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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/18 in all areas
Wow! The time actually came and went, I was looking forward to finishing up those 3 days and then it just passed me right by. WooT! I'm not eating as much as the last 2 days and I can actually concentrate some. Also, I got in my car this morning and I actually smelled the air conditioner!10 points
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Greetings NOPErs ... hope you are all having nice safe Thursdays. So while there is nothing on the UN or Aussie calendars of days the US have a few specials listed. Today is Simplicity Day and while I'd like to be all Zen and do a simple nope the superstitions wont let me. So I have opted to give my nod to Etch-A-Sketch Day. I loved my brothers etch-a-sketch when we were kids. I could spend hours doing drawings on it and be almost finished and the little bugger would shake them away and then we'd fight.. hmmm maybe I didn't love the Etch-A-Sketch but at least it gave the grown ups around me a break. So on Etch-A-Sketch day I say: Topic of the Day: When I grow up...7 points
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Hi toc... Beating yourself up ..serves no purpose...learn by what your triggers were....and have some tools ready to use for next time... There is a ton of info here...and loads of videos to help you with any concerns you have.. Posting a early NOPE...is a big tool...you'll be surprised just how strong a tool it can be.... And yes SOS ,if you need help ,it has saved countless of quits... Don't have one leg in and one leg out...you need to jump in ..the whole of you... Never take another puff...even if your arse is falling off...6 points
Thanks for the replies everyone. I have a renewed sense of vigour today. A new dawn so to speak. The way I'm looking at it is I have relapsed and had a maximum of 8 ciggies since January 1st. That's not a total relapse it's a short fail along a long path of freedom. Back in the zone now. Gonna do a nice long walk tonight.6 points
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Never give up...trying to give up.. What have you got to lose ....nothing ....but everything to gain... This is a killer addiction.... Smoking has killed more people ...than all the wars have.... These are good folks ..loved ones ..taken far to early... Don't just become a number ... A little discomfort... For a while ...is better than a smoking related illness ..or worse...6 points
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I have noticed a lot of people who hopped off the Quit Train jumping back on in the past few weeks. This is awesome. So for those of you out there who in the past few weeks have tossed the smokes and taken up the challenge to quit again I just wanted you to know we have your back and are so happy that you have decided to quit again. Welcome Back. May this be your sticky quit. My you learn from your last quit (however short or long it was) and take those lessons with you to help you KTQ. My you have a long future ahead of you as a non-smoker.5 points
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100% got ya back mate. I was super impressed you owned up to the timeline and nature of your relapse there were lessons there for all of us. You know the only person responsible for the relapse was you and you own that, you know the only person responsible for keeping the quit is you and you own that... you know you are a better you, a better dad and a healthier one when you are a non-smoker so you have the resolve, you have the confirmation that smoking makes you feel shite about yourself so your resolve is there. This time its going to stick.5 points
100% Sarge. Back on it already. Motivations: Child, health and money. All the motivations you'd expect from any other person. My relapse has resurfaced all the reasons I packed in originally. I suffer anxiety when smoking, not nice and not something I want to be walking round with constantly again.5 points
I'm tired of the dogma that government is intrusive, self-serving, and just needs to keep out of our lives. (Not to say they're perfect by any means). Let's point out a few areas where governments have actually saved lives and served the public welfare. Ban on thalidomide in the 1960's. In 1957 thalidomide was first released as an over the counter sleep aid in Germany. By 1960, thalidomide was marketed in 46 countries, with sales nearly matching those of aspirin. Around this time it began being prescribed off label as an effective treatment for morning sickness in pregnant women. It wasn't long before hundreds of babies were being born with phocomelia (malformed limbs). In 1962, the FDA banned thalidomide before it was ever officially approved for use in the US (although clinical trials resulted in hundreds of babies born with birth defects). Most countries followed suit in subsequent years, but not before over 10,000 children were born with severe birth defects (half of whom died in infancy). Mandatory seat belt laws. In 1975 it became law in the US that drivers and passengers were required to wear seat belts. The CDC has estimated that in the US alone, this regulation has saved approximately 645,000 lives since it's inception. Lead paint ban. In 1978 the Consumer Product Safety Commission banned the sale of lead paint in the US. Unfortunately, nearly all houses built prior to 1960 have lead. There is NO safe level of lead for children. According to a recent Lancet Public Health study, over 400,000 deaths per year are caused by past lead exposure in the US. Without this ban, untold millions more deaths would happen over the coming decades. So, if governments want to slap on new anti-smoking regulations, taxes, restrictions, etc. I'm all for it. Without the public health and safety agencies protecting our food, air, drugs, and environment, I shudder to think what the unfettered corporations would be doing right now in pursuit of the almighty buck.5 points
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Hey tocevoD, thank you for the post and a massive amount of respect for putting it out there. Congratulations as well for working on nipping this in the bud and avoiding a full blown relapse, it shows that the reasons you quit in January still matter to you. Not much I can add except can you ask your family in those situations to tell you to get stuffed bumming a cigarette and to go buy your own if you're hell bent on starting again? It may just give you the time to really process those urges. You should be proud of the cigarettes avoided this year, proud of your honesty, let's go again and nail it. Shout loud and early if you feel yourself faltering.5 points
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I often wonder why I chose January 29th 2017 to quit smoking. The answer is, I have no idea. What I do know is that was the right time for me! Why was the time right? I have no clue about that either. My point is that on Jan, 29th 2017 ..... MY time was right! For whatever reason I was able to cement my quit and have so far extended it to this point. What is the right time for YOU to quit? I have no idea and you may not either but that shouldn't ever stop you from trying. This could very well be the right time for your life long quit. Don't miss that opportunity. Many remain here in this community because it gave so much to us as we crafted our quits and we want nothing more than to do the same for all of you. Whether it be your first attempt or your 4th or 5th attempt, we are here to do whatever we can to support you so gather your resolve and jump in! Nothing to lose and everything to gain5 points
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Dear fellow addicts, There is no shame in failure, only an opportunity to learn. Personal responsibility is one thing and you must, of course, own your success or your relapse but, please remember we are dealing with ADDICTION which is outside most of our consciousnesses. The first part of any successful quit is admitting an addiction to nicotine and we must learn and understand all we can in order to put it down. According to The National Institute on Drug Abuse, "Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences. It is considered a brain disease because drugs change the brain—they change its structure and how it works. These brain changes can be long-lasting, and can lead to the harmful behaviors seen in people who abuse drugs. Quitting smoking may not be a walk in the park but, it will bring you physical and emotional benefits that are astounding. It is not impossible. You will live through any discomfort. We all quit and we may think of ourselves as Super men and women but, we are just like you. Nicotine addicts. I encourage you to put this dangerous and deadly addiction to rest and start enjoying your freedom, your newfound confidence, your beautiful life. love, S5 points
Always this. Whether it is a slip or a relapse, if you are ready to go again we're here. Learn, share your experience and let's help one another fight the tough times and celebrate the good.5 points
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Record those motivational points you mention above! Maybe put them into a post in the "Per-Respond to Your Own SOS thread on the SOS page. That way, if you have a bad day or get confused on why you are quitting, you can go there immediately and read all those personal reasons. It can't hurt and might just help to save your quit at some point.4 points
Keep that motivation....remember all the reasons you shouldn't have !!!! Just one !!!!....... Do whatever it takes... Folks that stay close to the board are more likely to succeed...4 points
I think government legislation is more to do with the prevention of future addicts, because lets face it the horse has already bolted for us and it is our personal responsibility to change our future. I do think a government has a moral and ethical responsibility to legislate against a product that is harmful not only to its users but also to the non-users exposed to it in their environment. So lets look at it a different way, I'm going to start with the story of asbestos... we all know this is bad shiit... we know it causes lung cancers and asbestosis and mesothelioma.... not just to the miners, but also to their wives who live in the houses with them, to their kids who sit in cars with them after work, to the process workers who turn it into things, to the workers on the docks who load it onto boats to go overseas to be used, to the people who have houses, sheds, garages constructed from it, the plumbers, builders, electricians exposed to it in building materials, cables, etc... to the mechanics who have it in break pads... this stuff kills, not straight away but over time... and we have known this as fact since the ancient greeks and romans recorded the slaves who mined it dying of lung disease. When its use became prevalent post industrial revolution and it was the new wonder building material the companies using it and mining it knew it was toxic, knew it was poisonous, knew how dangerous it was. They also knew that the way they were altering it to incorporate it into new building materials and insulation made it even more toxic... first they denied it... then they played it down... and it was worth money to the government to keep it going... but they legislated against it.. they changed the laws, and the regulations, and the acceptability of it. Is it even questioned now that this was wrong? Don't we ask what took so frickin long?... so now lets change the narrative and change asbestos to tobacco and worker to smoker... now explain to me why one is ok to legislate against and one isn't? My opinion... anyone under 45 began smoking with full knowledge they were flooding their bodies with poison and what they were risking... but prior to that as Reci said the only real narrative was a few anti smoking 'crack pots' and Big Tobacco... who basically had free reign to say or imply what they wanted. Legislation changed that. I never worked in an office where the person sitting next to me could smoke if they wanted to. My kid is never going to go out to a pub or club and come home reeking of smoke even if she doesn't smoke herself... she isn't even going to know that that happened. Why should bar staff have to accept that to work they have to expose themselves to poison?4 points
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Hey Sneaky one, I've been talking to you on another thread but, thought I should welcome you here too. Congratulations on your quit, It is great to see you posting, staying close to the board has helped innumerable quits.4 points
Still in Florida I gather all my stillness Like that iguana. Iguanas rustle, not hiding in Palmetto. Beautiful and strong. Back to New Orleans with new adorable one. May be great, maybe. May be litmus test my ground, my power, my house my ways may end all.4 points
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Hi Joe Well done for not falling for the nicodemons just one ploy. At the end of the day we are all Nicotine addicts and we always will be no matter how long we have abstained. If we can always remember that we can stay quit, We are all just one puff away from a pack a day.4 points
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