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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/18 in all areas
Such miserable weather in London, Nonetheless, my shinning for this quit comes from within, Here's a picture with so much soul for you guys. Have a wonderful Saturday9 points
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Morning my lovely fellow Nopers... How are you all travelling this fine Sunday morning. What a great day to be a Noper. NOPE.. not ever, not one, nope for me .... Topic of the Day: Its Sunday so we all know that its Sunday Slang Spectacular.... (would be nice to see something other that Pom, Scott, Aussie or Kiwi slang...)6 points
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Years and years ago before I had the kid I did calorie counting and it was fantastic until I became so obsessed with counting the calories that I spent hours a day doing spread sheets and graphs and took it to the worst extreme. But that's me, I tend to jump in with both feet and get obsessive about stupid shit especially if there are numbers involved (as we all saw last week)... but of all the weight loss methods I have tried and tested over the years calorie counting is the most successful and the easiest maintain. However if you have OCD tendencies then just tread carefully. So lets look at some things here... 1, you can't give up eating, you have to create new habits... 2. the more gradually you loose the weight the longer it will stay off (and this really is true).. so an average woman needs to eat about 2000 calories per day to maintain, and 1500 calories to lose one pound of weight per week. An average man needs 2500 calories to maintain, and 2000 to lose one pound of weight per week (As frickin usual the guys get the best of everything).. you shouldn't need to do more exercise than you do either. 3. When counting calories it includes everything that goes in your mouth, including drinks.... 4. When you feel hungry have a glass (250ml) of water (preferably cold) and wait 15mins, if your still hungry 15mins later then have something to eat, most of the time when we feel thirsty we are actually thirsty but as our bodies react to the hunger sensation quicker than the thirsty one our bodies will send the hungry message. .. 5. Try and drink 2 litres of water a day.... 6. Strawberries, walnuts and almonds are all great snacks AND they are appetite suppressants... 7. Celery and carrot sticks make good snacks... If you want there is a pretty intense kick start diet the CSIRO invented to give any weigh loss diet a boost at the start. (The CSIRO are the ones who invented myxo but don't you let that put you off).. If your interested I'll hunt it out and post it... Its for a week or 10 days from memory. I'm not going to wish you luck because you can do this, no probs... and you can still have the occasional KK...5 points
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So why not celebrate completing that first week (which probably seemed like a month?) Doing great with week 1 in the bag! Carry on4 points
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Ok. Im still laughing. This made me snort out my coffee. I love it. Between this post and your PM, I think you may very well have given me my power back. I need to anthropomorphize this addiction and get mad. Really, UGLY mad at that jerk, and I'm going to get quite petty about his mess too. It's insane now that I think about it, but I'm not the one who is struggling. I'm doing just fine, thank you very much. The addiction, though. HE is squirming.4 points
@Joe7 Thanks for the support @Jetblack thanks... although I think I liked the craves better than the naval gazing mind games I have atm. Why Thank you your Lord@Sslip N. Slide of Englandshire... you need a break after having to hjaul my arse over the five month line this month. There are a few people on here who made me get my sh1t together this month but you've been there more than most. So for all the free UK footy lessons (and lets face it i'd definately be in the remedial class) and getting me through the long arse nights... THANK YOU. @despair not me 2nd favourite british gent... thanks for always being able to answer my stupid questions.4 points
The nicodemon is hungry and getting impatient. Tell it to go back to it's dark corner of hell and starve some more. So, a wedding? it sounds like - Your feet will get nice shoes. Maybe a manicure, haircut and style? Nice dress too. Time to clean up But the nicodemon - He ain't gettin Jack squat. He is not important nor deserving of any treats. Slap his face next time he tries to demand that you smoke. Screw him.4 points
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Well, today where she is. Tomorrow where others are. Those Aussies, always gotta be first in Congrats my friend on reaching 5 wonderful months being free of that deadly smoking addiction. That's fabulous; couldn't be happier for ya!! Now, go celebrate, Maybe a night out dancing?3 points
Congrats Jo on 5 months , blimmin brilliant!! Thanks for all the fun posts too, they keep me smiling haha..3 points
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Morning to all the lovely Nopers (and even the not so lovely ones too)... Hope your all having a a great *insert appropriate time of day for your geographic location* and unless your team plays my team may thevir victory be sure. NOPE ... cos nothing controls my life but me. Have a ripper weekend. Topic of the Day = Tools3 points
I did some squats, crunches, arm exercises etc...and wait for it you know it's coming ........I ran 3.1 miles....tricked ya didn't I thought I was going to say walk huh nope I ran 3.1 miles wasn't a pretty run but it was a run...havent run in awhile....i am going to run a 4 mile race in August so wanted to see if I could get to 3.1 miles.... I did ??????? What Is everyone else doing today? Lisa3 points
Please see in bold..... I rest my case.... Except for I always thought this was just a wee laughing smiley banging on the floor, now I'm not sure he is banging on the floor or calling me a rude name..!!?? Entwickler... Porridge...3 points
(Hang on there missus. Where at any point in this topic does it say the answer you give has to be a single word. Title : Rhyming Words Game Introduction : Once you rhyme the word from the previous post, choose another word for the next person to rhyme. I haven't cheated, just interpreted stuff in my own unique way - like a certain someone with Quilver for which they got admiring nods). Bustliing Stickler3 points
In the gym car park thinking what i need to get at shops after, steak good idea jo ill grab steaks for dinner.3 points
Hahaha, almost forgot about this thread, Oh man. I WAS FUMING ON THAT DAY! But yeah, I got out of the situation as even without smoking they are not worth it to me, I can't have those kind of problems & stresses in my life, I ate that samwhich which ended up being more healthy and just dealt with it. Now I've decided to stop eating wings as well, I'm pretty much quitting anything that is giving me a bad experience and replacing them with a new and better one, Even work! Haha3 points
Jo, you're a loopy lunatic legend! So important to my quit and many others around here. Have a fantastic, glorious 5 month anniversary weekend, you have earned it and some!3 points
that's something that I believe most smokers lack in skill. For so many years we ran to our crutch....as soon as we felt uncomfortable in any way..anger, pain, lonliness, rejection, fear etc.all those unsettling emotions were quickly met with an escape...our good old trusty friend the cigarette. But little did we realize as smokers that those emotions would resolve themselves eventually without grabbing that smoke. The smoke didn't really fix the problem or make us feel better. The smoke just gave us time to sit with it. I think it's important to go out of your comfort zone every day, for many reasons. I look at it as practice. When you always stay in your comfort zone because it's safe and cozy it prevents you from taking chances that would enhance your life because you don't feel comfortable going in that place. Great things can come from stepping outside of your comfort zone and you may miss it because you want to run and hide from just being present with these emotions that won't kill you. They won't. Just like a craving won't kill you. Working with the public for many years and just being facinated by human behavior..I have noticed ..people have a natural tendency to have a low tolerance. Low tolerance for pain, low tolerance for temperature changes, low tolerance for people, low tolerance for events that occur in their lives that are less than desireable..AND..low tolerance for cravings. Only when we step out of this comfort zone regularly do we increase that tolerance. This is probably why people who have had a hard life end up with great coping skills verses someone who was privileged and spoiled all their life. When the shit hit's the fan....they are lost. Also people who stay far too long in relationships or a job than they should...simply because it's familiar, not because it's what's best for them. Go out of comfort zone every day...you will be surprised how great it feels...how accomplished you feel...how many wonderful surprises await you. You will soon find yourself looking for challenges because you will know from experience that good things come from doing so. If you still smoke..... Quitting smoking is a wonderful place to start going out of your comfort zone. Once you conquer that...amazing things start happening in your life. Do it now...don't wait. We are here to walk you through it every step of the way.3 points
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Love? No. I was young, drank WAY too much, but knew enough that I needed something in my gut if I wanted to continue. I’m primarily a “steak and potatoes” guy. All that rice and veggies aren’t my thing.3 points
@Martian5 thanks. Have plans all weekend with my family but hooking up with a friend this arvo for a belated ANZAC day drink, I'm even gunna hit the heavy stuff, fat coke. @Sazerac thanks for all you support and wonderful advice. Thanks also for hunting out all the old threads that are so helpful, its like you always know what i need to see before I even see it. Love the vintage Sesame St, I actually remember watching that as a kid. @beazel Thanks for the congrats and always being there for everyone. AND for always finding the best gifs. Love the the one you found for today.3 points
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