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NOPE. Marshalling every resource from the past and new ones, putting them all together for greatest impact, including an app I just downloaded yesterday from a government site. I set today as the quit date. Tomorrow, actually, but I just drowned the last of the pack of cigarettes I have, so I'm quitting a day early. Now carefully, minute by minute, and with frequent check ins with the app to record mood and feeling of the moment. I have a terrible, eerie feeling that if I don't make it stick this time, I may never be able to quit. "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago; the second best time is now." Chinese proverb. NOPE10 points
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By the color of his salt and pepper hair I would have guessed him to be in his mid 50’s I would not say he was overweight , but a few walks in the park would not be the worst way he could spend a little bit more of his time. The biggest impression he really made on me was how , unimpressionable he was . If ever there was a John Q. Citizen this would be him. Everything about this man was average, from his shoes on his feet to that look of bewilderment on his face. Normally I keep to myself, Im not one to go around offering free advice. But I must say, he looked so lost- not that I had any answers. But perhaps I had the right questions or at the very least I had time to listen. I placed the butt of my fishing pole on the walk and set the drag to loose. Then testing it with a tug , to make sure I would not loose my rig , if I were to get a bite. I walked down the bridge a few paces to where “john” sat on the rail. I was not even yet close enough to offer my hand and introduce my self , when that old familiar smell of stale smoke and tobacco hit me in the face like a brick.. “wow - this one is ripe” I thought to myself. “ hows it going” I asked as I stepped in closer. “fine” he answered in a nonchalant way That’s , good I said nodding my head in affirmation.. “ you ?” he asked. “I’d be better if they were biting”. “ I imagine so” he said as he jumped down from his perch “ you from the other side ? “ he asked. “sure am” I boasted with some pride “been over here for past two years now” I love it I added , I could never imagine it being any different. “ yeah” he said in a smug tone “ I hear life is perfect over there , it never rains And life is roses all the time” Hog wash on that I said. “ we all got ass crap days” no matter what side of the river you live on Really ? he questioned ,, “sure” I said. What about money he asked “ I hear tell everyone over there makes more money” “ Oh my goodness , who have you been talking too ?” “ no one in particular , A guy just hears things you-know” “ Well I can assure you non of us make more money then we did before crossing over. Now we just have better opportunity’s to save some of it, or spend it on things we once wernt able to, things that make us truly happy” “huh” he said looking over my shoulder off onto the other side; trying to get a peek as to what life might like be living on the other side “your scared of crossing?” I asked. He then turned his head back and looked down the river, then he looked left; back in the direction he came from, then he looked down to his feet and in a small voice “ yes” he sighed Slowly he lifted his head and said “ Im scared if I cross and don’t make I will have to go back home a failure” “ Im scared if I make it I could loose some of my friends, or even loose myself, and who I am” “Hmm , I see , these are great concerns” I said I understand your dilemma. For a few miniutes we both stood there in silence looking down the river. He nervously kept his hands in motion as if he washing them in some imaginary sink. After thinking a min or two I said to him “ you know, if you don’t cross over to the other side your guaranteed to fail yourself “ but more importantly. I added “there is a secret to making it on the other side that the ones who never cross over can ever learn” “really ?” he asked “what is the secret can you tell me?” I smiled and put my hand onto his shoulder , looking him in the eye and said “ No one that has ever truly wanted to make it on the other side has failed. Its only the ones who question there decision and wrestle with the though of going back “ that ever fail . You see I explained , “when you cross over you can not live on both sides of the river” Then off in the distant we both heard a great noise, the sound of fireworks and celebration, “whats that” he asked” “oh that.” I said is Just some one that crossed over some time ago , having an anniversary party. “wow” he said , “ that sounds nice, I think I would like that” “yes… yes, you would” I assured him. “ there is so much in this world , you have been deprived living back there in the darkness” He smiled and said to me “ I think I’ll try” I smiled back to him and said “ leave “try” here on the bridge , or throw it in the river. The the path to freedom can not be walked with hope , each step has to be planted with confidence , leaving no room for doubt”7 points
Nope from me on POETS day! @Kate18 good to see you here. Stay strong and post often. Use the Nope (your promise to you in front of all of us) daily to start your day. We're here to help.7 points
Dear fellow Nopers.... welcome officially to the weekend.... weekends are the best time to NOPE, well every day is the best time to NOPE. This weekend sees Melbourne celebrating the 6th Pint of Origin where micro brewers from not only Aus but also beyond congregate in the greatest city in the world ? to pit their beers against each other for Hops superiority.... its all rather hipster for me though.... then on a more serious note The US are giving us National Devils Food Cake day... and there is a hike/run walk in California for Suicide Prevention.... But my choice of the day is Turkey, where on 19th May they celebrate Youth & Sport Day.... which is a to actually celebrate the beginning of their path to independence and to commemorate Ataturk... who bought them democracy... as Westerners many of us do not know how great a man Ataturk was... the world would be a very different place if more leaders were like him. So... to a life where I am not a slave to anything I say.... NOPE ... Not Today, Not Tomorrow, Not Ever, FOREVER! Topic of the day: THE 70's ... 24 hour continuance due to a 'rain' delay ..... an a-z of all things 70's...6 points
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Well peeps it's Friday what does that mean....?? It's hugo'clock all day So roll up toll up.... And here's my huggable (((NOPE)))6 points
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Morning to the NOPE train... well just a heads up you got grumpy Jo today... I'm thinking its the COS detox but had a sum total of 1 hour sleep last night and 4 hours of roof starring... anything is likely to come from my fingers today so hold on to your hats peeps and sozzies in advance..... Now there is nothing spesh about today that's worth mentioning but I feel like there is and I am forgetting it so there ya go... Due to multiple announcements yesterday and the rainbow effect I forgot to do my Fursdee Fun Fact so this week it'll be a Fridee Fun Fact.... and for this fact I will impart some knowledge about the 2 territory hospitals... See Canberra (our capital city and territory, not its not a town in NSW) gets real cold and even has snow... so when they went to build a hossy (hospital) they decided to save money and used the plans for the hospital in Calvary, Canada with its lovely snow caps for the winter... well after Cyclone Tracey whiped Darwin (the capital of the northern territory... very tropical, very hot... all the time... they have 2 seasons wet and dry..) of the face of the earth they decided to save money and just use the plans from the Canberra hospital.... complete with snow caps.... first wet season the rain flooded in every window so they had to drill holes in all the snow caps... aren't we a clever lot. OK... so cos I know you should have snow caps on windows in a tropical location to the Aussie Engineers ... i say: NOPE ... Cos I'm not stupid enough to do that! Topic of the Day: The 70's6 points
Respect to jwg....but I disagree with some of this post. Quitting was HARD for me. Despite knowing all the slogans It's only as hard as you make it out to be It's temporary...you'll get over it in a few minutes You need to focus on the positive and not dwell on the negative Etc, etc. My gut was in a knot for the first several months. My brain was unable to focus. It really was the hardest thing I've ever done (and I've been through some pretty serious sh/t). But regardless of that, when things got really tough, I was able to keep going on sheer determination. I want any newbie who's feeling distress to know that not everyone can dismiss the discomfort simply by thinking it's not hard or adopting a new mindset. You can do it in spite of it being hard. So, whether it's hard or easy, the bottom line is it's doable. Just because something is difficult doesn't mean you shouldn't do it or it's not worth fighting for. Eventually the hardships diminish. One day the thought of "Quitting was hard" will be replaced with "Quitting was smart".5 points
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Hello darling smoke free creatures, Let me share some good news. While I've been busy around here, reading deep down in the archives, writing some and trying to stay current with you bevy of beauties, smoking- nicotine-addiction and other keywords are not far from my fingertips and float about in my head, what can I do, where might I be helpful etc. but, hey y'all ! Yesterday I had a profound moment, I didn't remember. For a nano second, I lost the memory that I ever smoked. This was highly significant. I had to shake my head and remind myself, 'yes you friggin' knucklehead, you used to smoke'. I never thought that this would leave my consciousness. Older quits have mentioned this, but I didn't believe them. Now I know. Mind you, it was only a momentary memory lapse but, it was my first and v. cool. In light of this glimpse to even greater freedom, I wanted to share this with y'all and throw some hope around. Living without nicotine makes life better in many unexpected ways. I know that my quit of 5+ years seems like an unfathomable amount of time to younger quitters but, don't lose sight of the prize, the years fly by, and you reap endless rewards. Protect your quits, be kind to yourselves, S Sally Mae Art Writings5 points
Woke up annoyingly cheerful ? it’s friday , payday and we own a small rundown lake cottage that we are headed to for the wknd ?have a great wknd y’all ?we have no internet at the lake so won’t be signing in but will not be smoking ? NOPE ?5 points
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JWG. I never knew him but reading his posts on QSMB touched me I felt like I knew him . He described his illness and the cancer that killed him. Its a shame he was lost to smoking and his posts were lost to new quitters with the demise of QSMB.5 points
Welcome Back Kate18... great to see you in noping too. Sending strength and resistance vibes out into the universe for you.5 points
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A lazy Texas river spanning form Kerr county Texas to the San Antonio bay on the Gulf of Mexico. If you ever need to find a place to relax enjoy the sunshine while refreshing from the hot Texas sun, nothing beats a lazy day tubing down the slow winding of deep greens and blue. Some place your arm able to reach down and feel the stones polished by the millenniums. Hiding secrets of the Alamo and days gone by. A sacred place, where no worries in the world can follow, No troubles from work are allowed to enter, only you and your desire to be at peace can break the waters edge. In my resent ventures over this past summer I had the opportunity to experience the river , its majesty and glory , Not only was I with the river I was with the finest people in the world to share the experience. By day floating lazily carefree and by night telling stories lounging about the cabin or sitting under the stars on the porch, cooking out burgers some night or fajita’s.. I often think of that trip and the fun we all had, to go back in time , even in memory can be so nice . Some days we would float solo or holding hands keeping close together. other days we banded are pack together by twine and traveled the river as one , like a Robin Hood and his merry men , or maybe Tom Sawyer and some of his boy hood chums. One particular day we were going solo , but I lashed the tube with the cooler to my rig 6 hours or so , surly you need some sort of refreshment and maybe even pull up on to a clear shore line for a bite to eat.. And so we did. After lunch two of are young explores Decided to forgo the tubes, swim a bit and comb the bottom of the river for secret hidden treasures,, Lost sunglass or the mother load a Iphone or other such valuable loot. Now with no use for there tubes , the young explores piled them on top of the cooler . So there I was, in my tube tied to a stack of three tubes and a cooler. To which the wind had greater strength to control then the slow easiness of the river current. Some times I would find the wind speeding me along , while others the wind dragging me back and my group of merry band of men flowing down the river far in front of me. While still enjoying the river the ride and the scenery I really had no control of the speed of my travel , to which side of the river I would coast. Sometimes the wind would bring me in to the tree line . Catching me on limbs and others casting me out into the deeper waters. Basicly I was at the mercy of powers much greater then myself.. As history repeats itself ,, this is where I find myself once more, only today laying in my hospital bed. With each day that passes more tubes are added to my burden, and now with each tube the wind carries me faster down the river then we could have ever imagined. Just a few hundred yards back the option of chemo loomed in the air to slow the winds and the current giving me more time to enjoy the river, but now once more due to powers beyond my control I find myself helpless. My illness grows faster then can be controlled. I am at peace, I am comfortable. I am in my tube enjoying every last minute of my ride Down the Guadalupe I can not see the end to the river nor do I look forward to its end.. I have my friends , I have my family , I have you all , and I have the love of a beautiful women , my angel, my everything to comfort and care for me I love you all And will to my best keep you posted In the mean time Don’t put things in your mouth and light them on fire !!4 points
We often get craves. the longer since our last cancer stick though, the weaker the craves. Sometimes i think "Yeah i could just drive to the store 1/2 a mile away and buy a pack, it would not be a big deal." But then I think of the steps it would take to re-enter the smoking world. In no particular order - Going and buying them. Waste some more cash. Knowing I would just have to go through "quitting" again. Screw that. Probably getting sick. Smelling horrid. I like to look good and smelling like someone puked in an ashtray doesn't compliment my style well. But then there is the REAL fun part... People saying annoying crap like, "I thought you quit... You know that will kill you... Then another fun part - When trying to quit again, no one taking it seriously. Like "Oh yeah, she is "quitting" smoking again. Let's see how long this one lasts". Things like dropping a bad habit or getting married - you have exactly ONE opportunity to do it and people take you serious. After that it is like a broken record. I will admit here that i have "quit" many times in the past. Usually for a good four hours. But I never told anyone I was trying to quit until last October. So TLDR - I stay quit because i do not feel like hearing anyone be smart ass about it if I smoked again.4 points
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In keeping with tomorrow's special nuptials that Wee fluffy me will be watching with great interest; I'll pledge my Royal NOPE!4 points
I found it tough at times too - really tough like; I don't know if I can do this kind of tough but you're right. Grit your teeth and power though those times and they will diminish in time and become less frequent and you'll find yourself in such a much batter place Now go camping like you said! Which place are you camping at? Hilton, Best Western? Hampton Inn's not bad too ?4 points
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NOPE not today !!!... Welcome to the board Murbe....and a welcome back to Kate 18...x4 points
Ok here's my confession.. I can't have a ticker that tells me how much money I have saved because it makes me feel so guilty (I was raised on guilt) and ashamed that I have deprived my family of all that money for all those years, money that has been needed for so many things..!!??3 points
those were the words written across the back of the mans T-shirt "really" I though, what and odd thing to have printed on to a shirt but to each there own , I suppose I did my best just to blow it off and go about morning,reading the news paper while having a cup of coffee . I dont stop in the cafe every morning , but for all intensive purposes I am a "regular" as the term goes. I am quite sure I have never seen this man here before. I certainly have never seen such a shirt. Trying to forget about his shirt I could see just was not going to happen , in fact I was getting quite worked up over it . How dare someone wear such a shirt. Granted I am one of thous re formed smokers that the world hates so.. Well I dont go around telling everyone they should quit smoking , But to say " thank goodness for cigarettes" why thats just wrong. Kids could read that and really think there missing out on something ,,, uuugh ,, I was getting really upset. My eyes went up and down this man and I studied each inch of him . My first thought he must be some bum / wino that could not live with out his precious cigarettes , the vile things they are. But after closer examination the fellow was in pretty good shape appently he was no staranger to the gym. His arms and back I could see were very muscular, in fact I would not want to mess with this guy at all. But dont take this as he looked to be a hooligan or crook , In fact I could see althou in jeans and boots he was a very well kept and neat . Minus the bit of dirt I noticed up along his triceps and on to one shoulder. His hair short sliver balding hair was very neat and trimmed standing out against the dark tan of his scalp and neck. hmm.... he certainly was no bum "oh dam" I thought to myself. I just knew I was going to have to say something to this man. Normally I stay to myself . a real "live and let live" sort. But this for some reason I could not let go. As I walked over to the his table I thought off all the possible thing to say. Not wanting to start off on the wrong foot and start a scene. when I got up to the table I eased around a bit so to be in front of him and said " good-morning , I noticed your t -shirt . I just have to ask why thank goodness for cigarettes ?" To my relief the man gave me a broad smile and said , "I love cigarettes . they put food on my table , money in my pockets. I drive a nice car and have two daughters in collage''. Oh - I looked quiziclaky You must work for one of those large tobacco companies , that explains it . I said Lord No the man chuckled ,, " Im a grave digger"3 points
I am glued to my seat Doreen . I humbly bow to you all in appreciation for the invite, acceptance and support. And for the first time in my life, I am learning patience. This is something I have to go THROUGH. I may be sometimes be dense in this area, but eventually it gets through to me. And saz, I think I am beginning to understand what you talked about. There is an emotional side to it that I am dealing with now, that I did not expect at all. Very, very cathartic. And I am beginning to BELIEVE in the promise of a better life you all are so generous to share with me. I CHOOSE to trust you all, as I am now free to do so.3 points
lml..I wish I could transport you to a few months time..to show you how wonderful things will look so different..but ..sadly...I carnt.. I can only tell you..how wonderful being smoke free will feel... Stay sitting on the train....soon enough you will l feel it !! X3 points
I will try to get more over here from jwg. He touched so many of us with his writings.....3 points
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Murbe, welcome on board. Hope you're settling in well and getting comfortable. When you've relaxed and made yourself at home, pop across the intros section to say hi, there's a load of great folk here to help you. Catch you around.3 points
John was one of the most wonderful people ,I have encounted.... His writings were magical...and it was a great shock to those who knew him,when he wrote about his illness.... I'm sure he will stay in our hearts forever...and is sadly missed ...3 points
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