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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/18 in all areas

  1. These days I often think I'm in control. In control of my quit. Not much else. I'm not often in situations where this belief is questioned. That is not to say they never are. Tonight I spent time with the smokers. An intimate gathering so my abstinence was obvious. It would've been so easy to take that one. Just the one, right? NOPE! I'm thankful the temptation is muted, not blaring nonstop in my brain. I am upset because I want this to be over. I don't wish to recognize this as a victory... as being strong. I want it to be a 100% non-issue. I don't smoke & that's that. No need to applaud my non-smoking evening. No need to be elated that after all this time- I KMQ after an evening with the smoking friends. I estimate I am 98% indifferent to smokers. I can hangout with friends that still smoke & not writhe in junky agony. That 2% might always try to seduce me. That 2% might never vanish. It might continue to fight me. Dammit, I will always win!!
    8 points
  2. ^^^ Welcome aboard the Quit Train Fizzie!!
    7 points
  3. Good morning. I pledge NOPE today.
    7 points
  4. Ooowww, here's my fabulous Saturday NOPE
    7 points
  5. 7 points
  6. 6 points
  7. For Sunday May 20th 2018, I pledge NOPE! So; just curious Jo. What do you consider cold?
    6 points
  8. Good morning my fellow NOPErs. Lovely to see you all ready for another day of NOPE. Today sees Australian begin Macular degeneration Awareness Week...so, especially for all our younguns 50years and over book an eye test and ask them to check ya macular at the same time. In the US its pick strawberries day... Not sure they'd be ready yet but OK. So this cold Sunday morning I say NOPE... Not today, not tomorrow, noet ever, forever.
    6 points
  9. Hanging out. Listening to waves crash and a storm rolling in off the Atlantic Ocean. I still don't know how to post personal photos, but here's a stock photo of where I'm at... Living on island time for now.
    6 points
  10. In keeping with tomorrow's special nuptials that Wee fluffy me will be watching with great interest; I'll pledge my Royal NOPE!
    6 points
  11. Today is the day I walk across the stage...I am done with school!!! I am graduating with my BSN!! It is party time.....???????????? Lisa
    5 points
  12. Early for the UK but a big NOPE from me.
    5 points
  13. I thought I would get there too when I first started out in this battle but, I think you are correct. 100% is not achievable because that Nicodemon got into our DNA when we first got hooked. I AM getting to be pretty OK with being at 95% or 98% or where ever I'm at though. It sure beats the hell out of the struggle early on and the benefits gained and enjoyed since quitting make it a big win for me. I'll never regret going through all the struggle that brought me to where I am today - never
    5 points
  14. Always interesting to see what we were thinking when we first joined up here. Your commitment was obvious from your very 1st post. I wanted to share that with you today in case you had forgotten. Interesting though that you said you might not come around too often? We're certainly glad you did and I bet you are too 3rd time's a charm By PeaceTrain, June 15, 2017 in Introductions & About Us PeaceTrain Quit Date: 5/20/17 Posted June 15, 2017 Hi all. I've been poking around here for a few days and seems like a friendly and helpful group. Long story short (and it's always a long story isn't it?) this is the 3rd time I've quit and this is it for me. I really am done with smoking this time. I've definitely had my tough moments, but for the most part I'm feeling like now that I've made up my mind that no way am I ever going back to killing.myself, it's much easier. In analyzing the toughest days/episodes so far, I realized later that there was a part of me (the addict) that was cooperating in making myself miserable. After all, if it gets THAT bad, I'll just have to go back to smoking, like I did in the past, right?!? Wrong! Not happening this time. One of the things that's been most helpful has been not thinking about it too much. When I realize I'm ruminating about smoking,mi force myself to focus on other things. For that reason, not sure how much I'll be on this forum- we'll see. Hope that's OK and you all understand it's no reflection on you- just doing what I need to do to keep my quit. Best wishes to all in your quit journey. Jump on the peace train!
    5 points
  15. Just steamed and cracked open my first Nova Scotia Lobster of the season ? Thank God for Atlantic Lobsters. Make those unending winters almost bearable ? And, I'm not talking Caribbean Lobster - those are tasteless and tough as the sole of your shoe! Next up - Lobster Roll, drizzled with melted, clarified butter - screw the diet. This is good enough to die for ?
    5 points
  16. 5 points
  17. 5 points
  18. Oooow, double fabulous Saturday NOPE from me too.. Has it started yet @reciprocity, seen you were all dolled up for it... Now I just need to avoid the telly, tranny and all social media, sugar don't know how to turn off my news stream... Aaaarrreggggghh
    5 points
  19. I quit almost 4 years ago & qsmb was a massive part of my quit .in the last couple of years I would occasionally go & read on there to keep my quit strong. ..until I discovered it was no more...... glad to see such a happy merging of the 2 sites!!! Hi to anyone who remembers me & every one whose never heard of me too!!!
    5 points
  20. Double Nope day, why not? Nope!!!
    5 points
  21. Thanks for sharing lust, I too am thankful the temptations have mellowed with time.
    5 points
  22. Congratulations @Kermit on being 4 months smoke free. You are officially 1/3rd of the way to the Lido Deck. Well done on all your work over the past 4 months. Those pennies you are saving should be saving up now so make sure you do something to spoil yourself because you deserve the reward. makes Kermit go
    4 points
  23. Dear fellow Nopers.... welcome officially to the weekend.... weekends are the best time to NOPE, well every day is the best time to NOPE. This weekend sees Melbourne celebrating the 6th Pint of Origin where micro brewers from not only Aus but also beyond congregate in the greatest city in the world ? to pit their beers against each other for Hops superiority.... its all rather hipster for me though.... then on a more serious note The US are giving us National Devils Food Cake day... and there is a hike/run walk in California for Suicide Prevention.... But my choice of the day is Turkey, where on 19th May they celebrate Youth & Sport Day.... which is a to actually celebrate the beginning of their path to independence and to commemorate Ataturk... who bought them democracy... as Westerners many of us do not know how great a man Ataturk was... the world would be a very different place if more leaders were like him. So... to a life where I am not a slave to anything I say.... NOPE ... Not Today, Not Tomorrow, Not Ever, FOREVER! Topic of the day: THE 70's ... 24 hour continuance due to a 'rain' delay ..... an a-z of all things 70's...
    4 points
  24. My mother is 98 years young now and she smoked like almost everyone else did back then. She quit probably 50 years ago and has had cancer twice and beat it both times She told me she still today has the occasional thought out of nowhere about smoking when something unusual happens. Like maybe a few times in the past 20 years. So what's the lesson here? Well, there's a few! 1. You will never have the mind of someone who never smoked so don't expect that. 2. Quit as soon as you can and never start up again because it's never too late to quit. 3. Get yourself checked out medically because, if there's something wrong going on and it's caught early - you can beat it!
    4 points
  25. 4 points
  26. Kiawah Island, South Carolina. It's nice over here. Quiet. Not overly developed. The thunderstorms are coming in shifts right now, but they tend to pass quickly. Regardless of what the weather does, we just brought in some groceries and are set up now. I'm not leaving this island for the next four-days.
    4 points
  27. You won the battle.... How many more battles you may have to fight ...I wish I could tell you... Coming up go 5 yrs...I still remember I was a smoker...not to have one....but remember I did smoke for decades... I don't think of them often... We are all addicts...as long as we keep our guard.....we will keep the monster sleeping !!!
    4 points
  28. Lust, This is a great post. I feel/felt exactly as you. Not smoking should become a 100% non-issue. I'm not sure but, by acquiring our nicotine addiction, I feel we may have crossed the rubicon on that one. In fact, this is the truth. Sure, craves fade into oblivion and temptations are empty and hollow, smoking does become a non-issue but, can we or should we ever be 100% clear ? Lately, approaching 6 years, I had my very tiny memory lapse, I forgot that I smoked. I had a nano second when smoking left my brain completely. I was euphoric. It also scared me a little because I need to remember I am an addict, this is essential to my survival as a free person. Even though I harbor a bit of resentment towards my addict self and the small variable percentage of addict consciousness I can appreciate that this is now in position to assure I never smoke again. I use the signposts. Thank you for writing this L. It is full of truth and conviction. Nice quit, by the way. s
    4 points
  29. @jillar one of the gym instructor ladies told me when her mother past away she was at the hossy with her two bros. One a smoker and one an ex smoker. And she said they were outside and she said to the smoker bro give us a fag (the bro did give her a fag!). And the ex smoker said why smoke? Dont chuck your quit now. And she didnt smoke and remained quit. It was obviously a very poignant moment in her quit as she has told me that story a few times. It probably does take an ex smoker to talk us out of smoking in that situation. Im glad your mum is ok and you are still quit ? you know the rules more than anybody, if you are thinking about smoking sos.
    4 points
  30. Why are all ladies on TV this morning wearing funny shit on the heads? Is this some kind of national hat day? They aren't even hats really ?
    4 points
  31. Thank you so much! Very excited about this wonderful accomplishment. You remember ing means the world to me! ??????
    4 points
  32. FVCK! @reciprocity ... I cleaned the office and got you a new bucket (well the wee's got you a whole shed of new buckets)... little spiders that I can pretend are not spiders are OK... that fricking think you just posted IS NOT OK.... off to get some clean reg grundies... and stop hyperventilating. and it moves ...
    4 points
  33. ^^^^ That looks like it raining Australian spiders ? You keep saying it's safe there but I know it's not. Horrible man-eating spiders everywhere ?
    4 points
  34. Now we have 2 for today -- Well I will just NOPE here also!!!!
    4 points
  35. After much reading and much advice, I understand there is a method or process to become free, to become whole, to heal from an addiction. While I no longer want to smoke and have made the commitment to myelf never to take another puff, I also want to heal in all areas. So from this moment on, I am taking full responsibility for any choice I make; I will lead a conscious and caring life. With each crave I overcome, I will regain inner power i have unconciously given away to my addiction. Yes, each time I grow stronger and it grows weaker. This will be one interesting journey and strangely enough, I am looking forward to it.
    3 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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