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Then Ren was led out into the bright sunny day to be tempted by the devil. And having not smoked a single cigarette for forty days and forty nights, she was having a good ol' Crave. And the one tempting, having come to her, said "You are so fun and fancy-free, you could smoke this cigarette in the sunshine, on the grass over there by the water!" But answering she said, “It has been written: cigarettes will, 100%, for sure kill you. Beauty, coolness, mood, social life - not one will be improved by smoking." Then the devil takes her to an outdoor music festival in the valley. "Look", he says, "look at all these young people dancing, wearing so little, doing whatever they want, enjoying their drinks and their drugs and their smokes. This place is a magical place where no one will care what you do...you could definitely have just one, or even a few this weekend, and it would absolutely be alright." Ren said to him, “Again it has been written: ‘Just one puff will enslave those addicted to nicotine forever.' " Again the devil takes her to a mountain exceedingly high and shows to her all the cool smokers of the world chilling outside and smoking in all their glory, young forever, beautiful, well-loved, confident, successful. And he says to her, “All these things I will give to you, if falling down, you will worship me. Here, let's enjoy the view...and split this smoke.” Then Ren says to him, “Get you away, Satan! For it has been written: ‘You shall value and protect the most gracious gift you will ever have received - the human body that is your singular and finite vessel into this world. Then the devil leaves her, and behold, all her Quittrain buddies were there to remind her of this whenever she needed it.14 points
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Morning to all the lovely Nopers (and even the not so lovely ones too)... Hope your all having a a great *insert appropriate time of day for your geographic location* and unless your team plays my team may thevir victory be sure. NOPE ... cos nothing controls my life but me. Have a ripper weekend. Topic of the Day = Tools8 points
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I love the way you're dealing with the craves Sunny, I mean you're dealing with them rather than any thoughts of giving in to them. Good work! Keep reminding yourself that it will get better and easier, later.7 points
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The good news is that I'm able to not think about smoking for longer than a few minutes. The quit is slowly getting easier and easier. The bad news is that every so often I'll get a craving that I swear is as powerful as if I were still physically addicted. Today, for instance, I went out on my lunch break to look for a pair of heels to wear to a wedding. No issues driving there. No issues walking around the shopping mall. No issues trying on multiple pairs of shoes in multiple shops. Honestly, smoking was just a passing thought when I would leave a shop, but I easily dismissed it and walked on to the next shop. But then, after not finding what I wanted and deciding to head back to the office, I walked outside and BAM! The craves hit me like a ton of bricks. I mean, no amount of deep breathing was gonna fix it. The only thing I could do was just suffer through it. Got in the car, turned the radio up REALLY LOUD, and screamed along to the words of the music trying to relieve the sense of pressure. Cravings are stressful, they really are. I'm still a non-smoker. Just not always real comfortable with it yet.6 points
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Good morning my fellow Nopers... and as we travel this day on the QT lets reflect on the fact that sometimes you catch the biggest fish with the smallest of bait... so on that note: NOPE, not today, not tomorrow, not ever, never again. Topic of the day: Disney Movies and their characters (don't have to be cartoons) (betcha 'someone' will post pics)6 points
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Yeah - that's how it goes unfortunately We ALL go through that or similar. It's a matter of knowing they will come at you and you need to just mentally say "F-YOU!!" and ride it out when that stuff overcomes you without warning. Good news is, those episodes happen less frequently and with less intensity because you have been successful fighting them off so often. Eventually they just give up and die out. It's like everything in this quitting game tho. It happens so gradually you don't really notice big changes. It just gets gradually better and better. I still have smoking thoughts occasionally but now they are very infrequent and with a mental head shake, they're gone - no biggie Maybe think about flip-flops for the wedding. I hear they're in these days5 points
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Rewards… hmm.. New hot water tank $1000. New gutter for the back of the house $350. Much-needed dental work $1200(just for starters) All this, just in the last month. There goes my 65 inch LCD LOL. It’s all good though. At least I’m not smoking.5 points
Wow guys, thanks for your kind words. Six months has been quite a climb, but I'm only half way up the mountain. I'm looking forward to doubling it.5 points
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Well done Farmgirl! 4 months smoke free is very respectable. Keep up the good work Don't forget to reward yourself!4 points
Wow! I'm in awe! 9 years smoke free is such an accomplishment. Congratulations Pattoola4 points
You are doing well Sunny, having 7 days is great. It will get better on the cravings, takes some time for your mind to forget all those bad habits -- but as the pig lover states it gets slowly better and better. You are aware to the cravings and you are now getting a handle on how to deal with them -- each day you will get stronger.4 points
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Welcome aboard Clarosa. Self doubt is to be expected when making a major change in your life and the prospect of trying to maintain a positive attitude at all times is an exercise in futility. If the doubt creeps in, it creeps in. If you're not in a positive mindset, so be it. Just commit to not smoking. That is all you have to do to be successful with this process. There you go. Onward and upward.4 points
My reward for my first month quit was a pizza party for my family. We all love pizza and they had put up so much with my smoking over the years. With the reason for the pizza everybody, especially the grandchildren, had a great time, followed up with a family movie without me having to step outside several times during the showing. Cannot tell you how happy that made me.4 points
Well not a ridgy didge newbie now... my first month anniversay was lost in the horror that was my christmas from hell. I hadn't even realised until Jillar noticed and gave me a not. Since month 2, I buy myself a new t shirt each monthly anniversary with variations of NOPE on the front, so far I have one in a baseball style, one in Morse code, one in binary and not sure the next one will be yet but I better make a decision soon... I have also bought a laptop and paid for the kids camp.4 points
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Thanks guys today so far has been good and yesterday not nearly as bad as the 3rd and 4th day.You guys have been a god send.Funny that I was reading one of Joels article about becoming to reliant on one thing for help. The article was about internet sites for support he asked what happens if the site goes down or you lose internet.Guess what happened yesterday I lost internet service most of the day so bye bye support group made it ok though.I am thinking about stopping Chantix dreams are just two vivid,plus if I can make it through days like 3 and 4 as intense as those cravings were I am thinking maybe I can make it without Chantix. .3 points
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