela Foundation has recognised this date as International Mandela Day. To celebrate Mandela Day all they ask is you give 67minutes of your time to help others, not for gain or profit but just to give of yourself. So that is one minute for every year of his life Mandela gave to the service of others. We are lucky here... many of us give lots of time to others just by being a supportive presence to a stranger on the other side of the world as they battle to quit. So its not unifying a country... it is still giving of yourself, even if you words or actions positively change one persons life you have achieved greatness. NOPE ... not today, not tomorrow, not ever, forever! Topic of the Day: Inspiration10 points
I'm so proud of us! Whether you are doing it the easy way or the hard way; I don't care! I only care that you love yourself enough to try! No Man's Land can be a lonely place but please know this: You are not alone. Freedom is right in your reach. NOPE isn't "just a word" that we preach. It's the magic word. The key. The only way you'll ever be free from those weeds that kill and destroy free will. Smoking only takes, it can never give. Quitting isn't winning until you begin. And, please take heart, as you trudge thru the sand, You are NEVER alone in No Man's Land. Those ahead and those behind; We will always be right by your side. Just take our hand because we understand the courage to took to start.10 points
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Thanks guys! I'm just proud of every single person that commits to their quit! I love this feeling of accomplishment, pride, happiness...sometimes I just want to (try to) pass it on4 points
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-3 What.. you tryin to kill me.. I've had 5 kids.. no chance I could bounce on a trampoline without inside things popping out..!! Anyhoo We put the trampoline down to put the pool up... Next idea..??3 points
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