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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/18 in all areas

  1. I have been wanting to quit for years, story of most smoker's lives, and for some reason I woke up this morning and said, "Today is the day." Every other time I have quit, it has been a thought out, planned event. I thought about the date for weeks/months sometimes. I am not sure if this is going to be good because it's different or if I'll fall flat on my face, but it's worth a shot! I am posting here to keep myself accountable. I told my two closest friends and that is it so far. I had the thought that I wouldn't tell anyone because then when I fail I am only disappointing myself. DuH! I need to get rid of that kind of thinking so I immediately sent them messages to tell them it's time, downloaded a quit smoking app and registered here. I even made post it notes on my computer desktop with tips, statistics, reasons for quitting and just random inspirational quotes. I'm going on lunch to the store to get some celery, carrots and hopefully chopped peppers. So even though it seems I was not prepared, I've been through this enough times to know what helps me out. It's been a long time coming and I feel more ready than ever at this moment. So, I have 2 smokes left. I plan to have one before lunch and then my final one after lunch. I usually feel dread at the thought of never smoking again. Right now, I feel excitement and I am keeping those long term thoughts away. Let's do this!!!
    8 points
  2. Well, it's official. A whopping 15 minutes into my quit and everyone has survived so far, the world has continued to go on. Amazing...haha! I didn't have time to get my goodies today, but I have my list and can go after work. It's tomorrow I need them for anyway. I remembered on my way that I sipped on cranberry juice and drank a lot of water during my most successful/easiest quit so I am going to grab that also.
    8 points
  3. Congratulations @Sslip for being smoke free for 6 months!! Well done on having such a great quit. You are now 1/2 way, yep 50%, through the first year... half way to the Lido Deck. Thank you so much for all the support you offer to others around the boards, weather it is helping them beat a crave by endless game playing or keeping your eyes open for an SOS and calling in the troupes there are so many here who your generosity of spirit has helped. SO well done old chap, sally forth and what not... make sure to have some pimms and a nice cup of tea and some scones to celebrate. Billy's back because he insisted he make the call...... No because its not something you will have seen that often... but because you really are smashing this quit out of the park lets refer the call to Richard for his call..
    7 points
  4. Good Morning fellow NOPErs and welcome to another week of NOPE. As it is the 2nd Monday in July it is International Town Criers Day. Back in the day when people didn't read, and they didn't have phones, tv, twitter and the like the Town Criers were the twitter of the day. So without further ado, That's a NOPE from him and a NOPE from me... Topic of the day: When the Switcheroo comes it will be .... CHOCOLATE
    7 points
  5. I,m back from the weekend, and seeing my Son marry his lovely Fiancee ... soooo happy it's a NOPE...
    7 points
  6. 7 points
  7. Six months really does feel like a massive milestone and I am hugely proud of it today. I was very unsure when I set out, so to still be here 6 months later is a real result. The generosity of guidance and time that so many have freely given has been such a big help in getting here. Thanks to all of you and to so many others that have helped along the way. Here's to the next 6 months!
    6 points
  8. Welcome, SneakyTurtle. How about " a puff away from a pack a day?". You have to convince yourself that there is absolutely no circumstance in which it is okay to take a puff. You can cry, scream, rant, rave, punch inanimate objects, run until you can't run anymore, shower 5 times a day (you can't smoke in the shower). Any of these things is acceptable. Smoking is not. You can do this!
    6 points
  9. I want to add that if you are still smoking and making a plan for your future quit, I recommend that you stop smoking at times or places that you usually smoke. I always smoked in my garage so about a month before I quit, even though I didn't have a planned quit date, I quit smoking in the garage. It really helps disassociate those places/times with smoking
    6 points
  10. Hey Chook... just wanted to pop in and make sure your traveling better now... I hope your recovering from your accident and the shock of the news regarding your neck. We are here and super proud you posted your SOS and kept your quit. Well just wanted you to know you were being thought of.
    5 points
  11. Thanks for the welcomes! I know I don't need those last two, but I also know my head. The biggest obstacle is the bargaining and I need to go through the ritual of that last cigarette. Had my last one at work, I'll have the last one in my car, and then the final one after a meal. It's soooo mental. Of course, that's what kept me smoking all these years. Even the times that I quit and I make to 30 days or 6 months, I can't blame that on the nicotine in my system, it's straight up mental and me bargaining with myself. I am no longer willing to bargain away my freedom, health and money to myself anymore! I need to come up with a Mantra. I find it super handy for me in trying times. Because I love to bargain so much, I was thinking "No More Bargaining" I found this quote earlier and loved it. "I hereby release any need to smoke and accept smoke free life with open arms."
    5 points
  12. Welcome aboard SneakyTurtle, you'll find lots of great advice here. Read plenty and educate yourself. Make sure you write down the reasons you want to quit in order to refer back to when the going gets tough. Prepare yourself with understanding the breathing exercises, cold water and other distractions you will use to get through craves. You understand your own need for accountability so check out the NOPE thread. Post there every day with your commitment to get through the next 24 hours. So those last two cigarettes, you don't need them. Chuck them out if you really are ready. If you're not going to make sure you really tune in and taste them, because honestly they taste like crap. I wish you strength and look forward to seeing you around.
    5 points
  13. I m with you..I smoked because it made me older.. cool ect !!!! I'm thinking of education i schools at a very early age about addictions.... Before all those emotions appear.... Not just smoking ...addictions in general...
    5 points
  14. I think the most important factor will be in changing the perception of smoking as an attribute of coolness. Most of the kids want to be seen as cool and edgy, and cigarettes are a symbol of it, in the movies, tv shows, everywhere. Will this charm be taken away, that’ll be half of success. In this aspect it’s about emotions, not knowledge. I knew smoking was unhealthy and kept on smoking anyway.
    5 points
  15. Congratulations @Rosewothorne for being smoke free for 3 months! This is a big one Rose, 1/4 mark, 25% of the way to your first year of freedom. You have come so far through the worse the nicodemon has to throw at you. You have faced down work and life dramas and you are starting to have whole days where you don't even think about smokes at all, how strong are you! So, as we all give you a cheer along and congratulate you for your wonderful work make sure you take some time today to reward yourself with something special to celebrate all your hard work and how far you have come.
    4 points
  16. NOPE - I don't smoke anymore.
    4 points
  17. Gday NOPE starts my day C
    4 points
  18. There is an area below your profile name where you can create your Mantra in text and see it every time you look at one of your posts. It will be somewhere in the edit profile area I expect - can't remember at the moment but let us know if you need help. Some one will know how to create that. Also, go to the SOS page and post up a "Pre-Respond to Your Own SOS" message. This is something you can go to immediately if you are feeling weak. Reading a message from yourself may be more meaningful than anything someone else can say in the heat of the moment. Go have a look. You'll see many of us have posted up something meaningful to us
    4 points
  19. Welcome to Quit Train Sneaky You have come to the right place for not only support from others who totally get what you are going through but also a ton of educational information about this nicotine addiction that we all share. And, at the end of the day, educating yourself about how nicotine addiction works is key to quitting long term! I too quit spur of the moment too a little over a year ago. I can tell you that what has got me through to this point was my own unwavering personal commitment, support from other smokers who were in the same boat that I was and learning all I could about how this addiction tries to keep you in it's clutches no matter what. I can also tell you there's nothing better than the feeling you have once you have done all this hard work and you realize .... you've turned the corner on this deadly addiction Nothing better!
    4 points
  20. Welcome sneakyturtle. Like you this isn't my first try at quitting and like you this quit was unplanned. So I finally have my top 6 newbie tips... been thinking about them... 1. NOPE (or NOPT) - Make yourself accountable by popping into the NOPE thread and each morning and making your committment to NOPE/NOPT for the next 24 hours... that's it just 24 hours, you can do that... then get up in the morning and Groundhog Day that NOPE... the days add up quicker than you think. 2. One Day At A Time - Only worry about the now, not tomorrow or next week of next month... focus all your energy on getting through one day at a time... promise yourself that for the next 24 hours you will not smoke and do everything within your power to make sure that promise stays true. Make the promise to your self each day. Say to yourself, today I will not smoke. 3. Learn - learn everything you can about nicotine and nicotine addiction. Knowing what is causing and driving the craves is what will get you through because that old saying "knowledge is power" really is true. 4. Talk it out - ask questions, rate, rave, rail against the craziness and share it.... chances are someone (or lots of someones) has been there, has felt that, and has come out the other side and because we have we will help you do it too. If its looking dicey, use the SOS threads... lots of us do, have and will again and are still Quit today because we did. The support is amazing. 5 Pre-respond to your own SOS - and when you feel like its too hard, read your SOS response... the other advantage is we can ready it and know how best to help you... it shows the stile of help you like to see... or it gives us an insight into what will motivate you. 6. Be kind to yourself - this is a hard thing, and you need rewards along the way because you are doing a good job. Rewards don't need to be big. But take care of yourself, drink plenty of water, keep your blood sugar up, and tell yourself you are worth keeping healthy, you are worth the effort. You can do this, stay strong and determined. Hope to see you around the boards.
    4 points
  21. Hi SneakyTurtle! Good for you...quitting is the best gift you will ever give yourself! As for a mantra.....one day at a time and NOPE work for many of us here....?
    4 points
  22. Hi sneakyturtle & welcome! We have a mantra here- N.O.P.E. or N.O.P.T: Not One Puff Ever or Not One Puff Today. There is a NOPE thread that will help with the accountability you mentioned. I started with NOPT- wake up, tell yourself you will not smoke today. Keep your promise. Go to bed that night with a prideful smile knowing you remained smokefree another day! Take it one day at a time. Days become weeks. Weeks become months. Months to years...
    4 points
  23. Welcome sneakyturtle and congratulations on taking back your life I too just decided to quit one day. I also had been thinking about it and knowing I needed to for a couple of months and now I'm on two years quit. If I can do it anyone can You have taken great steps already. I truly believe that without the help and support of my fellow board members I would not have been as successful. Being a part of a community like this really helped keep my mind off my misery. Whether I was posting, supporting, celebrating milestones or socializing. I hope you find that too
    4 points
  24. You'll get very good advice from the members here, first step is the longest to your quit. Along the way if things go wrong, don't go with them
    4 points
  25. Well done slippy, six months is a biggie, half a year. Its a downhill jog to the lido deck now, just keep going. Ive prepared you an afternoon tea befitting of a posh kent boy so kick back and enjoy.
    4 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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