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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/18 in all areas

  1. ^^ @catlover oh that's how I feel about smokes ... I see nusink, I hear nusink.... what a stubborn puss, love it. Well nought big on the agenda today, just missing my baby... hope she hasn't fallen out of the canoe... ALTHOUGH it is seniors fitness day... so get out ya zimmer frames and take a lap of the block..... NOPE ... cos I'm not a senior ....yet... Topic of the Day: Grown Up Drinks
    10 points
  2. G'day All NOPE is a good way to start a day C
    9 points
  3. NOPE im not smoking today or ever.
    9 points
  4. Good morning, Good way to start the day and to end the day. NOPE!
    8 points
  5. 8 points
  6. Nope. Smoking is not an option.
    7 points
  7. Hi jillar. It’s been some time since my last post. I’ll reach 5 months in a couple of days. I’m doing well - but still have those occasional moments. Didn’t think it was possible in those early days to feel this sense of freedom, the support here and from qsmb has been a life saver. ?
    7 points
  8. I pop in here from time to time. For those that remember me, still fighting the fight .
    6 points
  9. Checkin' in, it's been 3 mths now since quitting. Started exercising and eating better pretty much as soon as I quit. So far I've lost almost 10lbs. Starting this Friday June 1st I'm riding my bike to fight kids cancer. I've committed to ride at least 200kms in the month of June, which is going to be a piece of cake riding to work everyday (26km round trip). On a side note I am looking for sponsors, lol! So all in all, I'm feeling great, and there is no stopping me now!
    6 points
  10. Well, tomorrow is the big day. I really appreciate all the support and advice. Once again, I don't feel "alone" in this battle. And it is very helpful to me to know that most of you understand the emotional battle this is for me. This addiction is undescribable to someone who hasn't been there. While I am over the physical and many of the habbits, there is another emotional aspect for me. Thanks everyone.
    6 points
  11. Doing good. Sorry I haven’t been around much, but want you all to know my quit, and you folks mean a lot to me. Keep The Quit peace R
    6 points
  12. G'day NOPE for today C
    5 points
  13. So this ad was a aimed at repeat quiters... it caused a bit of a fuss down under when it came out because the 'wowzers' thought it was telling people it was ok if they kept smoking or tossed their quit... i think its more about encouraging people who have tried before to get back on the train and quit again. Not everyone can quit on the first go, some of us need a few fvck ups first... so while we want everyone to quit and stay quit... if for whatever reason that hasn't happened... we don't want you to ever stop quitting... get back on that quit, the sooner the better... So tough love works for some (the little boy lost ad, go see the no tobacco day thread) but sometimes you really do catch more flies with honey than vinegar... so to our ex-quiters who are still around or lurking today is world no tobacco day... wouldn't it be awesome to quit today... and then every year the whole world would celebrate your quit with you
    5 points
  14. Sometimes I feel like a newbie quitter I think it's good to remind yourself why you really want to remain quit always
    5 points
  15. Yep.. bloody drives me crazy.. I tell you what the best cure is.. Today whilst your on the plane you need to get up tuck your skirt into your knickers or roll up your trouser legs and do the tip toe dance up and down the aisle .. you must remember the tune..Da da da da da dadadadadada...? I promise you if you do that on way there and way back you'll never have a problem again...? *disclaimer* I take no responsibility for any unintended consequences as these will be due to you not performing the dance properly and not my genius quack skills??
    5 points
  16. Checking in and doing well. Been very busy this long weekend so did not have much time to think about it.
    5 points
  17. Hi Jillar, don't know if i'm classed as a newbie...but nearly 5 months quit, still get strong cravings and triggers but definitely less frequently...very grateful to members for the support of this site
    5 points
  18. Hi @PearlJen and welcome...
    4 points
  19. @RoryPlog, it's good to see you I'm so happy to see you almost five months quit! Hope things are starting to get easier for you
    4 points
  20. Morning my very merry NOPErs... if you're only going to NOPE one day a year this is the one to do it on. If your lurking and thinking the time might be right to QUIT then today is definately the day to do it because today is World No Tobacco Day.... so for today I say.... NOPE cos nothing controls my life but me and certainly not a Stinky Weed or a Nicob1tch. Pop over to the WHO (world health organisations) NO TOBACCO DAY website for some interesting article...http://www.who.int/tobacco/wntd/en/ Topic of the Day: TBA in the northy morning
    3 points
  21. Especially notsmokingjo's t......t.......t...... timtams ? (I'm squashing it into one word cos it fits and i can...?)
    3 points
  22. Who,s heart would you break ,if you got emphysema....???? I'll give you a hint...everyone you love .....
    3 points
  23. So your near a pack of durries and your resolve is low and your linking about putting your hand in and getting one out???..... this is what I imagine lives in the pack...
    3 points
  24. Congrats 2018 quitters. You’re all awesome. ?
    3 points
  25. Congratulations, Jill! 2 years older :). Feels like just the other day you were a few months into your quit. Well done!
    3 points
  26. Oh, by the way .................... here's MY remote
    3 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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