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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/18 in all areas

  1. It's Friday and I've made it to double figures...? So... it's a NOPE NOPE And..... Who wants a hug then...
    10 points
  2. Going on a much needed break ...I'll be gone for a week.. The flag is the clue to my destination....have fun in my absence... See ya all soon Xxxx
    9 points
  3. It's a NOPE whatever way you look at it.
    9 points
  4. I am 4 months quit today...yayyyyyyy ? NOPE...
    9 points
  5. Nope! And yay, Friday hugs just as I Nope. Morning Fluffy ? Seems I keep editing this post. Double figures for Fluffy as well, today is a good day!
    8 points
  6. G'day NOPE for today C
    8 points
  7. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I'm doing well and I'm so happy that you all are too! I was just marking up my desktop calendar for June and I'm excited that I'll be hitting 3 months and 100 days quit this month! I started running again in May and my lungs are so happy that they can breathe lots of air during! I've lost a few pounds and I'm actually on a path of dietary discovery...I have chronic inflammation so carbs and sugar are on the way out..... Also YAY SUMMER!
    7 points
  8. Nope nope NOPE!!!
    7 points
  9. Now you are making me do something I never do which is post in the following day's nope thread. But this is a big deal, I'm so very happy for you, you've caught up with me now (at least for a week). Huge congratulations!
    7 points
  10. 7 points
  11. I am a traveller from the future.... down here in Aus we get to do everything first. Oh and happy 2 year, 2 month anniversary for 1st June. ?
    7 points
  12. Im on the 31th but i am noping right away! NOPE!
    7 points
  13. Welcome to the 6th month of the year and its POETS day... the start of the southern winter and the northy summer... In the USA it is national camping month.... in Aus it is bowel cancer awareness month... so we should all spend a night in a tent and make sure we eat our fruit, vegies and roughage. As for special days... I think we should all join Charleston, South Carolina and celebrate "Say Something Nice Day" ... I mean every day should be say something nice but try to say something nice to a stranger today, it might be the only nice words they have had all week. So.... to start my day I say: NOPE ... cos nothing controls my life but me. Topic of the day: (its a re-visit) Heros, whatever shape or form you define them.....
    6 points
  14. What anyone chooses is Completely Separate From Your Quit. As our friend, Cristóbal, points out so clearly, You------->Your Quit------->Your Life I know it is difficult to disentangle emotions, particularly in a young quit but, you must, It will make it easier on you. While I didn't have a smoking partner, I have plenty reckless friends and get a thrill by silently thinking about my high ground. I know that I am not a slave to my addiction and have stars in my crown (because I put them there ! ) Let them do what they will. I can only be a shining example (and more if I keep my ego about this in check, LOL) Be honest with your partner. Kindly tell the truth, all of it, without demands or expectations. Then, let it go and get back to loving them up. This will all get easier, Ren. Protect your quit and go have some fun.
    6 points
  15. My 2 cents - I don't think I would have made it through the first month without this forum. Now coming here makes me think about smoking (maybe more than I would have otherwise that day) but I'm not thinking about how I WANT one. I'm thinking about how addicted I used to be and how happy I am that it's at least easier than it was to resist a craving. Also, I was extremely excited to get my one and two month marks acknowledged here!!! Like I posted elsewhere, when people in my face-to-face life don't care that I've quit anymore, this place gives me the validation and encouragement I very much need to stay quit!! I can imagine it would get depressing if you're the one tracking everyone's quit...but it really made a difference to me xoxoxo
    6 points
  16. Nope. Smoking is not an option.
    6 points
  17. Congratulations @catlover on being 4 months smoke free and a third of the way to the Lido Deck. Your quit is looking pretty healthy from here and you are doing an awesome job of protecting and growing it. Weather its you special NOPEs each day or your playing of the games (seriously girl you can rhyme) or contributions here are really appreciated. It is so wonderful to be able to share your quit with you so here's a not only a woohoo but a thank you. Now.. surely I thought its not 4 months already... but I had it checked and verified and who am I to argue with a knight of the realm.... it is definately officia, but just to be sure Sir Paul offered to count it off: It just makes you wanna dance:
    5 points
  18. Congratulations @Wee fluffy me me on your super awesome quit that is now officially double figures. You have such a strong quit going and that Lido Deck must almost be visible from your 10 month thrown. Not only have you protected and grown your own quit but you have been out and about on the boards filling them with laughter and support as you have helped everyone else with their journeys too. So for all the laughs, and the games, and making those american sticks in the numbers game have a chat and a laugh here is a super huge and special WOOHOO to our fluffy, purple unicorn riding princess. Make sure you spoil yourself today and do something special to celebrate this huge achievement.
    5 points
  19. Ren... You have had great advice..I carnt add much more... Keep your side of the street clean...in other words...you cannot tell another person what they can do... All you can do is guard your precious quit with your life...and hopefully your partner ..when they are ready will join you... Deep down ..even if they dont admit it.they would love to be in your shoes....
    5 points
  20. I would just set a good example by staying quit and perhaps casually mention, from time to time, how much better you feel about yourself since you quit and how much easier it is to resist the urge to smoke now that you have been quit for some time. Be subtle about it but plant the thought. I wouldn't say anything at the time they are going out for a smoke or after they return. That never works and just causes friction.
    5 points
  21. Ren, in all honesty there is little you can do. You can't make other's choices for them. I'd be honest in a non judgemental way, by telling her it bothers you if it does whilst still respecting her right to make her own choices. Don't get angry or irritated about it. Don't forget it is you that has made the change for the better. Be very proud of that fact!
    5 points
  22. 5 points
  23. Good morning ? nope! @catlover congrats ! Awesome job ?
    5 points
  24. ^^^I often think of the friends we've lost along the way and hope that they find their way back to us and that also reminds me of how thankful I am to have all the lovely people here to travel this road with ??xx
    5 points
  25. So I haven't smoked in 2.5 months. Last night my partner and I were at a friends' house having a few drinks, and one person there is a smoker. She's getting ready to go out to the deck, and my partner turns to me and asks ME if I would mind if she had a cigarette. I said, you do what you want, you know it's bad for you. So at first she didn't go out, but the next thing I knew, she wasn't there and she had slipped outside. Smoking when she's drinking is pretty regular for her...not a lot, but that's how I started smoking and I just wish she wouldn't at all. I don't feel like I can lecture her about it because I did the same thing. It's like America telling China it can't use coal. I already did that and it was bad, don't do it! And she's like, it's just a little bit of poison, you're doing mostly alright now, I can do it just for a while, why don't I get to have all the fun that YOU had? When we first got together, I was a casual smoker and she never smoked. I was the one sneaking outside and getting reprimanded. Now it's the other way around and I don't know what to do. ?
    4 points
  26. Have a Happy Weekend ? NOPE...
    4 points
  27. 4 points
  28. Congrats Wee 10 month is Brilliant PS hope this attachment helps you on chicks n sticks.
    4 points
  29. 4 points
  30. Awww haha Thanks Everyone, Jo I do struggle sometimes to rhyme with some of Sslip, s words but it's a great challenge and the games help me soooo much, si Thankyou to you all that keep them going. sooooo chuffed to be 4 months quit today, it really feels close to half a year now, and I know from past that the second half go,s even quicker i,m so lucky and happy to have such great guys on this journey with me. (Group Hugs) onwards to the next stop along the track..... Woo woooo........
    4 points
  31. W045 - what you say is true in some cases. I know that for a fact as people have come back and just announced that they can not continue to be forum members because it just reminds them of the fact that they are addicts and they want to disassociate themselves from everything that is smoking. Hey; we are all different with individual motivators so it's all good providing we all stay quit!
    4 points
  32. I didn't join a forum (or lurk) until I was almost a year quit. Before quitting I was researching methods on quitting and no doubt this forum came up #1 or #2 in most searches, but I saw the word forum and passed on by as I was looking for scientific studies on Chantix, NRT, and the like. I know now that all that information could be found on these forums, plus the wisdom and experiences of people who have actually used them. This information would have been extremely helpful in preparing for my quit, but I don't think I could've joined in the daily discussions early on. If I was constantly reading about, talking about, and thinking about quiting smoking, it would make me want to smoke. Best to put it out of sight, out of mind as much as possible. So when someone disappears, I want to believe they just can't deal with the constant reminder, even if it is positive reinforcement of their quit.
    4 points
  33. I never used weight gain as an excuse to not quit smoking. I figured I would gain around 10lbs. Ha! Hahahahahahahaha!!! More like 30lbs. It is unbelievable! Things started hurting~ like my ankles and knees. My clothes no longer fit. Knowing this~ would I still quit? You bet!! I’m fat not stupid. About 2 months ago I started taking a water aerobics class 3 times a week. Each class is about an hour. I figure, do something easy on my joints until some weight comes off - then back to walking or hiking! Oh how I miss hiking! No weight has really come off from that but I do notice my arms and legs are more toned. This week I decided to really modify my diet. Quit sugar. Dang this is tough. Safe to say my body is going through withdrawal. My coffee tastes gross without some sugar in it. Stevia- yuck! For now, it is better than black coffee. I keep thinking about my Quit. This final quit I did it cold turkey. It sucked in the beginning but I made it through. I stayed busy, I read & posted at another forum quite often. Apparently, I ate a ton. For newbies, lurkers - continue with your most precious quit. It is #1 priority. Protect it at all cost. If that means eating a bag of potato chips and drinking a Coke- ok! Once you are comfortable in your quit, address the weight gain, if any. i was comfortable in my quit around the 1 year mark. I continued to overeat. Not to combat a craving or trigger. I just ate. Maybe to fill a void? To bring me pleasure during a sad/stressful part of life. Who knows... This week I changed my eating completely. It is another way to take control and live the healthier life I desire. I may jiggle when I wiggle but I don’t smoke. Hallelujah!!!
    4 points
  34. I used to get bummed too when members would suddenly relapse or just disappear. The hardest for me was the relapses because the SOS system had worked so good for me a couple different times. But as with anything you see enough times, you get used to the fact that some will fall through the cracks and succumb to this addiction. Hopefully when they're ready they'll be back....
    4 points
  35. Wow!!!...Look at you ...your flying to that Lido... Thanks for the fun times...the support....you give us all here... Well done Fluffy x
    3 points
  36. Catlover I am so happy to welcome you to the 4 month quit club! You bring such a lot of fun to the board, I love having you on this journey. High five four (that's confusing), in any case put it there my friend Take a moment to reflect, have an awesome day and treat yourself, you deserve it. Time to stick the kettle on, fancy a cuppa?
    3 points
  37. Fluffy, what a very special day! 10 months quit and you're doing great. Thank you for everything you do here and for being a great friend to so many of us. I'd heard tale of a purple Unicorn around these parts and so camped out all night just to get you the photo. And to think I ever doubted they are real!
    3 points
  38. Woohoo Catlover... wot a frickin ripper-roonie quit ya got on the go there. Luv ya work in The Nope each day... thanks for bringing the colour and the humour. So until I catch in the games... please accept these congratulations and put ya finger where it tells ya... you'll like it ?
    3 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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