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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/18 in all areas
Good Morning NOPErs. ITS FRIDAY ... that has to be worth a yay. Well I've checked the calendars, and its another quiet day in Aus, the UN offers International Day of Co-operatives which are a great tool out of poverty for underprivileged communities and more often to not aid women and the environment but hands down, without a doubt the US is today's winner, winner chicken dinner quite literally as they celebrate Fried Chicken Day... now I have an issue with this because I don't eat meat on Fridays but even if you are super health let it be the one day a year you endulge... as as me kid always says "Why can't it be like Simpsons, why can't we order extra skin?" NOPE .... not today, not tomorrow, not ever, forever ! Topic of the day: Patriotic Movies or Songs.... yep still, waiting on a letter.8 points
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In fact that's how vaping was promoted: as the healthy alternative, and it's now backfiring. The amounts of addicted kids are enormous, vaping is less regulated where shall it be allowed and it's completely out of control. It's such a recent thing that there isn't that much scientific data what the consequences are, but come on, artificial cheescake flavor must contain at least half of the Mendeleyev table.6 points
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I agree, i had used Blue and tried to vape. I was still feeding myself nicotine. Real harsh on the throat, i looked at it like a band aide for my addiction. Just another way to deliver it to my body5 points
Yeah i see people vaping all the time. Its crazy. I think its kinda dumb but as long as it helps you to eventually quit tobacco alltogether, then i think its fine. Just dont be lying to yourself.5 points
Watching Macy's 4th of July Super Duper Fireworks celebrations for the 2nd time in a row (it's on a loop; clearly) and I'm not sure why because I'm in Canada and we just don't do HUGE productions like this. I find it fascinating to hear the patriotic songs that have been around for decades while the sky is lit up incredibly All we do here on Canada Day is walk around saying ..... "Oh, Sorry!" "Pardon me mam - excuse me!" Oops, pardon me sir!" ?5 points
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Congratulations @Octain for being 6 months smoke free. Well done on making this big milestone. 6 months is huge, it means you have made 50% of the journey through the first 12 months. Half a year gone and you are traveling so well towards that lido deck. Keep up all your efforts and make sure you reward yourself well for this quitaversary because you deserve it.4 points
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The only thing I will add to the vaping discussion is this one question: do you trust big tobacco? Big tobacco is seeing the numbers of cigarette smokers in developed countries bottoming out. They've responded by diversifying their offerings. Big tobacco is in the process of acquiring any smaller companies that produced vape pens and e-cigs. The "safer alternative" is being brought to you by the same merchants of death that brought you the cigarette. One didn't need a crystal ball or clairvoyance to see it coming...bogus "scientific" research, claims that could never possibly be verified, deceptive business practices, etc., etc...all part and parcel in the emerging vape industry. New day, same old bullshit.4 points
Im not fussed about vapers, its their quit. There are some people who would bash folk for using for example patches or gum. I used patches and lozenges and i wouldnt be here without them. So i just think do whatever you goto do to not smoke. Thats the only thing we all have in common here, not smoking fags.4 points
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I was listening to Talk radio on my way home from work this evening and the topic of vaping came up. Mind you, neither of the two people who moderate the show vape but they were talking about the horrendous clouds of vapor or whatever and how that would affect people around them if they were allowed to vape in restaurants etc. Apparently there's a pretty large group trying to push this through legislation where people can vape anywhere they want ? based on the fact they say it' is a legitimate quit smoking therapy. Long story short, I couldn't believe the number of people who called in adamant that it was a legit way to get off cigs. I near drove off the road because that has not been my experience. I counted at least 4 or 5 people who swore they quit smoking cigs by vaping for about 6-12 months then off vape too. I still am not convinced. Smoking is smoking no matter what you are putting in your lungs. And, the issue I have in particular with vaping is the whole motions thing is exactly the same as smoking. Learning what to do with your brain and your hands when you quit is one of the longest reprogramming issues. If you are vaping to fill those voids then you are not progressing, plain and simple! The show ended when someone called in saying they had been diagnosed with "popcorn lungs" after vaping for some years; what ever that is. In any case, this is not intended to suggest to Newbies that this is an acceptable method of quitting. I tried it for awhile well before I ever thought seriously about quitting everything and I found it too harsh on my throat - not sure why but I gave it up pretty quickly. Plain fact is this stuff hasn't been around long enough for conclusive studies to show valid evidence either way on vaping. I I still maintain that you either quit putting shite in your lungs, no matter what the content, or you don't. I know not every one will agree because there's lots that like to indulge in the leafy weed. Well, we all make choices and live with the results of those choices and I will never judge others for the choices they make because I'm happy to live in one of many free countries where we have the power of choice as individuals! My recommendation is to just NOPE! Each and ever day. I've got quite a few days in and it's great3 points
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I made three attempts to quit smoking by switching over to vaping. I initially thought it was great because it calmed my cravings (I know that is BS now) and I didn't smell like cigarettes. I eventually felt like I was vaping more than I was smoking (taking in more nicotine probably) and started feeling really sick, worse than when I smoked. Each attempt lasted about two weeks before I went back to smoking regular cigarettes. Based strictly on personal experience, I would not recommend switching to vaping as a way to quit smoking. Great point. I know several people from my high school and college days (roughly 40 years or slightly older now) who never would have light up a cigarette back in the day who are regular vapers now. Doesn't sound much different than smoking to me.3 points
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Vaping --- No I do not agree with it. Vaping is just as, if not more, addictive than cigs. I have had several "smoking friends" who went to vaping and cannot give up the nicotine habit (they are still at after 3 years). Also those who do vape usually take in more nicotine on a daily basis. Yes there are those that have had quit cigarettes by vaping but it is not the panacea that it is made out to be. Also many young people are going straight into vaping never having smoked cigarettes and some of those it has led to actually smoking cigarettes. I agree with the pig lover --- if your going to quit go all in!!!!!!3 points
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Nice one Octain!! 6 Months now; 1/2 way to that Lido Deck and probably feeling a lot better about things that that first month or so. This one's a BIG one so go celebrate your achievement! Weather's fine so why not take a spin on your bike3 points
OK... here is a recent article about "popcorn lung" or bronchiolitis obliterans which is irreversible lung disease similar to COPD. They call it popcorn lung because it was first linked in bulk to factory workers at popcorn factories inhaling the fumes from the buttered mix for the popcorn. This same chemical is in many favoured e-cigs and vape mixes. http://www.lung.org/about-us/blog/2016/07/popcorn-lung-risk-ecigs.html So the science is sketchy on the link between if it does or it doesn't and because of that both sides of the debate can manipulate it to either say yes or no... the most conclusive study is one from Harvard from 2015 that indicates that it is probable that there is a link between the flavoured e-cigs and popcorn lung but it needs broader and more intensive investigation. The vapour side of the argument claim there is more chance of getting popcorn lung from smoking normal ciggies.... because in general they have higher levels of the chemical in question. That said, with all the other chemicals in a normal ciggie you will get one of the many other diseases before you will get popcorn lung, and even if you do it will be masked by another more pervasive disease. The simple facts, from what I can gather, are that if an e-cig is going to have a negative health impact (besides the nicotine addiction) it is likely to be popcorn lung because that is the most harmful chemical in them. I am weary of anything 'new' because when its new its always so 'safe'.3 points
Huge congratulations! Six months is such a symbolic milestone! You're doing great3 points
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@jillar and @reciprocity, take a flight out and you're both invited to enjoy.2 points
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And I forgot to mention earlier, the "Leafy Green" becomes legal all across Canada October 17, 2018. Each Province will regulate it's sale and distribution, personal growing restrictions and the like. The cops haven't a clue about how impairment while driving will work or what method they will use for detection. Almost guaranteed the whole thing will be one big cluster fu*k. Geez, talk about creating a whole new revenue stream for all levels of government? That's tough to do these days. I guess our Prime Minister, Mr. Photo-Op has to do something to raise revenue, now that Trump is kicking his a*s on the trade front ? Oops ... did I just get off on a political tangent - sorry!2 points
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I am okay with any ‘step down’ method when it comes to quitting, as long as it is that, a step down method not a replacement. That is where vapers get it confused. I think that they feel because it isn’t ‘cigarettes’ then they have quit, nah, you replaced one addiction with another. Members (not so much here but other places) will argue that CT is the right way and the only way and that is not true. What works for some doesn’t for others. On the ‘leafy greens’... I am on the fence with that because it isn’t the same as smoking a cigarette in the sense of you don’t do it every hour, 30 mins, 15 mins, etc... it’s more of an occasional thing, unless you are a blazing pothead.. in that case then it is a different discussion. That being said if the opportunity arises for me to ‘partake’ I will not unless it is in the form of an edible because I fear that the act of smoking it will be a huge trigger for me. When my friends know that I will be around they will have something for me to eat, because they love me, otherwise I don’t do it.2 points
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Thank you! Recently I haven't been active, relocation activities are taking time, but the quit is strong and intact. I can't believe it's been eight months! Thank you for being here and I promise to come back to pay the support and help forward!2 points
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I was on vacation last week still walked even ran one day, my diet was crap but back on track this week....only gained 6 lbs but have already taken 3 of those off so all is good. Walked today, ran yesterday....what is everyone else doing? Attaching an pic from my 25th wedding anniversary pic which includes a then and now....it was an awesome time. Lisa2 points
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