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Good Morning fellow NOPErs and welcome to another week of NOPE. As it is the 2nd Monday in July it is International Town Criers Day. Back in the day when people didn't read, and they didn't have phones, tv, twitter and the like the Town Criers were the twitter of the day. So without further ado, That's a NOPE from him and a NOPE from me... Topic of the day: When the Switcheroo comes it will be .... CHOCOLATE6 points
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Greetings fellow NOPErs. Hope you are all enjoying your Sundays. So after checking the three calenders todays festivities will again be from the American Calendar of Days... today, July 8 is Math 2.0 Day, celebrating the correlation between maths, technology and our everyday lives... so lets take this day to look at our Quit Math... since I quit on 28 November 2017: It has been 7 months, 9 days & 11 hours since I took a puff and smoked - Quit Maths, yep = NOPE I have saved $5,321.02 (Australia, the most expensive country in the world to smoke, with taxes of 160% with half yearly increases) - Quit Maths, yep = NOPE I have not smoked, 5,987 ciggies - Quit Maths, yep = NOPE Because smoking will kill you and just doesn't add up I say NOPE ... cos the math tells the tale. Topic of the Day: Sundee Slang Spectacular.6 points
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The winners of the France vs Belgium semi final will probably progress to the final as favourites. England play Croatia in the other semi final. @Wee fluffy me is learning Croatian as we speak.4 points
Great work Z! Glad you are still nurturing your quit and I agree 100%. Get done with it asap so you can start enjoying all the benefits of being a nonsmoker. In my mind, going to vape is just trading one vice for another no matter which one in safer or worse than the other. You are still feeding your addiction.4 points
I pretty much agree replacing cigarettes with vaping is a non-solution. It frustrated me to no end to be lectured by my vaping friends about how "easy" it was for them to quit cigarettes or drastically cut down. I'm sure it was easier for them, but to me it defeats the entire purpose so I didn't even try it that way. Over a month in and I'm now very glad I don't have to deal with yet another quit. As for the "leafy green" I'm not against it but don't partake except on rare occasions, and I actually prefer edibles anyway. I gave up booze soo it's kind of the least addictive vice I'd even consider these days if I was going to have one lol4 points
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Sal, Justin, and Adam on the Mind Pump podcast were just talking about this the other day. I don't know that school yearbooks are obsolete, but they are being phased out. Makes sense when you think about it. With the proliferation of cell phones and social networks, these kids have no shortage of opportunities to look at pictures of their friends. Buying a book filled with picture pages at the end of the school year seems a bit of a waste to this generation. As for the styles of the day, big hair was still in style when I was in school. Some of the girls had their hair stacked so high, the photos couldn't contain it all. The haze of Aqua Net in the air in A-Hall between classes was like a dense fog.3 points
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^^^ This is a big part of it too Doreen. The motions of smoking. They say it takes 3 days to flush nicotine from your body so why is it that they recommend you stick around a support group like this for longer than that? It's the psychological part of it that takes the biggest effort for the longest time to overcome. Breaking mental triggers that might be different season to season, adjusting to better use of your time because you are not puffing away on something. This is the biggest challenge to most smokers I believe3 points
I can only speak for myself... Vaping was not for me...it still hand to mouth puffing on something.. I needed to change my habit completely...I do believe i would have just gone back to smoking...if I vaped... I have no experience with weed....never used it...my ciggy habit was enough for me...I didn't need to look else where... Took my first puff at 11 yrs...by the time I was 12 ..I was a addict for sure...3 points
Good for you dd, you should join in the exercise thread. Im just heading out picking everyone up for Sunday dinner.3 points
Are you asking if the number of smokers will decrease? Current smokers who will now be underage when the law changes isn't going to stop them. I would think that the already high prices plus the continual price increases will definitely cause the number of smokers to decrease, because it will become unsustainable for the average income person to smoke.3 points
CONGRATULATIONS on your 5 years Nancy!! I want to thank you for all the time you put in and all the many people you inspired on the QSMB. Although they aren't able to congratulate you and thank you for the major influence you had on their quits, I am sure they will never forget and will miss you very much.3 points
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Sorry to interrupt the beginning of your lovely festivities Jo but I need to know how long I have before the next Lido Deck Party? Things were ship shape for Nancy's festivities yesterday but then last night one of my spotters reported a rather unfortunate and messy Taco Tuesday incident over in the men's shower room on Lido Deck. I'm looking for clean-up volunteers but so far ...... no takers ? Worst case , I may have to address this one myself. Now, where did I leave that Hasmat suit?3 points
Thanks to all....it is hard to believe it has been 5 years. After smoking for 40 years, I did not know if it was even possible for me to quit. The thing that got me through is pledging Not One Puff Ever, day after day. Once I made that pledge first thing each morning, I knew I would not go back on my word and smoke that day. And the days turned into months and years! If I can do it, anyone can!!!3 points
Congrats, Nancy... I know my time here has been better because you were here too.. you are a major inspiration to many folks quitting. i think my five is looming on the horizon..., but damn...that went quick? CONGRATS2 points
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Im surprised you're able to keep your sheet in the freezer all day with your OCD @notsmokinjo, I don't think I could leave my bed unmade that long?2 points
Having a legal age to smoke never stopped anyone before. They could raise it to age 50 and it would matter not. Now I do not know about AUS but here in the USA, as smoking laws get more strict, they are loosening up on drinking and marijuana laws. Even though I do not smoke anymore, it still sucks to see they keep restricting tobacco. Two reasons - 1) People will just find something else unhealthy to do. 2) It demonstrates how easily rights can be taken away and instead of people fighting it, they applaud it. They forget their rights could be next. But of course, they are doing these smoking bans to help peoples' health. meanwhile loosening 420 and booze restrictions. Well cause neither one of those are harmful.2 points
Oh did I mention there is a huge first year celebration on 1 August?? It's likely to be huge, you will need lots of rum... and maybe some purple lighting wouldn't go astray for the 1st of August... some unicorn balloons... but we are getting ahead of ourselves... I put the word out and some of my mob said they'd be happy to chip, in with clean up duties, speshly if you can offer them sunshine... its a bad winter here in Aus, We've never seen the snow so heavy...2 points
OMG - that's an insane volume of clean up work to do in such a short time frame! Clearly I need to bring in more workers!2 points
This thread is feckin hilerious !!!...spit my coffee out ....again !!!!2 points
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Huge congratulations Nancy on five years quit! And thank you for all that you did for qsmb and telling us all about this place, our new home2 points
Nancy, huge congratulations on 5 years smoke free! And a huge thank you, you have been present ever since the start of my quit and are still looking after people all these years down the line.2 points
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