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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/18 in all areas
6 points
Congratulations @babs609 for being a wonderful non-smoking quiter for 6 YEARS!! Well done Babs for KTQ for 6 years. Thank you for still being around the boards to help and support those coming behind you, we appreciate all you do to help us. What a wonderful inspiration it is to have someone around who has been free for so long. So despite the busy month, Reci and his cleaning crew have that Lido Deck sparkling, the drinks are ready so its time to party..5 points
5 points
https://news.gsu.edu/2018/07/09/more-than-90-percent-of-smokers-using-e-cigarettes-still-smoking-a-year-later/5 points
Watching the massive Trump protest in London England. WOW! There's a lot of people there. It's not just a small gathering!5 points
Babs huge congratulations on 6 years smoke free, that's a superstar quit!5 points
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This is one of those songs I like to listen to at the end of a hectic day. Plus, Doreen likes banjo music.4 points
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Well, my emotions are definitely out of whack. I just got teary eyed reading the responses. "It's allergies!!!!!!"4 points
4 points
Great thread jo, I agree with all the above and also want to welcome back all you quitters. I truly believe that being a member of a forum and having the support of fellow quitters all over the world is the reason for my success. The daily NOPES, the investing in others quits and having others invested in mine helped hold me accountable. I highly recommend joining a support forum if for nothing more than to NOPE each day. And you never know, you just may end up with some lasting friendships, a couple of laughs and a lifelong quit4 points
Yeah well I think almost every one who smokes knows by now that it's not good for their health yet they can't or won't commit to quitting all together so they are eager to switch to a different method of delivering the addictive substance Nicotine! That's the "easy way out". As we all know, it's too early in research terms to know what the effects of vaping really are so therefore, it's very easy for people to convince themselves "it's safer"! It's gotta be because it doesn't have all those other deadly chemicals in it. It's not even smoke .... it's just vapor I think all of us a humans like to look for the easiest path in important life matters but deep down inside we also know, very little comes easy in life. Same is true, if not more, with quitting this addiction!3 points
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I was able to bring a few of jwg's posts over from there devildoll, they're here on the main board3 points
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Just had windshield replaced in my Honda CRV - took less than an hour! Now it will pass inspection, which I need to schedule before end of month....?3 points
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I was going through this exact thing last night. I had an hour long drive and a playoff game. I was so nervous as it was my first one. I thought there was no way I would get through it without smoking. I even texted a friend and told her I was done. I could not wait to smoke that first one and feel that buzz from it after having not smoked for a few days. It's so irrational and I even said to my friend, I know that in the long run my nerves will be better not smoking and I won't be playing a match and waiting for my chance to smoke, I can more easily concentrate on what I am doing. Well, I didn't stop and I made it through without having a smoke and I even won!!! I even had a couple of beers. I was supposed to meet up with some friends after but I decided to just go home because they were at a smoking bar. I had enough for one night...3 points
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Is the what the wee's should be looking for when he heads up to Scotland?3 points
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Rockin' your quit for How Long ? Congratz on 6 YEARS of freedom from smoking Babs! The motley crew is here to help you celebrate your achievement. And thanks for sticking around as a stellar role model for us relative newbies3 points
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Woohoo Babs... you frickin little ripper... wot an awesome achievement.... 6 years is fan-freakin-tastic... make sure you celebrate cos you deserve it!3 points
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Wow! The time actually came and went, I was looking forward to finishing up those 3 days and then it just passed me right by. WooT! I'm not eating as much as the last 2 days and I can actually concentrate some. Also, I got in my car this morning and I actually smelled the air conditioner!2 points
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I don't know what Shane Sex is in the context of The L Word Twister, but I don't think I'm getting my fair share. Zombicide Black Plague2 points
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Wow !!! Babs..how time flies ...6 wonderful years of freedom... Do something special today.!!!.....2 points
Yes! Great work there Sneaky Turtle Slow and steady gets the job done in the end. High Five!2 points
2 points
^^^ This is a big part of it too Doreen. The motions of smoking. They say it takes 3 days to flush nicotine from your body so why is it that they recommend you stick around a support group like this for longer than that? It's the psychological part of it that takes the biggest effort for the longest time to overcome. Breaking mental triggers that might be different season to season, adjusting to better use of your time because you are not puffing away on something. This is the biggest challenge to most smokers I believe2 points
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