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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/18 in all areas
Good morning my fellow people of the NOPE. Hope this POETS day (Piss Off Early, Tomorrows Saturday) finds everyone, happy, well and strong. Down in the way south land of Aus it is National WOW Day, a day where we are supposed to wear orange to show our respect and appreciation of the SES (State Emergency Services). There are the chicks and blokes who are out in storms patching up ya roofs and the like and they are volunteers, they give up their time to sandbag, and clean up, and repair for us for nothing other than the want to give back... and they all wear bright orange overalls... so to our SES peeps and their equivalents around the world... THANKS! Now lets get this thing happening and start the last day of the worth week in the best way possible... all together now (in the key of C)... NOPE ... not one puff ever Topic of the Day: Disaster & Survival Movies.10 points
Started out as hypothetical....a few discussions...and the drive and determination of our Fearless Leader...my friend for life ?...Marylandquitter. March 30, 2014 the Quit Train was born! Since that time....this place has been magical and truly has been running on it's own ever since. Little to no moderation was ever really needed. Run by the dedicated members here...who are just paying it forward for the help they received in the fight for their lives. Great bonds are formed here. Long after they quit they keep coming back here...their "go to" place. Playing games and being silly and having fun. The beauty of that...is that they are here...round the clock...ready, willing, and able to get serious and help when the need arises. It's a beautiful thing! SO I would like to salute you all...and congratulate you on a job VERY well done.. As always....thank you MQ HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY QUIT TRAIN!!? Who wants cake?9 points
I didnt go to work today...stayed home so I could take care of myself.:) So i decided i would do some cleaning. And I am amazed at how much cleaning can get done so quicky without having to take a cig break after every task. I turned the music on and cleaned AND...had fun doing it!!! Another lie. NOPE AND BYE BYE NICOTINE!8 points
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Even absent for a while, so wanted to re-commit to at least getting on to pledge NOPE daily!8 points
8 points
Good morning my fellow travelers on the NOPE train. Here's hoping we are all hail and hearty. So what's happening around the world today... well its World Missing Orangutan Mother's Day... which scarred me for a bit cos I'm the mum of a ranga and if were going missing maybe I should be worried... but then I took a chill pill and realised they meant the real rangas and that decimation on their populations by the palm oil industry. So they we are all aware. ... so then I popped over to the American daily even calendar and it is gold.... because (and @Boo is gunna love this) it is their National Shrimp Day .... nope, not the day they celebrate short people but the day they celebrate the deliciousness that is the prawn! For those not enamoured with the yumminess of little shellfish please note it is also the American National Clean Up Your Room day... what a great lead in for Mother's day (for the non-Brits).... will be pretending it is so in Aus too and telling the little ranga this morning if the room isn't cleaned her ranga mum might go missing. Here's a fun fact.... no Aussie ever chucked a shrimp on the barbie, let alone another shrimp but we would have been known to chuck some prawns on the barbie.... Hoges just told ya that cos we didn't want yas to have to translate too many words. Your welcome. OK so on to the important thing... its time for the pledge: NOPE NOT TODAY, NOT TOMORROW, NOT EVER, FOREVER! Topic of the day: Sad Songs ....7 points
7 points
I'll be having a huge slice of this fabulous cake.. I'm the newest member to take the V I P seat...I thank MQ for trusting me with this honour XXX The Quit Train...I love this magical place... I have made the most wonderful friends here..,we care about each other ...friends that will stay in my heart forever...some have moved along...but they are still in my heart and thoughts... This place works !!!...why.... Because we can laugh at ourselves...joke amongst ourselves...come to the rescue when a member needs help...support each other ,love and care for each other. Anyone who finds them selves here...are the lucky ones...a place where... You can shout ,cry, get a hug. Get.support a 100 per cent.. Everyone's deserves a safe place...to not be judged ... Thank you MQ...for taking the time ,and the care to get the wheels turning on this Amazin Train...I owe my quit to this place...shall I never forget !!!! Hugs .xxxx7 points
^ Hello Hopey Wan Kanopey... hope all is well in your neck of the woods... woohoo on the 18mth anniversary just over a week ago, sorry I missed it.. ( @Hope2Nope ) Also forgot a Thursdee Fun Fact... cos I was too busy getting excited for Shrimp Day... so this one is for @Sslip: Thursdee Fun Fact: In the Grand Canyon there lives a horned lizard species who's natural form of defense against a preditor is to squirt blood from their eyes.... and here is the proof:7 points
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It's my great pleasure to welcome you to the Lido Deck Missdixie 1 full year smoke free today! What a proud moment it is for you. Please take your well earned place on a lounge here and soak up not only the sunshine but well wishes from your fellow quitters too. You have done this by noping 1 day at a time for the past 365 days! There's always a special bond between quitters taking on this challenge together and it;s been my pleasure to share the journey with you, Enjoy this day to the fullest ?6 points
I'm not sure how the animosity between boards started back then nor who said it wouldn't last. And I don't want to see it brought up now over four years later but I would like to thank you all for taking us in and welcoming us. We really do appreciate it. So thank you MQ and quit train, again, and happy belated birthday6 points
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Great to see ta Baz , hope ya just been a busy squirrel an not sick or anything.6 points
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Happy belated birthday, QuitTrain. And since cats seem to be a recurring theme at quit sites for some reason...5 points
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Well forget the cake, its not a party without Choccie Crackles, Honey Joys and Fairy Bread... but I bought some to share... So... thank you MQ and everyone at the QT for being my port in the storm... just like Dore I owe my quit to this place and some of the new mates I've made and/or claimed. Doesn't mean those from over there that migrated here too didn't play a part too... but having the QT to re-connect... we will never know where I would have been without it. You do realise I'm not a guest, I've taken up perminant residency in the baggage compartment and I'm claiming squatters rights. So thanks for my cyber, smoke free, safe happy place of a home where I can be me in all my wierd and crazy manifestations and drive you all insane with my drivel to my own content. Thank you.5 points
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QT happy birthday, without you and the members I am not sure where I would be, but I know I am in a better place now -- Thank you!!!!4 points
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Yes- Thanks for being here and always having room for new passengers! This Train provides much needed comfort for those embarking (and traveling on) their journey to freedom from smoking! Chugga-chugga-choo-choo!!!!4 points
Hoping I am not the only one to make an pure boob of myself tomorrow as I rock into work dressed as a bunny...??4 points
Did someone say cake? I'll have a slice to go with my cuppa. And a huge thanks from one of your newer guests.4 points
4 points
This is one of my FAVORITE reasons for quitting - getting back all of that extra time! Glad you are taking care of yourself!4 points
Gday You wear crocs! Did you know they are the most effective birth prevention device on the planet C4 points
Confession: The guys at work made me steel capped crocs so I can go in the warehouse at work and not breech OHS... so the live under my desk, I slip me thongs off and slip me crocs on and bob's ya uncle... off I go to the warehouse in me smashin Orange safty vest... and me fluro pink steel cap cros... totally rockin the high vis.4 points
Thank you-thank you-thank you! It feels AWESOME to have reached the Lido Deck!! However, I had a dream last night that I was smoking...WTF?? I was very relieved when I realized it was just a dream, but geeze, really? A year in and still the damn addiction crops up? I find it very annoying. Thankfully it was just a dream!! Now I am headed to my deck chair where I plan to order an umbrella drink by that very hot bartender4 points
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I love it. This morning I was also singing a song to nicotine: your not welcome anymore, you tried to make me cry but did I crumble, did i lay down and die. No not I. Yep...bye bye nicotine. I remember a breakup with a couple loves of life. At first, I thought about them all the time and cried. Now, I can't even remember ones name. Never give them a thought.4 points
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@Giveintowin we get an exemption because it is part of our national dress and if we don't wear the thongs then we might get deported and have to live somewhere other than the greatest place on earth. @Frezflops you can claim your australian citizanship via love of the greatest shoe on earth. @Sazerac and you are transcendentally linked to the earth mother and there for immune to the imaginings of man. Why is it so? Cos I am Jo, Queen of the Thongs.... and if you don't like it I'll get Pauly to come an Thong Ya.4 points
I love you ela. my mind is free from nicotine addiction. and as you very well know, freedom is delicious. You are so right on. Thank you.4 points
4 points
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